
If you want to make your life smooth and smooth, it is best to understand and understand these nine life principles

If you want to make your life smooth and smooth, it is best to understand and understand these nine life principles

Whether a person's life is smooth or not, in fact, mainly depends on their own mentality and ideas. Different mentalities and different ideas can often determine and influence a person's life.

Speaking of which, some people may say, "Mindset is important, but luck is also important!" ”

There is nothing wrong with saying this, and it makes sense at the same time. But there is a fundamental problem, these people don't really think clearly.

That is the reason for the formation of different luck, in fact, it is the mentality and ideas.

I believe that many people now hope that their lives will be smooth and smooth, and successful and happy. But it is such a simple wish, and a considerable number of people cannot successfully achieve their wishes.

So what exactly is the reason? Or is there any way to make your life smooth and profitable? Is there any way to make your career successful and your family happy?

In fact, in my opinion, as long as you pay attention to and understand the following nine points, then you can have a smooth life, a happy family, and a successful career!

Of course, before I start to introduce, it is still the old rule, please first extend your finger, click on the attention, show your support for me, and then listen to me slowly tell you (anti-piracy tips: my pen name is: a gust of blue wind or a blue wind 8523, since I wrote the article, often people copy and paste my article, published on other websites!). )

If you want to make your life smooth and smooth, it is best to understand and understand these nine life principles

The first point: money is not a panacea

I believe that everyone has heard such a sentence, that is: "Money is not omnipotent, but without money, it is impossible"!

This seemingly explicit and straightforward sentence speaks to the hearts of many people and also speaks of a very common reality in society now.

Indeed, if you don't have money now, then you can deeply feel that the world of society is cold. If you don't have money, then you can deeply feel what is called 'pessimism and despair'. If you don't have money, you can really feel what 'powerlessness' is!

Although the uses and power of money are so extensive and enormous, money is definitely not a panacea.

There are many things that money can't buy. For example: love, family affection, friendship, life and so on.

Therefore, you can strive for endless wealth for your future. But you must not be a mercenary person. Because that will only make you lost, will only make you more and more urban.

At that time, you will find that your wealth, although more and more, but love, affection, friendship, will be less and less. When a person loses these things, then his life will be lifeless, his life will be no fun!

The second point: the vision and ideas should be high, but the way of doing things should be low

It can be said that many people are not successful now! The reason why I have done nothing in my life! The reason why I am poor all my life! In the final analysis, it is because the eye is high and low.

I always feel like I can do anything! I always feel like I can do anything! I always feel that others are inferior to myself!

However, when you really let him do things, you will find that their efficiency and success rate are very poor, and not generally bad!

It can be said that "high-handedness and low eye" is a common problem for many people now, and it is also something that many people cannot change for life.

So, suppose you have big ideals! If you have endless longing in your heart!

Then it must be done, and the vision and ideas must be as high as possible. But when you do things concretely, the mentality and posture should be as low as possible.

As long as you can keep yourself and in this state at all times, then I believe that you will be able to walk easily on the road of life.

Third point: Don't try to please everyone

People want to be recognized and paid attention to by others. At the same time, people are eager to get help and love from others.

It can be said that these two situations are a situation that is now common to people.

But there is a very real situation, and it is also something that each of us cannot change. That is, no matter how well you do! No matter how perfect you are! There's no way you can do it and make everyone like you. At the same time, you can't make everyone accept you.

So, do what you should do, do what you can do, and you can do it. Don't try to please all people, don't try to please all people, that would be meaningless and useless.

Fourth point: Health is wealth

It can be said that a healthy body is the foundation of everyone's dreams and wealth.

The bigger the dream, the greater the value of health. Caring for your own health and protecting your health is also another way to earn wealth.

If in doubt, you can go inside the hospital and have a look! You can go to the elderly welfare home and have a look!

I believe that when you have seen the situation inside, you will deeply appreciate the importance of health.

Fifth point: there must be gains and losses, and living in the present moment is the most real

On the road of life, everyone's luck is different. Some people may have a smooth sailing, and some people may have a bumpy life.

This is a very normal situation, and there is nothing strange and unusual.

But there are always some people with lofty hearts, there are always some people who have desires and desires in their hearts, which are very illusory and do not consider their actual situation at all.

Often do some things that you do not have the strength and ability at all, and eventually you will be broken.

To know that everything has its inevitable laws, there are gains and losses. Only by recognizing reality and living in the present is the most real and should be done.

Sixth point: Don't take yourself too seriously

In this world, the earth has left anyone, and it revolves around the sun in the same way. You're not as important as you think.

To put it simply and bluntly, your good or bad, your life and death, no one will care except your family, and no one will care.

So don't be self-righteous, imagine yourself to be important, and don't be overwhelmed with compassion and compassion.

Instead of allowing yourself to be a good old man, instead of making yourself a good person, it is better to be down-to-earth, do a good job now, and care for your family, which is the most real and what you should do the most.

Seventh point: Don't pretend not to understand

No matter where it is, no matter at any time, human ability and cognition are limited. This is affected and limited by time, region and the general environment.

In this case, it is bound to happen. Some people know a little more, some people know a little less.

But there are some people who always do things that they don't know how to pretend to understand, to show their talents and satisfy their vanity.

You know, in today's society, the education system is very complete, so don't think of others as fools. All those who treat others as fools are themselves a fool.

There is no shame in asking questions, and there is no shame in asking, when your knowledge and insight have accumulated to a certain extent. Others will look up to you, even in their hearts, adoring you and believing you.

Do not know how to pretend to understand, although in a short period of time, to satisfy their own vanity, but in the long run, will always let others see through.

At that time, you will face the embarrassing dilemma, rather than not knowing how to pretend to understand, it is better to seek truth from facts and ask questions without understanding.

People who know that they are humble are the most powerful people. Only those who are humble can face the world directly. Let yourself in the days to come, while walking and learning, as soon as possible to find their own career and life.

Eighth: Set yourself a goal of five to ten years

The most fundamental reason why many people are confused now is because there is no goal, or the goal is not clear. So, if you have high requirements for your life, if you are full of desire for your future. Then you have to make a short-term and long-term plan for yourself.

You must know that people are inert and have the psychology of seeking benefits and avoiding harm. In this case, many people will be in the struggle, work, the more they work, the less energetic, the more they do the less spirit. And finally until abandonment and failure.

Therefore, in each time period, set medium- and long-term goals for yourself for five to ten years, and then move forward towards the goals you design and plan, so that you will not lose your way and lose yourself in the process of life's struggle.

In this life, only when you learn, put your own vision, and take a long-term view, can you make your life easier and easier to achieve success.

The ninth point: cherish the people in front of you, cherish the things in front of you

Human life and energy are limited, and neither man nor anything can exist eternally. The person who appears in front of you today may never be seen tomorrow. What you're still doing today, or what you're using, maybe tomorrow won't belong to you anymore.

When I say this, I am definitely not alarmist, nor am I making a mistake, it is a situation that often occurs in real life. Therefore, please cherish the person in front of you, please cherish the matter in front of you. Don't wait until you lose it before you regret it.

The above nine points look ordinary and ordinary, but if you taste it carefully, you will definitely be able to feel the meaning.

Well, that's it for today, if you want to learn more, please stick your finger, click on the following, and forward it. Thank you!

If you want to make your life smooth and smooth, it is best to understand and understand these nine life principles

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