
【Spring Green Longyuan Cloud Feast】Qin Cavity Modern Drama "Liver and Gallbladder Qilian"

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Reporting unit Zhangye Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism

【Spring Green Longyuan Cloud Feast】Qin Cavity Modern Drama "Liver and Gallbladder Qilian"

"Liver and Gallbladder Qilian" is based on the life deeds of the patriotic democrat Gao Jincheng martyr. In August 1937, mr. Gao Jincheng, a patriotic democrat, was entrusted by the Communist Party to go to Zhangye under the cover of reopening the Gospel Hall Hospital as the president of the Gansu, Liang, and Su prefectures to rescue and treat the scattered Red Army. In February 1938, Mr. Gao Jincheng was brutally killed by the warlord Han Qigong, and he used his precious life to play a magnificent song of democrats and communists working together in the history of Zhangye Red.

【Spring Green Longyuan Cloud Feast】Qin Cavity Modern Drama "Liver and Gallbladder Qilian"

The script was selected into the 2017 annual opera script incubation plan of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and was listed by the Zhangye Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government in the "Ten Ones" project of Zhangye City to implement high-quality literary and artistic creation. Since it was put on the stage in 2019, after three years of polishing and rehearsal, it has performed more than 20 times, and won the first place in the "Hongmei Repertory Award" of the 6th Gansu Drama Red Plum Award Competition on May 15.

【Spring Green Longyuan Cloud Feast】Qin Cavity Modern Drama "Liver and Gallbladder Qilian"

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