
24 solar terms| add new years spring full of old mountains and rivers

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24 solar terms| add new years spring full of old mountains and rivers
24 solar terms| add new years spring full of old mountains and rivers

After the change of seasons, we have ushered in the beginning of the twenty-four solar terms - Lichun. Li Chun, the First Moon Festival, is the first of the twenty-four solar terms and is one of the "Four Li". The ancient "four stands" refer to the beginning of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and its agricultural significance is "spring planting, summer long, autumn harvest, and winter hiding". Therefore, the standing of spring is the meaning of "beginning"; spring represents warmth and growth, and from this moment on, spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, and everything opens a new cycle.

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《Kyochu New Year 7th Spring》

Don Rohan

One two three four five six seven,

Wanmu sprouts are today.

Far away from the sky to the geese whisking the clouds to fly,

Fish swimming near the water burst out of the ice.

24 solar terms| add new years spring full of old mountains and rivers

The ancient Chinese divided the fifteen days of Lichun into three seasons: "The first wait for the east wind to thaw, it is said that the east wind sends a warm breath, the ice and snow melt, and the earth begins to thaw; the second waiting stings begin to vibrate, saying that the animals in hibernation feel the breath of spring and gradually begin to wake up; the three waiting fish are negative ice, at this moment the river water begins to thaw, and the fish that have been silent for a winter begin to swim, because at this moment there are still fine ice ballasts in the river, so when the fish swim, it is as if they are swimming on their backs."

The twenty-four solar terms are the product of agricultural civilization, so the festival customs often carry strong agricultural characteristics. For example, in the spring season, there is a custom of "whipping spring cattle" to "urge farming", and on the day of spring, whipping the "spring cattle" made of soil is used to remind people that the plan of the year lies in the spring, and it is necessary to grasp the spring ploughing production and not delay the agricultural time.

Lichun is located at the beginning of the year, since ancient times, major worship of gods and ancestors, prayer for blessings, exorcism of evil spirits, removal of old cloth, new spring and other celebrations are arranged in Lichun and its before and after the time period, this series of festivals not only constitute the framework of the first festival of the future years, its folk function has also been preserved to this day. Many of the customs of Lichun are lively and interesting, and have a sense of ceremony. For example, some places in the north want to eat turnips, called "biting spring", taking the meaning of the ancients "biting the grass roots, then Pepsi can be done", with the change of years gradually evolved into eating spring cakes and spring rolls. By the way, which dish is the most important thing to eat spring cakes in your house? Stir-fried noodles with sauerkraut, or fried bean sprouts and shredded potatoes?

In and around the mainland's Tropic of Cancer and beyond, the breath of early spring is already evident at this time. And what about most of the area to the north? For example, in Liaoning Province, we can only say that we have just entered the prelude to spring, the cold winter of all things has not yet passed, the cold air is still unscrupulous, and the cold tide, wind and ice and snow are still the protagonists of the Spring Festival. We in the north have heard such a sentence, "spring cover autumn freeze" must not be forgotten, properly covered, for the health of the body is good. Human body temperature is always kept relatively constant, generally around 37 ° C. If the body temperature is too low, the physiological function of the human body will be impaired.

The time of Spring is very special, generally between February 3 and 5, February 4 is the most common, 3 and 5 are rare. And what is even more rare is the "spring of the year", that is, the spring on the first day of the New Year. Folk believe that the spring of the year is very auspicious, and this year will be smooth and rainy.

There is also a very special place on this year's Spring Day, when the Beijing Winter Olympics will open. In the traditional concept of Chinese, Lichun has an auspicious meaning, when the Winter Olympics and Lichun meet, when Beijing meets with the world, this year's Lichun is destined to remain in our memory for a long time.

24 solar terms| add new years spring full of old mountains and rivers
24 solar terms| add new years spring full of old mountains and rivers

Although it has been "li chun"

But the province is still sunny and cold

The weather was fine today

Most of the province

The maximum temperature is still better than yesterday

There was a slight decline

Between -7 and -4 °C

The minimum temperature is still low

Among them, Fushun -22 °C

Shenyang, Benxi, Huludao -18 °C

Remind everyone to go out

Pay attention to keep warm from the cold

24 solar terms| add new years spring full of old mountains and rivers

As far as the current meteorological data is concerned

Expected next Monday

That is, the seventh day of the first month

The province is heating up significantly

The maximum temperature is around zero degrees

Next Tuesday

The highest temperature in the province will return to above zero

24 solar terms| add new years spring full of old mountains and rivers

Spring today

Spring cake arranged up ~

Poster making

Big Dipper poster commando

Source: Voice of Liaoning New North Beidou Rong Media Northeast News Network

Executive Producer/Wang Xuedong

Review/Liu Yun



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