
c1Can I drive a motorcycle with a driver's license? If you want to know, you can come in and have a look

C1 driver's license can not drive a motorcycle, because although the motorcycle belongs to the motor vehicle, but also has its own driver's license, is a D license, has a c1 driving license, open a motorcycle, is found by the traffic police, directly in accordance with the unlicensed driving license to deal with, therefore, even if you have a c1 driver's license, you can not drive a motorcycle.

c1Can I drive a motorcycle with a driver's license? If you want to know, you can come in and have a look

Want to test the motorcycle, also have a c1 driving license, the owner can do an increase in driving, increase the content of the test is simple, subject one is the theoretical knowledge test, subject two in subject three is also a road test, increase the driving motorcycle certificate, the content of the test includes around the pile, unilateral bridge, etc., as long as the students who have practiced motorcycles several times, the increase in driving is very simple.

c1Can I drive a motorcycle with a driver's license? If you want to know, you can come in and have a look

The driving license is divided into many types, the corresponding driving license, the corresponding model, such as the C class driving license, can only drive small cars, and the D class driving license, can only drive ordinary three-wheeled motorcycles, ordinary two-wheeled motorcycles, mopeds, and B class above the driving license, there are also relative models.

c1Can I drive a motorcycle with a driver's license? If you want to know, you can come in and have a look

If you drive a model that does not match the driver's license, drive on the road, be found by the traffic police, directly deduct points and fines, if serious, will also detain the vehicle, and the behavior that causes the traffic accident will also be investigated for the criminal responsibility of the owner, so this point should be borne in mind by the owners.

Summary: If you want to drive a motorcycle, you can first make an additional driving on your driver's license, if not, you can directly choose to register for a D certificate, so that you can drive a motorcycle.