
Paint a wonderful picture of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games with youth

author:China Youth Network

Beijing, February 4 (China Youth Network) (Reporter Wang Longlong Jiang Ning) "Every scene of the opening ceremony is stunning and breathtaking", "The most impressive thing is that the moment the national flag is raised, the tears can't stop flowing", "My father and I are serving the Winter Olympics, and our hearts are excited and warm"...

On the evening of 4 February, the opening ceremony of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games was held at the National Stadium.

From the performance stage to the ticket office of the venue, from the Bird's Nest to the Wukesong Sports Center, from the main beijing competition area to the Chongli sub-division, teachers and students of colleges and universities serve as actors and volunteers to serve the Winter Olympics and paint a wonderful picture of the opening ceremony with youth. The wonderful moments at the opening ceremony engraved a permanent memory in their hearts and became the most shining moment on the road of youth.

Go all out and be proud, and leave the most beautiful smile on the stage

Zhang Jiayi, a student at Beijing City College, was a dancer in the hot stage of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics. For this opening ceremony, she used one word to describe it - unforgettable. Zhang Jiayi's father was a police officer in the Special Service Bureau of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, and he attended every major event from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, to the military parade celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Zhang Jiayi said that now she can finally participate in the work related to the Winter Olympics like her father, "We are paying and working hard in our respective fields, and we are working together for the victory of the opening ceremony." While preparing for the makeup, I also saw my father who was patrolling, and he walked up to me and whispered 'come on' and left in a hurry. This excitement and warmth filled me with strength. Just now, my smile must be confident and bright. ”

"It is a special honor to be able to do my part as the 'guide of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics'." Guo Siyu, a student at Beijing Normal University, told reporters that during nearly four months of training, he felt the strength to persevere. At the opening ceremony, she was impressed by the flag raising session. "When I watched the five-star red flag pass from the hands of young people in the new era to the hands of honor guard soldiers, and rose under everyone's attention, I suddenly had a thought of crying, and our current prosperity is gathered bit by bit under the efforts of our predecessors. Now, the land of China once again ushers in the sacred moment of the lighting of the main Olympic torch, and the Beijing Winter Olympics refuel! Let's move to the future together!" Guo Siyu said.

"Go all out", this is the feeling of Hou Xue, a teacher of the Youth League Committee of Beijing City College, about the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics. She was a team leader in the hot stage of the opening ceremony, mainly responsible for the docking of tasks inside and outside the school and the management of the cast team. She said that although the opening ceremony adheres to the principle of "simplicity, safety and wonderfulness", no matter how big it is to the country, to everyone involved in it, they are completely burning their own heat and energy, and go all out for the perfect presentation of the opening ceremony!

Hou Xue told reporters that from taking over the task of leading the team to the present, three months of time have flashed by, but every moment left in the heart is eternal. "This trip to the Winter Olympics is a special journey for every teacher and student in the school, it is not only a large-scale activity, but also a vivid lesson in ideological politics, in which we have been taught patriotism, growth, perseverance and courage to move forward."

United and warm, the venue left the most intimate service

In 2018, Wang Ziqi, a master's student at Tsinghua University, served as a volunteer for the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. Today, he is once again a volunteer, serving as a service for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, guiding, reminding, coordinating the audience and providing a good viewing experience. For the opening ceremony, he said he felt "more united". "Under the challenge of the new crown epidemic, relying on the united efforts of all people, relying on the efforts of all staff and volunteers, I was able to successfully host the Winter Olympics, which made me more moved and felt the meaning of 'more unity' in the Olympic motto." Wang Ziqi said that at the opening ceremony, the strength of all people was woven into the same bond, the efforts of all people conveyed the same hope, and the brilliance of all people condensed into the same dream, so that everyone ushered in the same spring together.

"After watching the opening ceremony, the first feeling is breathtaking." Liu Yichen, a student of China University of Political Science and Law who volunteered in the National Stadium (Bird's Nest), told reporters that during the warm-up stage, the cast and crew surrounding the entire National Stadium opened the grand ceremony of the opening ceremony with full enthusiasm; The twenty-four solar terms connect the Chinese agricultural civilization and bring the prosperity of "all things began to fight for spring" to the Winter Olympics; Athletes enter, flaming snowflakes dotted with the names of all participating countries. "A great country, riding on the wind and clouds of the times, condenses all brilliant civilizations and unites all the lofty spirits, implicitly and deeply, enthusiastically and majestically." I was in tears several times. ”

"After watching the opening ceremony, I was in tears unconsciously." Lu Zihan, a student at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, said that from 2008 to 2022, the opening ceremony still adhered to the Chinese enthusiasm, grandeur and romance. "When the olympic rings are raised in the bird's nest, when the national anthem is played in the venue, our struggle is finally exchanged for a spring, and the warmth brought by that unity makes me feel extremely excited."

"What impressed me most was the scene where the five Olympic rings gradually revealed their shapes in the interweaving of ice bricks and rays." Yao Zhuo is a student of the Chinese Academy of Drama, majoring in Drama Film and Television Directing, and works as a volunteer at the National Stadium (Bird's Nest). Yao Zhuo told reporters that in terms of professional knowledge, this link combines imagery and laser interaction, so that in the cold winter, a pure and flawless image of the ice and snow romantic event is created, and the freehand in Chinese art is perfectly integrated with the realism in Western art. "If there's one word to describe this Winter Olympics, it's warmth. The opening ceremony revolves around the traditional culture of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, so that the Winter Olympics will greet a hint of spring in the cold winter, bringing pure and warm romantic meaning to the Winter Olympics. ”

Enthusiastic and touched, leaving the most beautiful youth in the volunteer post

Chen Yukang, a student at North China University of Science and Technology, is a volunteer at the venue in Chongli District, Zhangjiakou. He said that the successful opening of the Winter Olympics is everyone's dream, symbolizing the success of the stage and the prosperity of the motherland. "Although the temperature in Chongli District in Zhangjiakou was -22°C, the cold weather did not stop my enthusiasm. The holding of the opening ceremony inspired me to work hard in my own post, rigorously do every job entrusted to me, and contribute to the Winter Olympics with practical actions. ”

Chen Guanlin and Liu Yuwei, students of the China Institute of Labor Relations, volunteered for the Winter Olympics at the Wukesong Sports Center. It is worth mentioning that the two are still lovers. For this opening ceremony, the two described it this way - shocking and moving. "At the opening ceremony, we saw the achievements of China's scientific and technological development, and the integration of science and technology and humanities with ice and snow elements complemented each other." Although Liu Yuwei was unable to go to the Bird's Nest to experience the opening ceremony, she and her friends watched the opening ceremony together in front of the screen of the online live broadcast. "In addition to the excitement in front of the screen before, I also have a sense of participation and a sense of 'time' that has become popular this spring evening." We are not only witnesses to the success of the Winter Olympic Games, but also participants and strivers. This opening ceremony makes me full of expectations for the Winter Olympic Games, and also full of expectations for our Chinese Olympic athletes!"

Cai Xinxin, a student at Beijing University of Chemical Technology, is a service volunteer at the National Alpine Ski Center. "Touched" is her feelings about the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games. Cai Xinxin explained that the opening ceremony closely follows the theme of "together to the future", which is simple but not simple, and it is very exciting. "It not only once again stimulated my pride in China's excellent traditional culture, but also reminded me of the low-carbon environmental protection measures taken by various high-tech equipment such as venue equipment to volunteer clothing, which shows the mainland's determination to call on all mankind to 'go to the future together'." Therefore, I am deeply touched by the fact that the Beijing Winter Olympics have implemented the initiative of a community with a shared future for mankind from the concept to the actual operation in every detail. ”

Song Zhihao, a master's student at Tsinghua University, is a "volunteer who serves volunteers", that is, responsible for the volunteer publicity work of the National Stadium, comprehensively and vividly publicizing the bird's nest volunteer group portrait and showing the youth style of the "new bird's nest generation". For this opening ceremony, he used one word to describe it - youthful. He said that standing in the Bird's Nest and facing the world, the mission of the "New Bird's Nest Generation" is glorious. "At this Winter Olympics, I fully felt the vigorous vitality of the 'New Bird's Nest Generation', most of the volunteers are silently dedicated behind the scenes, some of them are responsible for technical support, ticket inspection, some guide seats in the stands, mobilize the atmosphere, the smile and enthusiasm of volunteers have once again become the most beautiful landscape of the Winter Olympics!"

Source: China Youth Network

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