
One man's world

author:Wen Ruo
One man's world

Near dusk, I was in the field. The crops in the fields are tall, and everywhere is a patch of green, like a green ocean. The sun is about to set, and the sunset is red. An evening breeze gently blew and caressed my face, and I immersed myself in this beautiful nature. There was no one around, just me. I watched the sunset for a long time. It was the most beautiful view before dark. Asaka is also beautiful. There are only two times of the day when the sun is the most beautiful. I haven't seen the rising sun in a long time. Even the sunset rarely has time to watch. Life in the city is too boring and tedious. If it weren't for this trip, wouldn't you have had a chance to see such a view? It's good to travel. I love to travel alone, to be free to be alone, to go wherever I want, to stay wherever I want, to be free. But there is some loneliness in this freedom. I haven't met a woman I love since my divorce. I'm not a guy who can make it up. Fortunately, I have some money, not a lot of money, but I can guarantee food and clothing. This gives me nothing to worry about and can travel freely for a time of the year. Freedom is the best state of human life. But how many people can do it? I see a lot of people living unfreely, doing things they don't like, not taking any vacations, and working like cows and horses. So what's the point? If I were like that, I wouldn't be able to stand it. Fortunately, I was lucky. It's not how capable I am, it's about having a rich dad. Dad is gone. He left me a big legacy. Naturally, I lived a happy life. I don't love business like dad. I'm not interested in business. I'm only interested in art. I also don't have much interest in money either. Probably I have not been short of money since I was a child, and I have not experienced not having money. I was born to be lucky. I look at these landscapes and think about these things. What should I do? You can't just live like that. Honestly, it's boring at times. Although I have a strong interest in art, I feel that my talent is very average, and I am not sure if I can become an artist, I am always unsure. But what else can I do? Something has to be done. Man comes into the world to do things, and he cannot spend this life empty.

One man's world

The sun was setting. It's time for me to go back to town. It's close to town, it's a suburb and you can get a taxi on the road to the north. I took a taxi to town. Arrived at the hotel. Took a shower first. I want to eat Western food. I arrived at the Western restaurant. There are not many people here. I sat down by the window. The lights outside the window are brilliant and the traffic is busy. The restaurant plays a piano piece by Richard Clayderman. Something to eat came up quickly. I watched the setting in the restaurant as I ate. There was a middle-aged man dining alone. Like me, it's a person. The middle-aged man smoked a cigarette. He had finished eating. The wine is not finished yet. He drank red wine while smoking. I finished eating. I also smoked a cigarette. I don't have a big addiction and smoke half a pack a day. The middle-aged man smoked one by one. His area was full of smoke. There must be something annoying about this person. I looked out the window. A woman led a boy across the street in a hurry, the boy carrying a school bag. They quickly disappeared from my sight. An old lady across the road rummaged through the bins and pulled out a couple of drink bottles. I was a little tired and wanted to go back to sleep. As I left the restaurant, the man was still sitting there, smoke hanging over him...

One man's world

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