
From Deng Yaping's secret diary, we can see the correct direction of quality education in China.

author:Open Loop Education

#2021 Opening Speech #Deng Yaping's secret diary records his growth trajectory and drip process, he is a road sign and a proof, proving where quality education should go from and where effective methods are. Our traditional test-taking education is actually a kind of short-board education, using the barrel theory. While constantly making up for the shortcomings, we have cultivated a batch of standardized talents with balanced abilities with factor education ideas, which is very suitable for the process of industrialization, and the low-cost and large-scale training of universal standardized talents has made great contributions to China's transformation from an agricultural country to an industrialized country. This training method is characterized by high efficiency and low cost, can quickly produce a large number of standardized talents, he is like a shaped enamel pot forged in the factory, enamel bowl, can quickly meet people's basic needs. But when the times progress, social development, industrial upgrading, we need high-end beautiful porcelain as tableware, and even we need these. When porcelain becomes a work of art to stain our tables, the production of factory machines is no longer suitable for our needs, what we need is a pair of artists' hands. Now whose world has entered the new era, with the development of China's economy and industrial upgrading, low-end life needs and development needs have been basically met, we need creative, can stand at the forefront of development creative and insightful more high-end and more cutting-edge talents. How to cultivate such talents? The old way of education was obviously not good! Then we use the longboard theory, we no longer have to make barrels, but to make a spear with a sharp handle. We need to stimulate and cultivate the strengths of each child, so that all the energy, time and resources are focused on their strengths, so that their strengths grow long enough, stretch deep enough, so that we get a piece of long board that reaches the limit, and these long boards are combined to reach any cutting-edge field in our country. For individuals, all good qualities are universal, as long as you have made a breakthrough in a certain field, have enough achievements and abilities, then these abilities and achievements in turn are enough to help you quickly get a considerable height in other fields. One is because you have acquired the necessary capabilities and resources to succeed in any field, and the second is that after you make the first longboard, when you make the second longboard, the efficiency will increase by 20%, and the cost and time will decrease by 20%, which is due to the general determination of the learning curve. Therefore, the dams built according to the longboard theory will be higher, the combination will be more flexible and economical, and the unnecessary parts of the real-world application will be eliminated, so as to save resources and energy to reach higher heights. Because the dam does not need to be enclosed at 360 degrees, it only needs to enclose the critical point in the application environment to reach the necessary height. It can form an organic combination with the terrain of the surrounding mountains, and form a common system with other longboards. Therefore, the difference between the talents cultivated by the longboard theory and the people cultivated by the barrel short board theory is the difference between the reservoir and the barrel. In order to cultivate long-board talents, we must carry out the necessary reform of the education system to meet the needs of this training, and give enough patience and tolerance, change the closed test-taking education, open-loop lifelong education, and expand some time and space, so that these longboards can be gradually perfected, become tough and perfect, and can meet the needs of actual needs. Because longboard education has enough flexibility, independence and richness, we can not only get them enough length, but also get a richness of materials and types. Therefore, we can get rid of the rigid and fixed single talent type of test-oriented education and obtain a wealth of high-quality necessary talents, which is more conducive to our industrial upgrading and social development, so that our country and society stand at the forefront and forefront of the world, and occupy an advantage in the future world where human capital is king. Deng Yaping's growth experience just confirms the scientific and feasible education of longboard theory. Coupled with the big data and artificial intelligence technology that human beings have initially possessed, the rich talent training model of longboard and multi-track will be easier to achieve. And in this process, the cultivation of talents and the application of science and technology will complement each other and accelerate each other, which will be more conducive to our science and technology and economic development at the same time, but also for our talent capital advantages to provide a huge boost.

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