
The world's first large-scale investment, more than 1,000 hydrogen vehicles shuttled through the Winter Olympic Village

Driving China's February 5, 2022 news, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (hereinafter referred to as the Beijing Winter Olympics) officially opened today, and the Beijing Winter Olympics will become the first Olympic event to truly achieve "carbon neutrality".

According to the data released by the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, the Beijing Winter Olympics will demonstrate the operation of more than 1,000 hydrogen energy vehicles, equipped with more than 30 hydrogen refueling stations, which is the world's largest fuel cell vehicle demonstration.

The world's first large-scale investment, more than 1,000 hydrogen vehicles shuttled through the Winter Olympic Village

According to reports, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles from Toyota Motor, BAIC Group, Yutong Bus, Foton Motor and many other car companies will be put into the Beijing Winter Olympics.

It is reported that the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee previously released the "Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Low-carbon Management Work Plan" to identify 18 carbon emission reduction measures and 4 "carbon neutrality" measures, comprehensively achieve 100% renewable energy to meet the conventional power consumption needs of venues, and promote new energy vehicles in various competition areas, and actively promote the demonstration application of hydrogen fuel vehicles that meet the relevant model catalogs.

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