
New Year Yue reads | knows its name, recognizes its shape, and feels spring from the phenological name flower painting post

Cover news reporter Zhang Jie

Embraced by nature, we try our best to know its name, its shape, its mysteries, and its reverence.

Twenty-four solar terms correspond to twenty-four different positions in the Earth's orbit. In a solar year, the twenty-four solar terms are assigned to twelve months, and a "festival" is set every month, just like the twelve bamboo knots, and the two knots are the "qi" in the bamboo, so the solar terms are subdivided into knots and middle qi. There are two solar terms per month, three seasons per solstice, five days per solstice, for a total of seventy-two days a year. Each solar intersection is accurate to the second, interlocking and seamless.

Through long-term observation and observation of the natural world, the ancients understood the mysteries, summarized the laws, and then applied the laws to practical activities, so as to respond to the heavens and get the gifts of heaven. "Born because of spring, long because of summer, harvest because of autumn, hidden because of winter, and abnormalities are four blocks of heaven and earth." The change of yin and yang is also countable in people." The ancestors of the mainland not only took the solar terms as the time guide for agricultural production, and arranged food, clothing, shelter, and transportation in an orderly manner according to this, but also "took all the bodies near and things from afar", and felt the heavens and the earth between the pitches. The twelve meridians of the human body correspond to the twelve hours, and the laws are used to dialectically treat them; the twelve laws of music correspond to December, and the laws are used to achieve harmony; "a day is divided into four hours, and the morning is spring, the middle of the day is summer, the day is autumn, and the night is half winter."

More than a hundred years ago, the Japanese painter Jushi Xiaoshi painted the "Seventy-Two Waiting Flowers Painting Post", which preserved the hand-painted form of the flowers corresponding to the Seventy-two Waiting. Published by China Pictorial Publishing House, "Flowers Bloom Without Feeling deep: Twenty-four solar terms and seventy-two waiting flower trade winds", not only reproduces the hand-painted original manuscript of the Japanese painter Jushi Xiaoshi's "Seventy-two Waiting Flowers Painting Post" a hundred years ago, but also accompanies two classical poems in each waiting, and specially invites Ding Pengbo, associate researcher of the National Museum of China, and Ren Tong, a member of the Beijing Folk Writers Association, to elaborate on the origin of the twenty-four solar terms and folk culture. Professor Yi Mingfang of the Department of Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Architecture of China Agricultural University was also invited to examine and sort out the characteristics and functions of the painted plants, and strived to create a dual beauty of painting and naturalism.

The most special thing is that a flower is selected from each solar term, and its black and white first draft is attached to the text for coloring, so that the reader can personally feel each flower from ethereal to full. The book is accompanied by twenty-four "Seventy-two Waiting Flower Paintings" that can be colored in black and white, dyed in fifteen days, dyed and completed in one year, and can be slowly returned.

New Year Yue reads | knows its name, recognizes its shape, and feels spring from the phenological name flower painting post

Excerpts from the book:


In the traditional sense, the Spring Festival does not refer to the "first day of the Chinese New Year", but to the "Lichun", which is at the top of the twenty-four solar terms. The Chinese calendar is characterized by the use of the yin-yang calendar, taking into account the changes in the two cycles of the synodic month and the solar year, and the first day of the first lunar month and the spring equinox belong to the two systems of the lunar calendar and the solar calendar, which are used as the starting signs of the lunar year and the solar year respectively.

Lichun has always been an important traditional festival, and the dry branch year is headed by it. Before the Beiyang government designated January 1 of the Gregorian calendar as "New Year's Day" and renamed the previous New Year's Day (the first day of the first lunar month) to "Spring Festival", Lichun has always attracted much attention as the Spring Festival. The commentary on the Zhou Jie Arithmetic Sutra says: "The four li are the beginning of the growth and collection." "The four immediate springs, summers, autumns, and winters, which are the beginning of the seasons, respectively, begin the journey of all things to grow, grow, harvest, and hide. Lichun ranks first among the four li, is the starting point of all vitality, also known as "Kaichun".

Counting from the winter solstice on the first day of the ninth count, the period of small cold, great cold, and spring has passed through three solar terms, about forty-five days. When the time came, the five or nine had just passed, and the six nine came, which was the so-called "spring hit the six or nine heads." The reason why it is called "beating" is related to the custom of whipping spring cattle. Winter is the season of agricultural leisure, and the cattle are cultivated and rested in winter. Spring festival, the east wind to send warmth, the earth gradually thawed, grass and trees are about to germinate. Since ancient times, China has been based on agriculture, and the government has taken "persuading farmers" as an important task to implement. The plan of the year lies in the spring, and the holding of the "Whip Spring" ceremony on the occasion of the spring ceremony is actually an exhortation to the peasants: the agricultural leisure has passed, and we should actively prepare for the cultivation of the new year. Cattle are an important tool in agricultural labor, and farmers may not be willing to be whipped, so they replace them with native cattle. On the day before Yu Lichun, government officials were required to go to the eastern outskirts of the city to greet the spring god and participate in the whipping of earth cattle. The "Chapters and Sentences of the Moon Order" records: "It is the dusk of the moon that builds ugly, and the ugly is the cow." The cold will be extreme, so the image of its object is produced to show that it is served, and it is born of the sun. "It can be seen that it is made in the shape of a cow, and it also has the meaning of cold pole yangsheng.

New Year Yue reads | knows its name, recognizes its shape, and feels spring from the phenological name flower painting post


In the oracle bones, the "spring" glyph is not fixed, but it is not separated from the elements of the sun, the earth, and the grass and trees. To the small seal, it has become a collection of "艸", "日", and "屯", and "萅" is also written as "芚" or "旾". "Tun" consists of "one" and "屮". "Speaking of Wen Shubu": "Ass, the grass and trees are also born." And "one" is the earth that has been frozen for a long time. Under the action of the sun, the grass finally breaks through the soil and sprouts tenaciously, which is the portrayal of spring.

Du Fu wrote in the poem "Li Chun" that "spring spring plate fine lettuce", up to the court, down to the folk, there is a custom of eating spring plate on the spring day. Su Dongpo said that "Artemisia annua yellow leeks try the spring plate", and said that the "fine lettuce" in the spring plate was what it was.

When it is warm and cold, leeks, which are the perennial vegetables with the most similar appearance to grass, can withstand the severe cold of winter, and when the ice and snow melt, the root buds are vigorously upwards through the ground, and the first greenery is sprouted. It seems that the fine lettuce that plays the spring plate refers to the spring leek that has just broken the ground. The leek flavor is spicy, so the spring plate is also known as the "spicy plate". After a long winter, the turbid qi in the internal organs of the human body has accumulated, and it can be driven away by eating xin. Eating spring cakes on Spring Day is the continuation of the spring plate custom, commonly used leeks, celery, spinach, bean sprouts, eggs, vermicelli, etc. to fry into a dish, with pancake rolls, called "biting spring". At the beginning of the new year, people expect a prosperous year and a prosperous family, so they use celery as a metaphor for hard work and leeks for a long life. The delicious food with beautiful meaning makes the custom of "biting spring" pass down to this day.

In the spring, the east wind thaws. Yang and to and firmly condensed also.

New Year Yue reads | knows its name, recognizes its shape, and feels spring from the phenological name flower painting post


Side calendula

Ranunculaceae, lateral calendula genus. Also known as red wax flower. Perennial herb. In early spring, the new leaves and flowers unfold together, one stem and one flower, with most petals, inverted lanceolate, golden yellow. Commonly found on hillsides, meadows, or understory.

Efficacy: Root and whole grass contain cardiolasides such as Fushou herb glycosides, plus hemp glycosides, Fushou herb toxins and other compounds, which are toxic and can also be used medicinally, and can treat congestive heart failure, cardiac edema, atrial fibrillation and other diseases.

《Li Chun》

Don Cao Song

The wood is cold, and the earth is warm prophetic.

After the birds sink, the mountains are thin when the snow is thin.

"Five Days After The Spring" By Don Bai Juyi

Five days after the spring, the spring is full of grace.

The day is getting longer and the clouds are low.

Residual ice jade pieces, new calyx row red.

When you meet things, you are happy, and love spring is not alone.

After Yingfang, the garden stands, and the front eaves are warmed.

There is also a sad heart, wanting not to be red-hot.

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