
British Internet celebrity Situ Jianguo: "24 solar terms countdown, beautiful and Chinese!" ”

At 8 p.m. on February 4, the Britishman Situ Jianguo stood in front of the TV to watch the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics.

British Internet celebrity Situ Jianguo: "24 solar terms countdown, beautiful and Chinese!" ”

"The whole opening ceremony was so beautiful. For example, the 24-solar countdown link at the beginning is very beautiful and Chinese! Situ Jianguo said that he thought the most exciting part was the five rings breaking the ice, "I didn't expect that the Olympic rings would suddenly appear from that 'ice', it was so interesting!" I only have one regret, I can't go to the scene to personally feel the atmosphere of the opening ceremony. ”

Don't look at his name with a strong Chinese flavor, but it is actually a blonde Britishman. Since graduating from Oxford University, he has traveled to China and has been staying for more than a decade since then. Today, because of shooting short videos about China, he has become a "net red" loved by netizens.

British Internet celebrity Situ Jianguo: "24 solar terms countdown, beautiful and Chinese!" ”

A few days ago, Situ Jianguo went to a number of Winter Olympic venues to shoot programs, such as Ice Ribbon, Beijing Winter Olympic Village, Ice Cube Ice and Snow Sports Center and Erqi Factory National Ice and Snow Training Base. "It's hard to say which venue is the most impressive, because every time I go to a new venue, I am stunned and feel that China's current training and competition resources are super professional. I don't know how many medals China will win this year, but I'm sure about the future, because the training and competition environment is so advanced, the number of medals will be higher and higher. Situ Jianguo said.

"Do you watch the games throughout the Winter Olympics?" Hearing the reporter's question, Situ Jianguo replied firmly: "Of course I will watch!" And will see as much as possible! You can't watch the live broadcast during the day, and you will also watch replays and highlights when you come home from work. ”

What he is most looking forward to is the men's giant slalom event for snowmobiles and alpine skiing, because "these events are super handsome". Situ Jianguo said he recently fell in love with the project after experiencing curling at the Ice Cube Ice and Snow Sports Center. "I watched the Chinese team defeat the Swiss team in the first game, and the game was wonderful and intense! The British team also has a chance to get a medal in curling, so I will cheer on the Chinese team and the British team in front of the TV! He said.

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