
【Serial】Long-form reportage "Body" (VIII)

【Serial】Long-form reportage "Body" (VIII)
【Serial】Long-form reportage "Body" (VIII)
【Serial】Long-form reportage "Body" (VIII)
【Serial】Long-form reportage "Body" (VIII)

Chapter IV

Tug-of-War with Fate (Part 1)


After 600 years, the people of Lintan did not even know what the tug-of-war was all about. Is it the same as the Tuntian soldiers 600 years ago, in order to "teach the war" to exercise the morale and physique of the soldiers? Or is it to regain a year or a lifetime of good luck through that "fierce battle"? Or is it to remember those distant ancestors and time? The tug-of-war in Lintan is not called tug-of-war, and the name that has been handed down has always been called "pulling rope". Min Qi, vice chairman of the Lintan County Federation of Literature and Literature, is a writer who is the focus and support of the Chinese Writers Association, and he not only has a strong interest and love for literature, but also has systematic attention and research on local culture. He is not only a participant in the Lintan Rope Pulling Competition, but also a recorder of this cultural heritage, and he once wrote an article called "Taozhou Ten Thousand People Pulling Rope and Making a Lantern Festival" to describe the annual rope-pulling competition. Now, instead of writing or reading his own old works, he told them himself, and together with Ding Zhisheng, who was "reappointed" from the county's Wenguang New Bureau to Sanjie Township, he recounted and talked about the history, changes, experiences and feelings of the Lintan Rope Pulling Competition, which was a live reproduction of the mood and emotion poured into it.

The earliest rope-pulling race began more than 600 years ago during the Ming Hongwu period.

In the tenth year of Hongwu, the rebellion of the Eighteen Tribes of Xifan, in the eleventh year of Hongwu (1378) in the eighth month of the lunar calendar, the imperial court enfeoffed Mu Ying as the general of the Western Expedition, and fought with Lan Yu and other commanders to fight in Taozhou, which is today's Lintan County, and captured the leader of the Eighteen Tribes of Xifan, Ah Chang. Later, he built a castle on Donglong Mountain, captured the chief's three deputy envoys, etc., pacified the seven stations of Duoganna'er, and expanded the local circle. In the twelfth year of Hongwu, he set up Taozhou Wei and built the old city of Taozhou. During their stay in the Old City, they used "tug-of-war" (tug-of-war) as a military game to enhance the physical fitness of the generals, and probably had another purpose - to stimulate the morale and morale of the warriors to rush forward and bravely kill the enemy. Later, in order to consolidate and enrich the border defense, the Ming Dynasty implemented the Tuntian Shu border system, "from the conscripts, the generals of the troops, that is, the heavy land." Therefore, stay in the woods. As a result, a large number of Jianghuai soldiers brought their families and families and settled down on the spot, and as soon as they turned around, they became the people of Taozhou who lived forever, and the custom of pulling ropes was changed from the military to the civilian. The "Taozhou Hall Chronicle" also records: "The old city people had a tug-of-war play, using a long rope to connect dozens of small ropes, thousands of people holding two ends, and dividing friends and friends involved." Its purpose is to win or lose the situation, and to account for the abundance of years. The connotation of the hook has also changed.

Tug-of-war, in the early days, was called hooking, pulling hook, later called pulling rope, and in recent years also known as tug-of-war. In fact, the tug-of-war, a military activist who aims to teach warfare, does not originate 600 years ago, but can be traced back to a much older era. Tang Yushi Zhongfeng Yan wrote in the "Record of Sealing Smells and Seeings": "Tug-of-war, the ancient name of the hook, Xianghan customs, often based on the first moon and the sun." According to legend, Chu thought that He would fight wu as a teaching. ...... In ancient times, the rope was used, and the present people used cannabis, which was forty or fifty meters long, and the two ends were divided into hundreds of small ropes, hanging in front, divided into two friends, and two phases were pulled together. When the great banner is bounded by the neutral banner, the drums and noises are made, so that they can pull each other, and the one who wins is the one who wins, and the one who loses is called tug-of-war. "No one ever thought that this flower of culture, which once bloomed and withered in the Central Plains, found the soil for growth and continuation in Taozhou, thousands of miles away. After the inheritance of the times, not only the flowers are still gorgeous, but also cultivated into positive results that can be recorded in the annals of history. In 2001, "10,000 people pulling ropes" was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. In 2008, Lintan County was awarded the honorary title of "National Tug-of-War Town" by the State General Administration of Sports and the China Tug-of-War Association. In 2020, the event was officially inscribed on the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

With the passage of time and the passage of time, many cultural heritages around the world have lost their vitality and can only be preserved in legends, texts or historical images like a cultural specimen or mummy. However, lintan's rope-pulling race is alive, not only alive, but also has a different appearance and spiritual orientation with the change of the times. This requires witnesses such as Min Qicai and Ding Zhisheng to recall and describe it close to the soul and vividly.

The rope-pulling race in Lintan has always been like an old tree that has never been dormant and withered, and its attractive flowers bloom once a year as scheduled, until 1958, when the "great steel smelting" and "broken four old" years were forced to stop. The "old tree" was cut off from the waist for about 20 years, with no flowers, no fruits, no germination. Ding Zhisheng was born in the late 1960s, and even earlier regional and cultural memories are passed down by word of mouth from his fathers. He was able to witness this legendary event in person since 1979. That year, the rope-pulling race, which had been suspended from 1958 to 1978, was finally revived in nostalgia and anticipation. In Ding Zhisheng's memory, the scale of the tug-of-war of 10,000 people in the past was far less than now, and the number of people directly involved was not necessarily as many as 10,000. At that time, the rope-pulling race was held every year on the fifth and sixth days of the first month of the first month, on the river beach outside the west gate of the county town.

When the opening day arrived, thousands of people gathered on the river beach outside the west gate, and the black pressed crowd discharged for miles along the slope of the river beach. The atmosphere at the scene was extremely hot, with people boiling and gongs and drums. In the empty field in the middle of the crowd, two thick hemp ropes tens of meters long were spread on the ground. At the end of the hemp rope, two thin strands of hemp rope are separated and continue to spread out to the distance, these two thin hemp ropes are called "double flying swallows", and their main function is not only to look good or sound good, but to make room for more people to participate in it. Before the founding of New China, the 10,000-person rope-pulling contest was organized by the Lintan County Chamber of Commerce, and all the residents of the county town had to pay money and goods, the rich paid money, and the poor crossed hemp or rope to make large ropes. The rope is divided into two sections, and the docking point of the two pieces of hemp rope is directly opposite the west city gate, one to the south and one to the north, and the two ropes are tied with a large iron hook at the head. The competition is divided according to the residential teams in the north of the city, bounded by the west city gate, the residents of the south of the city call the lower street team (including all the villages and pastoral areas in the south of the city), and the residents of the north of the city call the upper street team (including all the villages and pastoral areas in the north of the city), and the dozens of plagiarists elected by the masses do "join hands" and are responsible for connecting the ropes. The previous operation was simple, the iron hook of the two rope heads was paired, and the game began. In the later evolution, the connection of the rope head changed, the iron hook was replaced by a wooden pin, and the name of the rope pulling race changed from a hook race to a tug-of-war race.

After the resumption of activities in 1979, the location, time, scale, and organization of the competition have changed greatly. In order to increase the participation of the masses and set off the atmosphere of the Lantern Festival, the organizers moved the time of this activity to the Lantern Festival, and changed from the original two days to three days, which were held on the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth evenings of the first month, with three rounds per night and three nights and nine rounds. The organizers are no longer chambers of commerce, but are organized by the government of Chengguan Town, Lintan County, assisted by the City God Temple, the heads of various mosques, and the village committees. In order to prevent breaking, the previous hemp rope was replaced with a wire rope, which was 14 cm in diameter, 1808 meters long, and weighed about 10.05 tons; the location was also moved from the river beach in the west of the city to the central cross street of Chengguan Town; the contestants were not limited to the city, the county, and the ethnic groups were not limited, and the residents of Gannan, including Zhuoni City, Cooperation County, etc., could come to participate. In recent years, the Lantern Festival rope-pulling activity in Lintan has been large in scale, spectacular in scenes, and numerous in number, which has shown an unprecedented grand situation. In 2007, the event reached a historical peak, and as many as 150,000 people from all over the world came to Visit and participate in the competition.

Due to the large number of participants and the viewer, the competition is limited to the length of the rope, and the number of participants is not limited. Some people have made a rough count of the number of people at both ends of the tug-of-war, basically the same, because those involved in pulling ropes need to pull a little distance between people, and people who are too dense can not exert and exert force. This is really a time-consuming and labor-intensive activity that tests people's will and perseverance. A game sometimes takes two or three hours, and although the weather in the first month is still cold, the people involved in the tug-of-war are all sweaty winter coats.

The rope-pulling competition in Lintan looks like a folk sports event or folk activity, but in fact, it has become a cultural ritual with a little prophetic meaning. In the nine matches of the three-day period, the wins and losses of each match hint at the fortunes and harvests of the two sides of the year, so each game really touches the hearts of thousands of people, because no one does not care about their luck, no one does not care about the year's abundance. Of course, the final win or loss may not be able to correspond to the strength of the fortunes of the people in the north and south, but the mood and belief of the winning half of the city people in a year have more powerful support; the lost half of the city people laugh and only regard the game as an interesting game. Even if someone is upset because of defeat, they will pin their hopes on the coming year. Lintan people never seem to lack will and endurance. They believe that as long as the time is in hand, it is hope in hand, there is a chance to turn defeat into victory, and the time comes to run, just like this year-on-year tug-of-war event, there is always a year, there is always a time, victory is their own.


Since 1998, the Chinese Writers Association has been providing cultural support to Lintan County until today.

If you connect this long 23 years into a virtual rope, then this tight rope must be connected to another powerful force at the other end. What is it? Because this end of the rope has been clearly shown to be "cultural enrichment, literary support, and wisdom support", then the other end of the rope must be the opposite of these intentions. This is a cultural tug-of-war that must be riveted and sullen.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Zhixiang had been hanging in The Tan for a year and six months, and the two-year term of office was gradually approaching, and he suddenly had some complicated feelings. Previously, he had carried out more than a month of investigation and research around Gannan's "environmental revolution" in all counties and cities across the state, hoping to use the last period of time in Gannan to add a little strength to this matter that will have a major impact on Lintan, Gannan and even on the future development mode of the whole country. His initial intention was to write a valuable literary work, but the interview had just ended, and the large amount of information piled up had not yet had time to digest and straighten out, and it would take some time to slowly conceive of where to start, how to set the tone, and the overall structure. In addition, the many complicated affairs in front of him also made him unable to spare time and energy for a while.

At the beginning of the new day, he could only put down his plans and turn his attention to his daily work. The first thing he remembered was to take time to prepare speech materials for a meeting in the state. This empirical material on cultural poverty alleviation requires him to carefully sort out the previous work, systematically summarize it, and also need to make a clear direction for the next step of work. He turned over the information at hand for a while, and even produced some unprecedented feelings, and some discoveries that he had never had before--if the 23 years of cultural poverty alleviation work of the China Writers Association were compared to a tug-of-war, the initial starting point had moved a long distance in the direction of his own strength. Judging only intuitively, it is entirely fair to say that he and his colleagues have won the game. The form in front of him clearly told him that in the past 23 years, the Qingshui Yamen of the China Writers Association has directly invested more than 10 million yuan in help and support funds in Lintan County; organized 5 batches of Chinese writers to collect wind groups; established 20 Yucai Libraries; donated nearly 100,000 books of various kinds; trained 16 local writers in Lintan County; published 15 books on Lintan Literature; trained 423 grass-roots cadres in Lintan County's propaganda, culture, science and technology, and rural talents; and helped Lintan County successfully build Chigou Village into a " National Tourism Well-off Village" "Chinese Rural Tourism Model Village". What makes him a little more "complacent" is that all the results have been accumulated over the years, but he was fortunate to catch up with a golden autumn, and through his efforts during his tenure, Lintan County finally achieved the title of "Hometown of Literature"; "Tug of War" was finally included in the "List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage".

For more than a year, he came to the plateau from a low altitude area and never adapted to the hypoxic environment of the plateau. In the summer, the air oxygen content is better, and after the oxygen content of the air in the winter is reduced, his body is basically in a "half-gas" state. However, due to the fact that many things are chasing after him every day, he can only forget the discomfort of his body, and he competes with his own breath and rushes to complete the things that should be done one by one. Every day he was in the office was busy. Things like preparing speech materials for meetings are private matters for him. He needs to deal with the people who come to him and the things that need to be coordinated with the leaders and departments, as well as the things inside and outside his office, in order to find time to do things that need to be done by himself. Material, a large probability is to return to the accommodation after work to stay up late to write.

He glanced at the notepad on his desk, which already listed nine things to deal with today. In the more than a year of working in Laitan, he basically did not have time to keep a good diary, and if he wanted to remember, he would directly write some very important time and feelings into a short article for publication. Now, according to the situation of the day, the people who need to be seen the next day and the things that need to be dealt with are listed on the notepad one by one, which replaces the diary that needs to be recorded in detail in the past.

The first group he made an appointment today was 10 minutes after work to start talking to the two authors about their recent creations. The staff of a writers' association discovers, nurtures and promotes local authors or their duty, both professionally and personally. When he first came to report, he set a basic tone for his work - as a cultural poverty alleviation cadre who was suspended from his post, he did not need to fully participate in local work, nor did he need to confirm his status and identity. Colleagues like myself are all deputy division-level posts, and when they go to Lintan to serve as the first secretary of the village, they feel a little uncomfortable as deputy county chiefs. The staff of a writer or a writer's institution must first have low-level feelings and the concept of the masses. When we reach the local grassroots level, we must first lean down and learn from the local cadres and masses. Only by going to the grassroots level, to the countryside and pastoral areas, to the countryside that is usually difficult to reach, can we truly understand and integrate into the local culture. Only when we truly understand and understand, we know where to start, how to sort out and excavate the excellent local culture, and we know what content needs to be discarded. After his position was inflated, he was also afraid that he would not be able to bend that waist anywhere, and gradually forgot his original intention and true colors.

Yesterday, he carefully read the recent works of several people and felt that some adjustments still needed to be made in literary creation techniques and thematic orientation. Of course, what he was talking about was not to interfere with their creations, and he never spoke in the same language as teachers or leaders when dealing with these authors, but often called some of the older writers teachers. He wants to discuss with them from the perspective of a reader or editor whether there is a possibility of improvement in the work or creation. The appointment has passed 20 minutes, but the person to be met has not yet arrived. This made him feel uncomfortable in his heart, not because the other party broke his feelings, but this common procrastination and slow pace has formed an inertia, which will also hurt the overall work and regional style. If this aspect of the problem also belongs to the category of cultural work that should be covered and improved, this will be his greatest regret, because in just two years, he knows that he cannot change these things by personal strength.

Originally, he had agreed to talk to them for an hour, but it seemed that the time needed to be compressed into half an hour, because he was about to catch up with the next two things, one was to visit a 78-year-old mr. Ding at the Chengguan Temple. The old man is a persistent discoverer of local culture. Over the years, he insisted on using his spare time to engage in cultural research and dissemination at his own expense, and did a lot of research and material collection and collation work, taking An Shikui, one of the "Eighteen Dragon Gods of Taozhou", as the research object, and compiling the research results into a booklet, which was distributed free of charge to tourists who came to visit the City God Temple. The reason why the old man was so interested in An Shikui was because he found that in the "Eighteen Dragon Gods", An Shikui was not a high-ranking dragon god, but he had always been deeply worshipped by the local Hui, Tibetan, and Han people. The reason is that An Shikui did a lot of singing and weeping things for the national unity and development of the local economy, especially in the area of national unity, during the taozhou administration. After An Shikui's death, his deeds and folklore have been passed on by word of mouth by the people of Taozhou until today.

In Lintan and even In Gannan, national unity and social stability have always been the above-all themes, and they are also the greatest aspirations in the hearts of people of all ethnic groups. Because the ethnic composition of Lintan is more complex, the proportion of Hui, Tibetan, and Han chinese in the jurisdiction is almost equal. Folk have long had the saying of "three stones and one pot". Because the earliest human beings, that is, three stones on a pot can be set up to make a fire to make rice, in the military camp is a team, in the folk is a family. The Lintan people compare these three stones to three nationalities, which means that none of the three ethnic groups in this region can be less, no one can be separated from anyone, and without life, they cannot live and cannot become a complete "home". The reason why Wang Zhixiang wanted to meet this old gentleman was also because he had sensitively discovered the cultural theme of ethnic integration and national unity, which had great historical and practical significance for Lintan or Gannan region.

Previously, he had also paid attention to Hou Xian, a historical figure, and had visited Houjia Temple many times to collect and sort out a lot of historical information about Hou Xian. Hou Xian and An Shikui are a type of historical and cultural figure. As an important emissary of the Ming Dynasty, Hou Xianqian only did one thing in his life, that is, to be a good messenger of peace. Throughout his life, he has not only devoted himself to promoting economic and cultural exchanges between China and Asian countries, but also to promoting the emotional communication, cultural exchanges, economic exchanges and ethnic unity between the two ethnic groups of China and Tibet. This alone is enough to go down in history. Wang Zhixiang should sort out and sum up these potential cultural elements and cultural character of Lintan, and do his best to publicize these excellent cultural genes through various communication methods and channels, so that they can be further carried forward and become the unique cultural endowments of Lintan people.

Around this theme, he must at least write a long article with weight and strive to publish it in the more influential national newspapers and periodicals. On the one hand, it is to do the duty of a writer, on the other hand, it is also a promotion and publicity for Lintan. Previously, several writers and cadres who came to hang up their posts have left their own works. Zhu Gang, who was a member of the Standing Committee of the County CPC Committee and deputy county magistrate, published a collection of poems reflecting the humanities of Lintan, "The Pond of Lintan"; he created a large number of news and photographic works of nearly 100,000 words of prose, which were published in newspapers and periodicals such as People's Daily, People's Literature, and October. Chen Tao, the first first secretary of Chigou Village, published "Notes on the Villages of Gannan" and published a large number of articles in the People's Daily and Guangming Daily, and also made a guest appearance on tv to promote Lintan. Zhai Min, the first secretary of Chigou Village, also worked as the deputy director of the editorial department of the magazine, actively revised the manuscript for local writers in Lintan County, and contacted the publishing channels to promote works; at the same time, he wrote a large number of articles based on his personal experience. Over the past year and more, although Wang Zhixiang himself has also published some articles and poems about Lintan's traditional culture, humanistic customs, and poverty alleviation in newspapers and periodicals such as People's Daily, Guangming Daily, Jiefang Daily, Literature and Art Daily, Poetry Journal, and Literature Daily, he has not yet published a large number of works.

Thinking that he had too many things to do, and his strength was so thin and his energy was so insufficient, Wang Zhixiang gently shook his head. The brevity of individual life and the weakness of individual strength are facts that human beings cannot avoid, and it seems that everything can only be fulfilled by destiny. The achievements of all the great causes of mankind can only rely on the joint efforts of groups and the transmission from generation to generation. After the arrival of several people, Wang Zhixiang stabilized his emotions and did not criticize them, but explained them one by one in concise language with his own opinions that he had thought out in advance. As soon as the few people he had met left, he immediately called a car and went straight to the City God Temple, where Mr. Ding was afraid that he was already waiting for him. He is here to understand the progress of Mr. Lao's research, pay attention to and study his research results; second, to encourage Mr. Lao on behalf of the county, our nation, country and cause really need these obscure grassroots devotees, and their persistence and labor should be widely recognized and respected.

At Mr. Ding Lao, he stayed for about 40 minutes. Wang Zhixiang raised his wrist to look at his watch, and it was 20 minutes to 11 o'clock, and he had to hurry to Lintan Second Middle School. There's a simple book donation ceremony there today, and by the way, he's going to educate students on environmental awareness for half an hour in conjunction with the statewide "environmental revolution." On the way, he needs to simply determine the content of his speech, and he has to think about which way to cut in is more acceptable to the students. On the way to the school, he suddenly received a call from a deputy director of the county party committee, informing him that tomorrow's government work report seminar would be held until 2 p.m. because the leaders were going to the state for a meeting. It was another afternoon of meetings. Since last year, he has had to sing the protagonist, and Gao Xiaodong, secretary of the county party committee, and Yang County, know that he is good at writing, and the two people have identified him, as long as the materials studied at the meeting are important speech materials, government work reports or experience materials... Both leaders pushed him to the front desk with a single game. He is also not too prevaricating, a person is useful and valuable will be used, otherwise people will look for you? But in the afternoon, a seminar was scheduled for several authors who had recently published books at writers' presses, and it seemed that the time had to be moved back. He immediately called Min Qicai, the full-time vice chairman of the county literary association, to inform him of the change in the time of the seminar.

Fortunately, when he arrived at Lintan No. 2 Middle School, he was exactly 10 minutes earlier than the agreed time. Looking at his watch, he said he was satisfied with himself. He attaches great importance to interacting with children, especially not to pass on the common mistakes of adults to children. He has always prided himself on being a punctual and trustworthy person, so he usually does not appreciate people who are not punctual and do not keep their promises. He believes that kind of people just don't know how to restrain themselves, and they don't respect others. Thinking of this, he suddenly had the inspiration to adjust his speech to the students today, not only on the "environmental revolution" or ecological protection. Speak a little bigger, a little higher, talk about awe. A simple donation ceremony took about 10 minutes, and then he moved into his keynote time. Since the topic he talked about that day was exactly what he usually liked and strongly advocated, the speech was smooth. He not only told the children to fear nature, the environment and the people and things around them, but also to fear those who are small, weak, and who he thinks are far inferior to himself, all things are equal, all things are honorable, and all things deserve human respect and awe. "Wherever a person bends down, he can achieve success wherever he is!" Finally, he concludes with this sentence forcefully.

When he walked from the station to the office building in the afternoon, Wang Zhixiang saw three cigarette butts and a piece of wrapping paper on the side of the road, and he took out a degradable small bag prepared in advance from his pocket and put it in. As he bent down to pick up the wrapping paper, he blocked the way of a young woman who was walking with him, who had almost crashed into him in a hurry. When he straightened up, he just turned around and made a very close face with the man, but the other party did not show a panicked or complaining look, but smiled. This laugh, Wang Zhixiang did not misunderstand, he knows the meaning, it is a heartfelt good feeling, the network language is called "like". Because of this smile, his heart also brightened. Unexpectedly, after two years of suspension, he has become an authentic Gannan person, and under the influence of the overall atmosphere of the "environmental revolution", even a cigarette butt cannot be tolerated in his eyes. I just don't know if this habit will continue to be maintained after returning to Beijing, and I don't know what kind of expression I will encounter when I bend down to block the way of others in the future.

The one-afternoon government report seminar involved all aspects of the county's work, and wang Zhixiang did not want to interfere too much in the content because each leader was in charge of other work; he focused on the structure and text of the report, but when it came to the cultural education in which he was in charge, he still had to make some suggestions and clarify several important points. He feels that with this year's foundation, after he leaves Lintan, some key content should be paid attention to one after another. In particular, culture must be emphasized, adhered to and promoted by people for a long time in order to make a certain excellent culture that is in line with the region and the crowd take root, and grow into a towering tree to shade future generations. At the meeting, he emphatically proposed that the spirit of "tug-of-war" should be determined as the spirit of Lintan and officially written into the government work report. He believes that the essence of the tug-of-war spirit is to be eternal, long-lasting, never slackening, never slacking off, never giving up, as long as there is a little hope will not give up. Such a spirit is also highly consistent with the overall pursuit and overall work style of Gannan Prefecture. With such a spirit, whether it is "environmental revolution", "no garbage in the whole region", poverty alleviation or the construction of a well-off society, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome, and there is no problem that cannot be overcome. This is the modern version of the spirit of yugong moving mountains: as long as you give me enough time, I will definitely give you a satisfactory result. (To be continued)

【Serial】Long-form reportage "Body" (VIII)

Ren Linju

He is a member of the National Committee of the China Writers Association, vice chairman of the Jilin Writers Association, and vice chairman of the Electric Power Writers Association. He is the author of: "Corn Land", "Grain Road", "The Form of Time", "This Mind and This Thought", "Tiger Howl" and so on. His works have been translated into English, Russian, Korean, Mongolian and other languages. He has won the 6th Lu Xun Literature Award, the 6th Bingxin Prose Award, the 7th Lao She Prose Award, the 2nd Feng Zikai Prose Award, the 1st Sanmao Prose Award, the 2014 Best Chinese Prose Award, the Changbaishan Literature and Art Award, the Jilin Literature Award, etc.

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Gannan Daily's original WeChat, may not be reproduced without authorization. Some of the pictures and articles in this media come from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author, if it involves copyright and copyright, please contact us in time, and will be paid a certain amount according to regulations.

Editor 丨 Zhonggecao Responsible editor 丨Hou Jingjing

Audit 丨Zhang Shuyu Final Review 丨 Zhang Dayong

【Serial】Long-form reportage "Body" (VIII)

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