
A man's story

author:Brother Thor


What is the world's worst nightmare?

I think, it should be

Dreaming that I am always alone...

Because it is a person in a dream, and it is the same when you wake up.


I often dream of myself with my friends

Have fun.

But I don't know why,

They...... It will always disappear.

I've had this dream for at least three full years.

Once, I saw my partner in a dream,

Overjoyed to follow them, want to play together,

Yes, yes... I just have to follow them.

They either disappear or do nothing.

It's hard to dream of playing together.

As a result, I turned around,

I'll never find them again...

So in reality, when someone finally comes to play with me,

Nothing happened, and I laughed uncontrollably.

They are strange.

But I'm really happy!


After that one thing in elementary school,

Although I still believe in friendship, I have become particularly cautious

Even suspicious.

Be careful every day, always worried about being watched.

During the day I'm normal,

But at night I would cry secretly.

Fortunately, I cried because I was sad,

Just cry out.

So as sad as it has been, as sad as it is,

There was no problem either.

I like myself a lot.

I am my best friend.


Once, I dreamed that I could fly.

But no matter where I am, there is no one.

It was late at night, and I flew over the big chimney:

"How come there is no one...

Where are you!" ”

Finally entered the black hole, the darkness is boundless,

But I looked at ease:

After all, I've always been in a "black hole."

What's devastating is that

I can still hear other people laughing,

Even with your eyes closed, you can imagine what they look like happily.

yes! They're getting closer!

Now is the time! I shouted:

"Is it okay to play together?"


It's like a drop of water in the ocean,

My shouts drowned in their laughter,

Not even a single wave has stirred up!

"Wait--wait-I ——!"

They still went far.

I ran over, but it seemed like between us

There is a layer of sadness


Truth be told, this barrier,

Also in reality.


Actually, I have friends.

But time with them is really too little.

For this, my imagination is extremely strong.

You can imagine a lot of good friends anytime, anywhere.

Hey...... Otherwise all these years,

How can I not be sad alone...


It's funny to say.

I hate a person,

Too annoying and too annoying;

but...... I'm not very good at socializing, either.

It's also scary for me.

That's why I'm so upset:

I'm conflicted, but there's nothing I can do about myself.


But thank goodness,

I still have my imagination!

I just never betrayed myself and encouraged myself

My best friend forever!

In life, there are so many friendly people!

Teachers, classmates, netizens...

Even pen and paper are my most loyal companions.

How grateful I am for writing this today!

Thank you

Now, I still feel lonely sometimes.

But I'm not alone anymore


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