
Welcoming the Winter Olympics, Appreciating the New Year Paintings and Celebrating the New Year (New Era Picture Scroll)

Welcoming the Winter Olympics, Appreciating the New Year Paintings and Celebrating the New Year (New Era Picture Scroll)

Tiger roaring

Xu Ying

Welcoming the Winter Olympics, Appreciating the New Year Paintings and Celebrating the New Year (New Era Picture Scroll)

The central axis of charm and the Winter Olympics

Lu Zixiong

Welcoming the Winter Olympics, Appreciating the New Year Paintings and Celebrating the New Year (New Era Picture Scroll)

Harvest season

Zheng Kaiqin

Welcoming the Winter Olympics, Appreciating the New Year Paintings and Celebrating the New Year (New Era Picture Scroll)

Morning Fun

Guan Xiaohong

Welcoming the Winter Olympics, Appreciating the New Year Paintings and Celebrating the New Year (New Era Picture Scroll)

I love my home

Liu Min

Welcoming the Winter Olympics, Appreciating the New Year Paintings and Celebrating the New Year (New Era Picture Scroll)

Welcome to the Winter Olympics

Li Jiaxin

Welcoming the Winter Olympics, Appreciating the New Year Paintings and Celebrating the New Year (New Era Picture Scroll)

Picking lotus

Chen Nan

Welcoming the Winter Olympics, Appreciating the New Year Paintings and Celebrating the New Year (New Era Picture Scroll)

The garden is full of pears

Liu Xia

Welcoming the Winter Olympics, Appreciating the New Year Paintings and Celebrating the New Year (New Era Picture Scroll)

More than every year

Liu Shuxia

The joy of spring, summer, autumn and winter harvest, the lively life of the streets and alleys, the folk customs of the north and south of the river... Looking at the colorful New Year paintings, the vivid picture of the well-off life in the new era comes to the fore.

Organized by the Literature and Art Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department and the Second Bureau of the Central Civilization Office, together with the Public Service Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the China Artists Association, and the China Folk Writers Association, the "New Life, New Fashion, New Year Painting" - our well-off life art works display activities have recently been carried out across the country, people pick up paintbrushes to depict their new lives, professional art workers go deep into the grassroots to feel the new changes around them, through woodblock New Year paintings, New Year paintings and illustrations with New Year painting elements and other forms of expression. It vividly depicts a new picture of the people's well-off life in the new era, and fully demonstrates the main theme of the era of high spirit and progress.

In order to create a festive and peaceful New Year atmosphere, gather the spiritual strength of striving to be strong, and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture, this edition selects some excellent works from this event for readers to enjoy, welcome the Beijing Winter Olympics, and celebrate the Happy Chinese New Year.

This edition is coordinated by Yang Xuan Zhi Chunli

Typography: Zhang Fangman

Source: People's Daily

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