
Childhood, indelible happy memories

At the beginning of the summer vacation, I took advantage of the fact that my son's interest class had not yet started and returned to my mother's house. As soon as you get out of the car, the cool wind blowing in front of you makes people feel comfortable, and the green mountains, green water, blue sky, white clouds, and the mountains and waters of the hometown have not changed much.

Every time I go home and see a familiar river or a familiar mountain, I will remember the unforgettable time of my childhood. The clear river and the green mountains have left me and my brothers and sisters with a lot of joy and laughter, and how much childhood innocence and happiness have been scattered...

I remember when I was a child, the summer river was a paradise for our children. On a hot day, a group of three of us, a group of five, came to the river to wash our little feet, and let the cool river flow under our feet.

Sometimes you can catch a few crabs from the river, or catch a few small shrimp. Although the material conditions of childhood were not good, it was extremely happy.

Whenever spring comes, the camellia on the mountain blossoms, and before and after the Qingming Dynasty, the tea trees are hung with white and fat tea bubbles. After school, we went up the mountain in groups of three, five in groups, to pick tea bubbles.

At that time, the material conditions were limited, and the snacks of our little children were nothing more than wild fruits on the mountain. Picking tea has become a great pleasure for us. If you go up the hill and see a large tea bubble, and the outer layer of skin has been peeled off.

We tend to be overjoyed, and even fight for who sees it first, because that kind of tea bubble is more delicious, without that astringent taste, with a slight hint of sweetness. If we pick more, we will string a circle of slender bamboo grates and hang them under the eaves, let the tea bubble dry naturally, and then eat the tea to dry.

Between small partners, it will often be more than who strings of tea bubbles, who dry more tea bubbles. The small friends who picked tea bubbles together have all established a family, but the original tea plants still bear large and small tea bubbles every year. It's just that there is no longer any figure of tea picking on the mountain, and today's tea bubbles are no longer favored by people.

And now, back in the familiar cabin, it is long gone. The air still wafted with the fresh scent of grass and the simple smell of earth, but it was no longer wafting with familiar sounds, because the little friends who had played together had all gone their separate ways.

Some childhood friends may not see each other again in this life. Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a faint sadness in my heart.

Although the time of childhood can only have some faint shadows in the past years, childhood is a happy memory that cannot be erased in the growing years. Every time I look back, I can't help but feel relieved.

We have all grown up, and everyone has integrated themselves into the torrent of real society, struggling and working hard. I don't know if my childhood friend came back to see this scene, and whether he was as touched by the scene as I was? Remember those happy times we spent together?

Years can change the appearance of childhood playmates. But we can't forget the happy times we spent with them. Go up the mountain to pick tea bubbles together, go down to the river to touch the fish together, everything is so worth our life to reminisce - that innocence, that carefree childhood!


Pen name: Siyi Paradise. Whether a person is in study or life, he must always continue to import and export, absorb nutrients, so that he can grow, and the article cast by words is more profound than the spoken language, and she is the window for me to pour.

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