
"This Killer Is Not Calm" is a tragedy, and by the time we laugh, we're vulgar

author:Ma Qingyun

The movie "This Killer Is Not Calm" was released in theaters nationwide, and many fans regarded the film as a comedy. I don't think so, but after watching the whole movie, I feel "very sad", this is not a comedy, but a typical tragedy of life. The happier the fans laughed, the more sad I felt the play became. The interesting place of cinematic text art is also here, with thousands of faces. I would like to ask the readers to allow me to talk about the side of myself.

"This Killer Is Not Calm" is a tragedy, and by the time we laugh, we're vulgar

I think that watching this movie, different fans may have different roles to replace. For example, there may be fans who bring themselves into the role of the heroine and see a lot of dissatisfaction or even humility in their lives. There may be fans who put themselves into the role of small directors in the film, feeling that in order to work, in order to survive, they have to go down three or four times and give up the artistic bottom line. There may also be fans who substitute themselves into the identity of the gang boss or even the second oldest, and so on. I watched this movie, and as soon as I started, I substituted myself into the role of Wei Chenggong.

"This Killer Is Not Calm" is a tragedy, and by the time we laugh, we're vulgar

Why did it go so smoothly into this role? Because the sense of obsession in Wei Chenggong is actually the unknown "quality" of the artist— if this is a quality. No matter what kind of art discipline we are engaged in, as long as we really enter the state of obsession in our own field, we must be like Wei Chenggong. The character of Wei Chenggong returned to the most authentic state of man, belonging to the typical childlike heart. In such a state, it is easiest to undertake the content ecology of art.

However, in real life, there are always many "precocious" people who think that people like "Wei Chenggong" are a big fool. If the people around us who live are all pure and childlike people like Wei Chenggong, then Wei Chenggong will not be identified as a big fool, and only when "Wei Chenggong" is a minority, there will be "the vast majority" who angrily call "Wei Chenggong" big fools in order to maintain this overwhelming numerical advantage. Similar example, many contemporary people talking about "Dream of the Red Chamber" will also feel that Jia Baoyu is a "big fool" who does not learn any skills. Is this the sadness of the "Wei Chenggong"?

"This Killer Is Not Calm" is a tragedy, and by the time we laugh, we're vulgar

The reason why Wei Chenggong is called a fool is because he "enters the drama". When everyone knows that this is acting, this is fake, only Wei Chenggong is the person who really plays the play, so as to realize the exchange of true and false - when everyone knows that this is true, it is Wei Chenggong who treats reality as a play. Isn't this state of pure childlike heart the Cheng Butterfly in Chen Kaige's "Farewell to the Overlord"?

Based on this, watching this "This Killer Is Not Calm", is it a comedy or a tragedy? I think it is a very typical tragedy, in the film, all the "real drama fake" and "fake drama really done" content, are not funny, but it should be worth thinking about. From Wei Chenggong's point of view, isn't this the duty of art practitioners? What's so funny about that? When I watched the movie, I also entered a state of self-confusion - what is funny about this, shouldn't I smack my lips and reflect?

"This Killer Is Not Calm" is a tragedy, and by the time we laugh, we're vulgar

Therefore, I think that this movie, when we laugh, the film has actually achieved a pungent mockery of the haha laugher. Is Wei Chenggong really funny? Do some of the fans who laughed think that Wei Chenggong is really a big fool, so all the bridges in it have their own sense of joy? When some fans are at a lower level of aesthetics, of course, they will feel that they have seen a "big fool" acting, so it is funny. And once the aesthetic grade of film fans rises and they are substituted into the role of Wei Chenggong, there will be a sense of sadness - these haha-laughing fans will not be the real fools.

Therefore, I think that if "This Killer Is Not Calm" wants to become a real quality work, there should be no story behind it, but directly after Wei successfully escaped, and then continued to end the crew running the dragon set. The "rescue scene" in the back is really just a kind of popcorn satisfaction for the audience who rarely watch movies in the Spring Festival slot - this group of audiences is still looking forward to seeing a happy ending. For the "Wei Chenggongs", if there is any happy ending, it is already a blessing that they can come out alive.

"This Killer Is Not Calm" is a tragedy, and by the time we laugh, we're vulgar

The end credits of the film acknowledge the Japanese film Magic Moment. Of course, it should be thanked, because the overall story structure of "This Killer Is Not Calm" is the "Magic Moment". It can even be said that the main frame of the story of the hired actor disguised as a killer is not Chinese in itself. And it is also rare for an actor to be able to enter the play and become the look of "Wei Chenggong". In our case, the actors are the most intelligent people, so they will not be pure and childish.

Therefore, the work "This Killer Is Not Calm", different fans, can see different content. Some people think it's funny, the laughter is really dense, and some people feel sad, which is the sadness of the artists who really enter the play as fools. (Text/Ma Qingyun)

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