
The first return of warm rhythms, grass and trees Su Meng - starting from Lichun, three meals conform to the four seasons and return to simple life

The plums are green and green, and the wine is just picked; the cherries are red, and they are picked to make jam; the wild vegetables are dug up in the field to taste fresh; some chestnuts are picked up on the mountain as snacks...

The first return of warm rhythms, grass and trees Su Meng - starting from Lichun, three meals conform to the four seasons and return to simple life

Picking green plum soaked wine | The image comes from the Internet

It's someone else's life, and three meals conform to the seasons.

Desire is reduced to a spoonful of food and drink, caring for the weather, grain and vegetables, pastoral life, conveying a unique aesthetic meaning. This beauty lies in the sunrise and sunset that follow the rules of the four-order change, as well as spring cultivation and summer cultivation, autumn harvest and winter collection.

In fact, since ancient times, the ancestors have understood the "observation and timing", and through observing the movement of celestial bodies, they have recognized the laws of changes in order and phenology at the age of one, and gradually formed a set of perfect knowledge systems to guide agricultural affairs.

Mark the age and record the time with flowers blooming and falling leaves, geese to swallows, and strange willows and cicadas in the forest. Following the laws of nature, feeling the time and things, people and heaven and earth live in harmony. When people understand the world through the sound of cicadas and a line of geese, they can read the shape, color, sound, taste, and even light and shade of life, virtual reality - this is a wonderful experience, starting from Lichun.

The first return of warm rhythms, grass and trees Su Meng - starting from Lichun, three meals conform to the four seasons and return to simple life

Tree budding record time | The image comes from the Internet

At 4:51 a.m. on the 4th, Li Chun.

Spring, spring begins and is established also. Lichun is the first of the years of the Ganzhi calendar, and the mainland has always used it as the starting point of the four-order change. On the day of the ancient spring, Tianzi personally led his courtiers to the eastern suburbs to greet the spring, pray for a good year, and Bude ordered to benefit the people, and local officials personally spurred the "spring cow" of clay sculpture or paper paste, implying that spring ploughing began, and the common people also had customs such as wearing spring victories and giving each other spring cattle pictures, in order to pin good wishes for life.

Lively and lively, the whole world celebrates.

The first return of warm rhythms, grass and trees Su Meng - starting from Lichun, three meals conform to the four seasons and return to simple life

Playing spring cattle | The image comes from the Internet

According to the custom of the ancients to eat every festival, Li Chun Day has a specific dish that meets the season - spring plate. Cakes and lettuce are plated on a plate, which is called a spring plate. Spring plates were originally folk snacks, and as a spring ceremony, people gave each other gifts. Later, it gradually spread to the palace, and the emperor also gave him and hundreds of officials around the time of Lichun. The main course of the spring plate is slightly different, with lettuce, shredded radish, leeks, etc. being the most common, and the traditional way of eating them is to eat them in pancake rolls.

The first return of warm rhythms, grass and trees Su Meng - starting from Lichun, three meals conform to the four seasons and return to simple life

Spring plate | The image comes from the Internet

The spring plate originated from the Wuxin plate of the Jin Dynasty. According to the Jin "Records of Customs and Soils", these five spices "are shallots, garlic, leeks, brassica, and coriander are also", and the purpose of consumption is to use five spices to send out five visceral qi. Li Shizhen wrote in the Compendium of Materia Medica: "Five spices ... Miscellaneous and edible, take the meaning of welcoming the new, called the five spice plates. The ancients believed that the turbid qi accumulated by people through a winter needed a variety of spicy things to work together to get rid of it, and "xin" and "new" were homophonous, probably also had the meaning of eating xin to welcome the new.

"Spring plate" has a good meaning, and the world often uses it as a poem. However, whether it is Du Fu's "spring spring plate fine lettuce" or Su Shi's "artemisia yellow leek test spring plate", the custom of "eating spicy" in Lichun reveals a key message, that is, "eating new". Spring to the human world, the grass and trees know, the spring vegetables that should be born in response to the times, its roots, its branches and leaves, all contain the vitality of the first return of the warm rhythm, and the tender, crisp and raw gift of nature is really because it is fleeting, so it is necessary to eat it quickly while fresh.

The first return of warm rhythms, grass and trees Su Meng - starting from Lichun, three meals conform to the four seasons and return to simple life

Spring vegetables that should be long and long

However, when the farming society has passed, many brilliant cultural stars have also been annihilated in the long river of history. Traveling through the city far away from the four seasons, we gradually lost the fun of the four orders, got used to artificial, added sour, sweet, salty, spicy, and forgot the natural taste.

Therefore, you may wish to start from this starting point, feel the sunshine, rain and dew, birds and flowers in the flow of time, eat vegetables that grow in season, trace the culture in the millennium time and space, and return to simplicity and romance.

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