
Curling, a quiet sport, why does it still bring physical damage?

Just as the people were celebrating the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, the Winter Olympic Games also opened. Some of the events of the Winter Olympics may feel strange to ordinary people, such as curling. In this sport, there is no confrontational physical contact between the athletes of both sides, and some people wear glasses when competing, looking quite quiet. Those who have watched the game will find that this sport seems to be just a contest of skill and wisdom. So, the question is, does engaging in curling bring damage to the body? Let's solve your doubts now.

Curling, a quiet sport, why does it still bring physical damage?

Friends who have watched several curling matches live may have found that the two main actions of curling games are throwing pots and sweeping ice. On the surface, athletes seem to be fighting more like intelligence, and there is no physical contact. Many people may say that such a project, if it will also bring physical injuries, skating and skiing, is it not a high-risk sport? If you glide quickly on the slopes and spin in the air for a few weeks, if you fall, will you fracture your bones on the spot?

Curling, a quiet sport, why does it still bring physical damage?

Curling requires athletes to maintain a fixed body posture, especially in the process of throwing pots, the body must be stable, it seems that the same mechanical pot throwing action, is a large number of repetitions every day, day after day training, in order to obtain the results of accurate ability. In this way, it will cause excessive use of relevant parts of the body, which can lead to chronic strain.

Curling, a quiet sport, why does it still bring physical damage?

Ordinary people may not think that the weight of curling is about 20 kilograms, and the target distance of curling is about 45 meters. When the athlete throws the pot, the body crouches down and slides forward on his knees. The companion responsible for sweeping the ice needs to repeat the action quickly in a short period of time to ensure the sliding angle and speed of curling, and after long-term training, the pain will come. According to a paper published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, studies have shown that about 79% of curling participants have suffered from muscle and bone-related pain, of which the proportion of knee, back and shoulder pain is 54%, 33% and 20% respectively.

Curling, a quiet sport, why does it still bring physical damage?

To participate in curling exercise, it is necessary to repeatedly pedal and joint flexion and extension activities, when throwing the pot, the knee joint is in flexion and external rotation, and the joint will bear a lot of pressure. Long-term training can cause knee flexion pain and discomfort. If you want to experience the pain of a curler, you can kneel on the floor, use a towel, wipe the floor once, and then stand up to see if you will feel weak knees. It should be noted that when squatting with extreme flexion, the knee joint bears about 7 to 8 times the weight of the human body. Long-term repeated squatting, it will cause the wear and tear of joint cartilage, if after squatting, suddenly get up, may cause meniscus damage.

Curling, a quiet sport, why does it still bring physical damage?

In curling, another action that is easy to cause physical damage is ice sweeping. When doing this action, friction and impact between bones and muscles and soft tissues will occur in the narrow space of the shoulder joint, which is easy to produce rotator cuff injuries. In addition, in curling, it is necessary to keep the waist and abdominal muscles tense in order to make the body slide in a slightly forward-leaning posture, and doing this kind of action every day, chronic strain of the waist and back muscles, is almost inevitable. This is the root cause of lower back and back pain in curling participants.

Curling, a quiet sport, why does it still bring physical damage?

Plum blossom fragrance from the bitter cold, on the surface, mainly rely on wisdom to win the curling sport, in fact, but also need muscles and joints to bear pain, therefore, we should give athletes more understanding, whether athletes win the championship or not, we offer our applause and blessings, I hope that athletes will not be plagued by injuries. For us ordinary people, in daily life, when engaged in work or sports, we should also understand the basic common sense and precautions of body activities, avoid joints, especially knee joints, bear too much load, and muscles should not remain tense for a long time. If pain or discomfort occurs after physical activity, you should seek medical attention promptly.

Whoever loves, pass on health to whom.

Your health, my concern. Professionals observe health from a scientific and humanistic perspective, including a series of express reports, details, reminders, doubts, observations, opinions, historical stories, etc., with the content of the original works of the author Wei Hongling and the team. All forms of misappropriation and reproduction without permission will be refused, otherwise they will be prosecuted in accordance with relevant laws.

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