
The opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics touches the "heart of Thailand"

The opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics touches the "heart of Thailand"

Chairman of the Thai-Chinese Economic Association, Song Li? Phuket watches the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics courtesy of Wu Xiaohan

(Beijing Winter Olympics) The opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics touches the "heart of Thailand"

Bangkok, February 5 (Xinhua) -- On the evening of February 4, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics was broadcast on Thailand's No. 5 television station, attracting thousands of Thai people to watch in front of the TV. They are particularly concerned about the appearance of the Thai team and are very proud of it: we in Thailand also have a share in the Beijing Winter Olympics!

Song Li, chairman of the Thai-Chinese Economic Association, and four generations of the Phuket family stood in front of the TV to watch the opening ceremony. When the Thai team came on the scene, Song Li happily stood in front of the TV and gave a thumbs up. He said that the Beijing Bird's Nest once again showed a grand, warm and wonderful opening ceremony in Chinese style. I know that China will not let the world down. The 4 athletes of the Thai team, they are the pride of Thailand, and I am extremely excited to see them play. When Princess Sirindhorn appeared in the camera, our whole family screamed with joy.

After watching the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics at home with his wife and children, Kang Shude, chairman of the Thai Foreign Merchants Association, said that the opening ceremony showed the content of China's high technology, from epidemic prevention to environmental protection to circular economy, achieving the highest standards of energy conservation and carbon reduction or even zero emissions. From the grand ceremony, we can feel the prosperity of China and the prosperity of the country and the strength of the people.

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand and President of the Thai-Chinese Friendship Association Gong Taparansi pays special attention to the appearance of Thai athletes. He said that it was a great honor to watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, and under the common attention of people all over the world, I believe that everyone was shocked by the grandeur of the opening ceremony. Congratulations to China again! I wish that the friendship created by this Winter Olympics will lead us to a bright future together. (End)

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