
The Old Man and the Dog (fiction)

author:Peninsula Literature
The Old Man and the Dog (fiction)

Just don't eat it. Don't eat well. Starve you well. This hot water soaked in white steamed buns, I have eaten a bowl, delicious, eat it. If you don't eat it again, the thinner you will be, and the thinner you will be into a handful of firewood.

  Early in the morning, the old man began to shout, scold for a while, coax for a while. When others listened, they thought that the old man was coaxing his grandson to eat, but did he not know that the old man was talking to a small dog and coaxing the dog to eat food.

  Around the old man's feet was a very ordinary dog, white fur, but it looked like it had never been washed, smoked and burned. In particular, the dog's left eye, injured, confused and staring, always unable to open.

  That day the son took his grandson to school in the city, saw the puppy, kicked it, the dog squeaked, rolled twice, stood up, and stared at the son. The son ignored the puppy and said to the old man, Throw the dog away. This dog's eyebrows looked dejected, don't let it obscure my business.

  The old man also ignored the dog, and it was the grandson who liked it and stayed. Listening to his son say that, looking at the dog, he also seemed to see some pity, so he should, good villain is also a fate, hurry Ming'er to see which one is willing to want, give people.

  The son was gone, and the grandson was taken away. The son and daughter-in-law were doing business in the city, the grandson had just been weaned, he stayed at home, and after a while they came back to see, put down a bunch of toys and a bunch of colorful snacks, and ran away again.

  At that time, the wife was still alive, and the old man and his wife opened their eyes every day to be a grandson, closed their eyes or a grandson, and quarreled and were happy for the grandson. Grandchildren are the center of their lives, and all of them.

  The old man and his wife are like obedient primary school students, raising grandchildren according to the schedule left by their daughter-in-law, without any ambiguity. For the sake of grandchildren, how can it be vague.

  The wife died the year before, but the grandson is still young, not yet to the school age, the son and daughter-in-law said that there is no time to manage, in fact, the old man does not want to let the grandson go. The grandson is in front of him, there is a person who speaks, some things to do, the day is still a day, and the heart is not empty. Wherever he went, his grandson followed. Wherever the grandson wants to go, he will follow him.

  Neighbors said that the grandson was the shadow of the old man and could not be separated from one step. The old man said that I was the shadow of my grandson and did not want to leave a step.

  The days have passed in a long and salty time, and the grandchildren have grown up and it is time to go to school. The daughter-in-law said that the quality of the primary school in the village is not good, so let's go to school in the city.

  The grandson asked his son to take him away. The son said, Dad, now you have a good pension, don't bother anymore.

  When the grandson is gone, the old man does not have to worry about what time the grandson eats and drinks, nor does he have to worry about the grandson being naughty and falling, but how can this heart be uncomfortable?

At some point, there was a small shadow next to the old man's lonely shadow, and the puppy followed the old man's feet, came out and went in, and rolled in and out like a ball of thread.

  The old man eats, the puppy rubs to the foot, throws a piece of steamed buns, the puppy eats it and chirps, the old man laughs and rattles, throws another piece, says, eat, eat more, your appetite is better than his appetite.

  The old man remembered his grandson. But since the grandson went to school, he has not come, it has been a long time, once he came, it was also a fire, turned his face and ran. The grandson was not in front of him, and the puppy was left to accompany the old man.

  The old man cooks, half himself, half the puppy. The old man eats in Kangtou, and the puppy eats on the stove. The old man eats well, and the puppy eats well.

  The old man heard the puppy eating loudly, so he stretched out his chopsticks and scolded, don't make a sound. Eat and snort, go out to ask for food. After a while, watching the puppy stick out his tongue and lick the plate, the old man scolded again, why is there nothing like it? How old is it, and licking the plate.

  The son brought back ham, meat, and milk from the old man from the city, and let the puppy eat more than half. The old man is used to the puppy, and the puppy's mouth is getting more and more stubborn, there is no meat, and half a bite is not eaten.

  Looking at the appearance of the puppy chirping, the old man was angry and scolded, coaxed for a while. Useless, the puppy is still not good to eat.

  The old man couldn't do it, and the son hadn't brought back the meat for a long time. The grandson is not there, what are people doing when they come back? The old man thought breathlessly, like a donkey pushing and grinding, turning around the house in circles and circles, and suddenly remembered the oil bun that his grandson loved to eat, and fried an oil bun for the puppy to eat, this little villain must have eaten the same joy as his grandson.

  The puppy followed the old man with black eyes, one big and one small, looking at the old man, the little tail wagging around. The old man also looked at the puppy, remembering his son's obscure words about this puppy, humming disdainfully, isn't it just an eye? What's the matter? It is better than you, follow me, or my companion. You are so good that you can't even see a shadow.

  The phone rang and my son called. The son said, Dad, today is your birthday, we can't go back, what do you want to eat, I let people bring you back.

When the wife was alive, it was the wife who remembered to celebrate the old man's birthday. The wife is gone, there is a grandson, there is a grandson, the son will come back to be diligent.

  The old man was alone, who remembered his birthday. Listening to his son's words, the old man only sighed a long time, and the puppy rubbed the old man's legs, rubbing the old man's heart.

  The old man touched the puppy's head and said to his son, you are busy, don't carry too much stuff. I don't lack anything here. Just let me carry dog food."

  Author: Yuan Shengmei

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