
There was a man who drank until he had a cerebral hemorrhage, and his wife was reluctant to save him. If it were you, would you save?

There are questions and answers

Strive to answer one question every day.

Someone asked: Some male patients have brain hemorrhage after drinking, and their wives are unwilling to save them. If it were you, would you save?

This is a difficult question to answer because it involves the question of transposition.

Do not persuade others to be good without suffering.

Therefore, this "if it is you" hypothesis is actually meaningless, and even self-bothering.

Back to the main topic, let's talk about the "drinking until the brain hemorrhage" thing.

This is to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, mainly involving: the location of the patient's bleeding, the amount of bleeding, the speed, the cause, the underlying condition, whether there is surgery and other treatment conditions; the patient's economic conditions, whether it can withstand the expected results of both people and money or long-term paralysis, vegetatives, etc.; and the wishes of the family.

Some people bleed in the brainstem, some people bleed in the frontal lobe, etc.

Some people have subarachnoid hemorrhage, some people have cerebral parenchymal hemorrhage.

Some people have very little bleeding, and some people have cerebral hernia and cerebral edema when they are admitted to the hospital.

This is the difference, and it also determines the different outcomes.

To be honest, this sort of thing is a lot, and it happens almost every day.

Everyone's condition is different, and everyone's family situation is different. If it doesn't happen to you, you can never really appreciate it.

Some families really can't afford to bear the result of people and money, and some families are really very calm and calm.

I have met the elderly in their nineties who have cerebral hemorrhage, the family is still unwilling to give up, adhere to active treatment, I have also seen the twenty-something cerebral hemorrhage coma, the family did not have a trace of panic and tears, just asked to give up.

I've seen a lot of touching things, and I've seen a lot of dog blood plots.

But this is life, and you will never be able to penetrate the human world.

What we can do is to respect the law of the occurrence and development of the disease, and respect the decisions of patients and/or families.

Finally, let me emphasize that cerebral hemorrhage is just a general term, and it contains too much content. Simply put, some patients with cerebral hemorrhage can hardly be treated, some patients with cerebral hemorrhage can also be actively rescued, and some patients with cerebral hemorrhage even have no special symptoms from the appearance.

Do not easily blame others, do not despise the impact of alcohol on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


I was the last dopamine to record sounds from the real world.

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