
The photo of the 25-year-old Chongqing girl appeared at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, but she missed the live broadcast because she was on duty

author:Hualong Net
The photo of the 25-year-old Chongqing girl appeared at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, but she missed the live broadcast because she was on duty

A photo of Tang Zhengzheng appeared at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics. The interviewee provided a picture of Hualong Network - New Chongqing Client Sent

Hualong Network - New Chongqing Client February 5, 16:00 (Reporter Dong Jin Correspondent Liu Zhenzhen Jiang Yuanzhi) Yesterday (4th) evening, the opening ceremony of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games was held at the Beijing National Stadium. In the "Tribute to the People" session, many photos filled the entire stage and were impressive. A photo reflecting the 2020 Spring Festival also appears, and the protagonist of the photo is Tang Zhengzheng, a passenger at Chongqing Railway Station. At the time of the opening ceremony, she was on duty at her post, so she missed the live broadcast.

Early this morning, Tang Zhengzheng had just finished sending passengers to prepare for work, took out his mobile phone to take a look, only to find that the photos of himself on the Winter Olympics had already burst the circle of friends.

"Yesterday I didn't watch the live broadcast at work, but this morning I received this good news, which is not only shocking, but also lucky and glorious for me." Tang Zhengzheng said with a smile that he never thought of having the opportunity to appear on the stage of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics.

The photo of the 25-year-old Chongqing girl appeared at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, but she missed the live broadcast because she was on duty

Tang Zhengzheng guided passengers to check the waiting information. Correspondent Lei Xueyi photographed Hualong Network - New Chongqing Client Sent

Born in 1997, Tang Zhengzheng is an authentic Chongqing girl, 25 years old, she has experienced five Spring Festivals, service positions from the platform, waiting hall to the "National Lei Feng Activity Demonstration Point", Chengdu Railway Group Corporation's party "chuxin brand" - Ma Lian service desk staff. Every job change is a challenge and experience for her.

After years of work, Tang Zhengzheng has accumulated a lot of passenger transport experience, faded the immature youth when he first entered the road, and became mature and stable. "I'm not an extrovert, and I remember when I first entered the road, I was not familiar with my business, and a passenger's question could make me blush!" Tang Zhengzheng said with a smile. Now, she is not only proficient in answering questions for passengers, but also proficient in ticket sales, ticket inspection, platforms and other passenger transport business, and has become an all-rounder.

The photo of the 25-year-old Chongqing girl appeared at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, but she missed the live broadcast because she was on duty

Tang Zhengzheng inspected the waiting hall. Correspondent Lei Xueyi photographed Hualong Network - New Chongqing Client Sent

During this year's Spring Festival, the number of passengers at Chongqing North Railway Station has rebounded significantly compared with last year, and the flow of people in the waiting hall is obviously visible, and the number of passengers inquiring in front of the Ma Lian service desk has also increased. Tang Zhengzheng is mainly responsible for answering questions, convenient changes, lost and found, complaint acceptance, emergency assistance, key passenger pick-up and drop-off, etc. every day. Before taking over every day, she would always come to the duty room in advance, check the number and situation of key passenger reservations in the computer system, and carefully record it, and push the wheelchair to the entrance or corresponding platform in advance to wait for the arrival of passengers. If the passenger has not received a call at a nearing time, Tang Zhengzheng will also take the initiative to call the passenger to inquire about the situation of the passenger, so as not to miss the train.

In addition to doing a good job of "Ma Lian service desk", Tang Zhengzheng is also a member of the Chongqing North Railway Station Party Member Epidemic Prevention and Control Commando Team, she has to inspect the waiting hall every 2 hours, remind the passengers in the waiting hall to wear masks, check whether the equipment in Mommy's cabin is complete, find passengers who need help and solve problems, at the end of the day, her WeChat steps always reach 20,000 steps, ranking among the best in the circle of friends. When the last train departed from Chongqing North Railway Station in the evening, Tang Zhengzheng was able to take a short rest, rub his sore calf, and prepare for the next day's work.

"Service is no small matter, details see the spirit", is Tang Zhengzheng's mantra, during the Spring Festival key passengers to make more reservations, the average daily can receive dozens of appointment work orders, often at the exit gate just after sending a key passenger, but also have to push the wheelchair to the station entrance to pick up another key passenger, the number of times to eat on time at noon is countless, can only return to the duty room in free time to eat a few bites of colleagues for her has been cold box lunch.

"I'm just a very ordinary employee in the railway position, and together with other colleagues, I am doing my best to escort passengers on their journeys." Tang Zhengzheng said.

(This article is from the new Chongqing client APP, please go to the major application markets to download)

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