
Days related to tofu

author:Life Bookstore
Days related to tofu
Days related to tofu

This is the 122nd push of Life Bookstore in 2018

The book recommended to you by today's life jun is a naturalist codex about nature, plants, and hometown - "Letters from the Mountains". "Letter from the Mountains" is composed of three parts: "Plants of the Hometown" (South), "Plants of Beijing" (North), and "Movies and Plants", and the author writes about the cheerfulness and tranquility of plants in people's lives with clear and peaceful words.

In "Spring and Hometown", the author records the sights and sounds of wandering in the rivers and rivers of Yongjia Nanxi in his southern hometown with a simple and meticulous penmanship, involving flowers, plants, trees, local customs and other things. "The Four Seasons of Beijing" are some of the plants that the author observed and recorded in his life when he was idle in Beijing. There are natural notes describing the flowers and plants seen during the walk, and there are also idle chapters about plants written after visiting Beijing's famous places. "Film Plant Notes" is mainly the author's record of plants that appear in the movie after watching the movie, and this field is basically unrelated in China.

About tofu

Wen 丨 Shu Xing

Days related to tofu

bean curd

In the summer, the appetite is poor, and I don't eat spicy, so I eat a cold tofu under the rice. The method is also simple, supermarket buy a piece of white jade lactone tofu in the plate yard good, with a knife cut into small pieces, sprinkle some squeezed vegetable shreds, shallots, and then take a small bowl, put some fine salt, sugar, pour vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, olive oil, stir well poured on the tofu, its taste is beautiful, tofu soft squeezed vegetables crisp, very suitable. There are also celery chopped in the hometown; those who like to eat garlic and coriander can be cut into it.

In the fourth chapter of "Camel Xiangzi", Lao She writes that Xiangzi ate old tofu after escaping for his life and came out of a small illness, which made people's appetites open: "Sitting there, he is not busy." Everything in front of him was familiar, lovely, just sitting and dying, and he seemed to be happy. After resting for half a day, he went to the bridge to eat a bowl of old tofu: vinegar, soy sauce, pepper oil, and leek minced, which was scalded by the hot snow-white tofu, emitting a bit of fragrant taste, so fragrant that Shoko wanted to hold his breath; holding the bowl, looking at the dark green leek powder, his hand could not stop shivering. After taking a bite, the tofu boiled a path through his body; he added two small spoonfuls of chili oil to his own hands. After a bowl was eaten, his sweat was soaking through the waistband of his pants. Half-closing his eyes, he handed the bowl out: 'One more bowl!' He cut the leek here. Leeks and tofu are very compatible, and new leeks are made in the spring. Leeks are the organic vegetables sent on the day, very tender, I can't help but buy a piece of tofu to fry, put a little more oil, tofu cut into thin square slices on both sides of the fry yellow, the leeks cut into it, sprinkle some salt, it is very delicious.

Days related to tofu

Stir in tofu

Mr. Ip Ling Feng wrote in the "Hong Kong FangWu Zhi" that the leeks were fried tofu: "Using a dry pot to bake the tofu yellow, and then crushing the fried leeks, dry and fragrant appetizers, it is really a good home-cooked dish with low prices and good quality." "However, the leek fried tofu I made did not break the tofu, and I felt that it was a pity that the carefully fried tofu slices were broken." Of course, a large part of the reason is out of habit, the hometown of Wenzhou, this two-sided fried yellow tofu flakes called tofu fish, is a local specialty, very folk flavor. The folk customs contained in wenzhou tofu fish are, first, the old man should eat tofu fish on the white celebration, which has the meaning of eating fasting; second, the temple and temple do Buddhist things, and the house will also make tofu fish.

Days related to tofu

Tofu fish

My hometown's village is surrounded by mountains, it is not easy to buy anything, the village commissary can not fully meet the daily needs of the villagers, seafood, dried goods, meat, tofu, etc. are picked and sold. There is only one tofu seller in these villages on these hills, it is a fat young woman, her face is rosy and clean, although her voice is not large, because the mountains are quiet, people can easily hear her tofu shouting: "die-fu!" The bean word dragged long, and the pronunciation of the local vernacular was close to that of a butterfly, but she dragged it just the right length, unlike the shouting and selling sound I heard outside the Plain Boarding School later, which was much more exaggerated and more imposing, and the shouting sound was richer: "diefu - to cutie fu - I feel close to singing." Meat sellers have bragging horns, and I don't know why people who sell tofu don't blow tofu whistles. I remember that in the Naruse and Ozu movies, the tofu whistle sounded, and the subtitles would also be commented, but only the sound was heard each time. I wanted to see their tofu burdens, but I finally saw them in Morita Yoshimitsu's "Samurai's Family Book", and it turned out that they tied up the tofu piece by piece and sold it in wooden barrels, and also sold tofu skin and other soy products.

Days related to tofu

People who sell tofu

The young woman who sells tofu in our mountains puts a large piece of tofu on a wooden board, and the side of the wooden board where the tofu is used for a long time is clear and smooth, and the wooden board is placed on the "Pu'er" (a local bamboo basket), and is carried and sold with a flat shoulder, and when someone buys it, stop picking the burden, cut a small piece into the bowl that people bring with them. At that time, most of the things Bought were their own containers, there were small wine glasses to the commissary to buy two small pieces of tofu milk, tofu milk in a large jar, the jar was fragrant when the lid was lifted, and the treasurer carefully clipped it into your cup with chopsticks.

I often help the family to buy tofu, sometimes the cut tofu is still hot, soft and very soft, my mother cut a little down, cut into small cubes sprinkled with sugar frosting (local sugar name), for me is a good snack. Because I didn't know about the existence of tofu brain at that time, I felt very happy to eat tofu like this. This way of eating reminds me of a tofu shop opened by Ichikawa Shikihi in the Matsumoto Kana movie "Mother River", Koizumi Tomoko and Toshimi Kobayashi go to buy tofu to eat, and each of them sits at the door of the tofu shop with a plate of tofu and eats it with a small spoon like eating cake. In many Japanese movies, such as Yoji Yamada's "Kyoto Taiqin Story" and Naoto Takenaka's "Waiting for the Day to Fight the Fire", there are special tofu shops that are clean and warm.

Days related to tofu

The tofu shop in the movie "Mother River"

The large pieces of tofu left in our house are generally eaten as tofu fish. Sometimes the family is busy and there is no time to do it, so I pour soy sauce to dip it in soy sauce to eat, which is called eating raw tofu. Wenzhou people like a variety of raw food, the raw food suffixed with a "raw" word to name this dish, such as eating raw crab, this dish is called Hong Kong crab raw. In the past, our mountain family used to produce tea, rice, melons, fruits and vegetables, and like tofu, which was bought on the shoulders, it felt very precious and particularly delicious. Feng Zikai said: "I often feel that life between mountains and rivers is more fragrant and tofu is fatter because of the inconvenience of need. Because of loneliness, neighbors are closer. ”

Don't forget the first time you ate tofu brain. Mom left the mountains to open a cloth shop in a town on the plains. There is a breakfast shop diagonally opposite the cloth shop, my mother took me to eat fritters and a bowl of tofu brain, fritters are also the first time to eat, the mountain people are really eye-opening. The tofu brain is placed in an orange-red tall bowl, the inside color of the bowl is white porcelain, and the tofu brain is covered with a layer of frosting, crystal clear. The tofu brain I ate later was not as good as the one in that town! Last year, I saw a car selling tofu brains on the streets of my hometown, and I sold them at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, just like the sound of wontons sold in my hometown, which had the old atmosphere, but I didn't buy the tofu brain to eat.

Days related to tofu

Tofu brain and fritters

Days related to tofu

"Letter from the Mountain" book shadow

Days related to tofu

This article is excerpted from Independence Day, a new book in the Wildling series

Letter from the Mountains

Shu Xing

Published by Triptych Life Bookstore

Days related to tofu

ISBN 978-7-80768-240-0 Price: $58.00

Life, Reading, New Knowledge Triptych Bookstore Life Bookstore Publishing Co., Ltd

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Or poke at the end of the article "read the original text" to buy the book immediately

Wildling series in the wild

Days related to tofu

Price: 58.00 RMB

ISBN 978-7-80768-240-0

Life, Reading, and New Knowledge Triptych Bookstore

Life Bookstore Publishing Limited

Days related to tofu

"Time in The Woods"

By Zhou Huacheng/ Illustrated by Jin Xue

ISBN 978-7-80768-241-7

【Welfare Time】

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This time we will not argue about salty party and sweet party, let's talk about your favorite dish about tofu! Please leave a message in the comment area and say your reasons... Readers who have the most likes in their comments can get a copy of "Letters from the Mountains".

Days related to tofu


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