
Story: The Old Man and the Dog

author:Red ears and twin life chronicles

#我是故事创作者 #

Story: The Old Man and the Dog


My hometown is a modest village, the houses are arranged in a well-organized manner, the streets and alleys are neatly arranged, the sides are planted with trees, this square village is wrapped in a patch of farmland and fruit trees in the middle, and when spring arrives, the pear blossoms outside the village, the peach blossoms are blooming, the flowers are blooming, and the fragrance is overflowing. The village is full of cooking smoke, trees are leafy, birds and flowers are fragrant. A sense of peace. 

There is a large locust tree in the south of the village, and the trunk is very thick, and one person can't get around it. In the summer, when the whole tree blooms, the fragrance is really unforgettable. There is a family under the big locust tree, the yard is large, there is no gate, only a low earthen wall and a row of dilapidated north houses. This is Ge Ye's home. 

Ge Ye is a widowed old man in the village, high and warm-hearted, deeply respected by the big guys, he is tall, his back is slightly hunched, his face is chinese characters, his cheeks are dry and thin and full of wrinkles, a pair of deeply sunken eyes are shining, although he is old, his body is still quite tough. 

Ge Ye often sat under the big locust tree smoking a dry cigarette watching the people coming and going on the street, accompanied by a black dog, called "erzi", this dog followed Ge Ye for many years, it was all dark, only the eyes were brown, and the limbs were strong and powerful. The personality is very docile.

Ge Ye is very enthusiastic, left and right neighbors have something to do he volunteered to help Zhang Luo, but also free for everyone to repair bicycles, tricycles and the like, what can be done never shirked, although eating low insurance, but never money entangled, he often said: "The villagers in the township, are a family, I am old, can not do any big contribution, but also to do logistical work for everyone." 

Everyone likes Ge Ye, especially our children, we especially love to go to Ge Ye's house, his low old house has all kinds of strange things, all kinds of knives for repair, screws of various shapes, screw caps, bearings... These are rare for us six- and seven-year-old children, around Ge Ye to ask east and west, Ge Ye has always been patient to answer one by one. 

We played pinball, hide-and-seek, and raced against our second son in his yard. Ge Ye sat next to us with a cigarette and a pot and looked at us with a smile, and when we were tired of playing, he got up and waddled into the house to get us food, and soon he would take out a bunch of bags, there were candies, biscuits, pastries, and of course, the rations of the second son, to see the hilarity of our food. 

He smiled and said to us, "Little bunny cubs, you have enough to eat and drink, don't make a fuss here, go back to your respective homes." 

At this time, we will not be so obedient, and rush up, "Ge Ye, we have to listen to the story and tell a story."

Ge Ye said, "I've told you everything I'll ever tell, there's no story." 

Of course, we will not be willing, soft grinding hard bubbles, will always hear what we want, Ge Ye will tell a lot of mythological stories, every time without heavy samples, Chang'e running moon, houyi shooting sun, eight immortals across the sea... 

These stories plant a seed of exploration and curiosity in our little hearts. 


Ge Ye is a person who can't stay idle, he also has a vegetable garden outside the village, every two days he will take his second son to see, hoe the grass, water, take care of it. 

On this day, as usual, he pedaled his tricycle to the vegetable garden, the second son led the way in front, Ge Ye pedaled very slowly, the car turtle speed forward, the second son was bored and would play on the side of the road and would catch up, and when it caught up, he found Ge Ye curled up on the road and groaned in pain, and the tricycle fell to the side. The second son gasped anxiously at Ge Ye. 

Ge Ye said to it, "Second son, go to the village and shout people, go quickly."

The second son seemed to understand, immediately rushed to the direction of the village, to the village to see people around the circle, clutching the pants legs, fortunately, everyone knows the second son, plus can not see Ge Ye, you know that there must be an accident, follow the lightning to find Ge Ye, rushed to the health center. 

Ge Ye stayed in the hospital for a week, broke his arm, according to him that day suddenly a dizziness went black, and the car overturned. The doctor said that he was a precursor to stroke, this time it was lucky, sent in time, in addition to a little talking disadvantages of the sequelae, there is no other disabling injury, but has been buried hidden dangers, we must pay more attention to it in the future. 

Since then, Ge Ye has not told us stories, nor can he tell them, but he still welcomes us to play at home and still prepares small snacks for us. 

The second son also did not race with us to play together, it was more often inseparable to guard Ge Ye, listening to Ge Ye's dumb and dumb words, rubbing ge ye's legs from time to time, wagging his tail and spitting out his tongue. 

This should be the language between them! 

Story: The Old Man and the Dog


Another year's Mid-Autumn Festival, Ge Ye and the second son sat in the courtyard and looked up at the full moon in the sky, did not speak for a long time, motionless, only the crisp sound of clams around, the moonlight sprinkled down, illuminating the faces of Ge Ye and the second son, holy like a statue. 

Suddenly Ge Ye lowered his head, muttered a word, could not hear what was said, the second son looked at Ge Ye, arched his head to his waist, Ge Ye got up and walked into the house, knowing that this was to let him go into the house to sleep. 

The next day, in the morning, Ge Ye couldn't see the second son, and was thinking of going out to find it, and the second son came back with a huff, jumping and jumping around Ge Ye. 

Then a jeep came in at home, and a middle-aged man called out to his uncle and grandfather, opened the back door and helped out a white-haired grandmother, and Ge Ye suddenly whimpered and cried, and rushed to meet him. 

It turned out that this was Ge Ye's sister, married to Geng Village, forty kilometers away, due to inconvenient transportation, they were all old, and they had not seen each other for more than three years, and the two old men had tears in their eyes, clutching each other's hands and not speaking for half a day. 

When I entered the house and sat down, the middle-aged man said: "Early this morning I opened the door, saw a black dog guarding the door and turned around, saw me come out and did not bark, looked up at me, rubbed my legs from time to time, I looked like the black dog you brought last time, I asked if it was your home, it actually nodded at me." I'm afraid you have something to do, so I borrowed a car to come over, my mother is not at ease, I must come and see you in person." 

Ge Ye touched the second son's head and said, "Silly child, you ran all night, thank you." 

It turned out that that night Ge Ye said that he missed his sister, after all, he was his only relative, and he didn't know if he could still meet, but he didn't expect that the second son actually understood. 

It was unbelievable that the second son actually remembered the way to his sister's house, which was forty kilometers away, and he had only been with Ge Ye once three years ago, which was really incredible. 

Only Ge Ye knew that the second son could do it, because in his heart the second son was his son. 


The day is getting colder, it is almost the end of the month, Ge Ye is repairing a two-eight bicycle in the courtyard, this is sent by Wang Linzi yesterday, please ask Ge Ye to repair and repair, Ge Ye is willing to do this work, on the one hand, it is a good thing, it can also reflect the value, on the other hand, it can kill time, occupy the mind, do not want to think about the west. 

As soon as people are old, they are particularly prone to nostalgia, and Ge Ye does not want to recall those pasts, but only wants to live in the present with his second son. 

This day, almost noon, the second son has not returned, it goes out to play generally will not exceed half a day, this early morning ran out, not home, Ge Ye is a little unhappy, until the night did not see the second son, Ge Ye worried about the night did not sleep well, thinking where it can go? 

The next day at dawn, Ge Ye pedaled a tricycle all over the street to find it, street by street, not even a shadow was seen, Ge Ye was a little panicked, borrowed a horn, shouted while walking. 

Three days passed like this, and before the second son was found, Grandpa Ge looked more and more haggard, the whole person lost a circle, his voice was also hoarse, and his pale lips were cracked by the cold wind, and the blood oozed into scabs. Due to the long time pedaling the tricycle, Ge Ye could hardly stand steadily after getting off the car, and he had to tremble for half a day. 

Ge Ye's change Wang Dalin These neighbors all looked at it, not to mention how uncomfortable it was in their hearts, more torment and entanglement, because they knew the whereabouts of the second son. 

It turned out that three days ago that morning Wang Dalin saw a van stopping and walking in the village, followed by a motorcycle, two people with long tongs topped a net pocket, he felt wrong, was about to catch up, suddenly they controlled the lightning on the side of the road, put into the net pocket into the van, and flew away. 

Wang Dalin and several neighbors chased for a few miles, and lost, after returning, everyone did not dare to tell Ge Ye that in recent years, the county town is popular to eat dog meat hot pot in the winter, and every winter there are dogs in the village that are inexplicably missing, and it is estimated that the second son will not be able to escape the doom. The second son is a close relative to Grandpa Ge, and this news is undoubtedly a fatal blow to him, so everyone chooses to hide it. 

However, looking at Ge Ye's crazy search for the second son these days, everyone couldn't bear it. 

Directly advised him: "You don't look for it, maybe the second son has found a better home, or lost, or the leg is injured, for a while and a half will not be able to recover and can not come back, in short, it must be good, it is okay, you don't have to worry, let it go." 

Where did Ge Ye listen to this, still pedaling his old tricycle in the cold wind all the time, always looking for... 


I am the author: Red Ears and Twin Life Chronicles

Serious people are the cutest.

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