
The ewe does not allow the lamb to suckle, and the ewe does not recognize the three reasons for the lamb

For sheep farmers, the most headache is that the ewe does not let the lambs feed. Especially the newly born lambs, because the main nutrients for the growth of the lambs need to be ingested from breast milk, if the ewe refuses or resists feeding the lambs, because the lambs do not ingest enough breast milk, their growth health is seriously affected, not to mention, the risk of infection and death will also increase exponentially. And in any way, the ewe with the lamb is far more advantageous than our artificial rearing------- so it is very necessary to intervene appropriately to change this phenomenon.

The ewe does not allow the lamb to suckle, and the ewe does not recognize the three reasons for the lamb

The reasons why ewes don't recognize lambs are probably as follows:

1, poor motherhood, or insufficient nursing experience.

This is common in the first child of the ewe, after giving birth to the lamb, some will not lick at all, some do not recognize, and some even step on the lamb. Therefore, for the first born ewe of the first child, we must assist in the production on the side and help the lamb to eat the first bite of breast milk in time. Most ewes start to get better after their second child.

There are individual ewes, whether it is the first or the second or third, although the milk is very good, that is, do not want the lamb to feed, such a ewe is a typical poor motherhood, once confirmed, dispose of it, as a basic ewe, such a sheep is not qualified.

Speaking of sheep here, there are individual sheep whose guts are very small, and when they are lambs, they do not let people be around. I met a sheep, two lambs, because a small lamb to feed a little laborious, I held the lamb to assist to feed, it does not matter, this ewe no longer recognizes this little lamb (presumably I held the lamb on the smell of me), how to correct it can not work, and finally let this little lamb borrow milk to grow up.

2, mastitis or milk less milk poor.

This condition is common when a few days after the ewe gives birth to the lamb, the phenomenon of not allowing the lamb to feed begins. The reason is that the ewe has too little milk or mastitis, which can be found in a check, because the ewe feels pain when the lamb is feeding, so it subconsciously refuses to feed the lamb.

If the early treatment of mastitis is still very easy to treat, the late stage is more troublesome, and the common treatment drug is penicillin Tylosin.

If there is less milk, artificial milk chase, there are drugs and food to milk, personal preference for brown sugar soybean milk (this I have an article, interested sheep friends can look at it).

3, other lambs steal milk to eat.

It is recommended that the ewe of the lamb, the mother and child feed alone for a period of time, one is that the ewe can better rest and supplement nutrition, the lamb can get better upbringing and care, and the other point is to prevent other lambs from stealing milk, yes, you heard it right, there will always be a few "faceless" lambs in each flock to steal milk, the number of times, the ewe will subconsciously drive out the lamb, whether it is its child or not.

Commonly used correction methods, there are mainly the following:

1, for the newborn, the ewe does not recognize the situation of lambs (or give birth to two or three, do not recognize one or more of them), it is recommended to apply the ewe's secretions, such as goat's jelly breast milk to the unrecognized lambs, so that there is a 60% chance of changing this situation (because the ewe is looking for her child by smell).

2, if there are other ewes in the flock who have just been lambed, you can apply the amniotic fluid or secretions of another lamb-laying ewe to the lambs that do not recognize each other, so that they recognize each other (that is, we often say that they recognize the mother), the success rate is 50%.

3, the most commonly used method: if the ewe does not recognize its own lamb, then separately circle its mother and child, artificially assist the lamb to feed, the ewe does not want to breastfeed it does not matter, force it to breastfeed, often after a few days, the mother and child will recognize, the success rate of 90%.

4, if the above three methods are troublesome or not good, then feed it yourself as a mother of lambs, when feeding lambs, personal advice milk (is fresh milk milked by cows) or goat milk is the best, lamb milk powder is second, rice soup and the like are the worst, this depends on their own choice, to be honest, if artificial feeding, the cost is a bit large, time-consuming and laborious.

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