
As a torchbearer for the first time, Yang Qian: a little nervous, more blessings!

As a torchbearer for the first time, Yang Qian: a little nervous, more blessings!

On the morning of February 3, the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay began the second day of the Badaling Great Wall tour. Yang Qian, a national shooting team athlete and Tokyo Olympic champion, is the 28th stick torchbearer. She held the torch high and said: "Being a torchbearer for the first time, it is a little nervous, more to bring some blessings to the athletes of the Winter Olympics, hoping that they will achieve good results." ”

One Olympic Games, two gold medals, 21-year-old female rifle athlete Yang Qian became famous at the Tokyo Olympics. She first won the shooting women's 10m air rifle championship, won the first gold for the Chinese sports delegation, and then partnered with Yang Haoran to win the shooting 10m air rifle mixed team championship.

In 2021, along with this cute "post-00s" sharpshooter, there is also Yang Qian's same "champion nail art". Yang Qian also showed reporters her new nail art at the torch relay site - orange and white as the main colors, dotted with orange patterns. "This manicure has the meaning of wishful thinking, and it also symbolizes a blessing." Yang Qian said.

From the venue of the Tokyo Olympic Games to the torch relay site of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Yang Qian said: "It is a particularly meaningful thing to be able to participate in the torch relay, and it is very happy to complete the relay at the Great Wall. ”

Yang Qian, who began practicing shooting at the age of 10 and became famous for shooting, has a very deep affection for this sport. She said: "Shooting has become a part of my life. In addition to shooting, Yang Qian is also very concerned about the Winter Olympics, "I pay more attention to the biathlon related to shooting. Yang Qian said that the biathlon includes cross-country skiing and shooting, which is slightly integrated with her project.

It is reported that on the eve of the Winter Olympics, Yang Qian was hired as an "Ice and Snow Sports Promotion Ambassador" to cheer for the Beijing Winter Olympics and China's ice and snow sports.

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