
Horoscope analysis of the dry branch on February 3, 2022

Horoscope analysis of the dry branch on February 3, 2022

Zhen Qian/Wen (Original)

Time combination of February 3, 2022: Ding Hai Day, The Year of the Ugly

There are many surprises on this day, there are walking around, there are long trips, there are many nobles, many people help in case of trouble, and there are windfalls.

In the Year of the Tiger in 2022, in addition to paying attention to this sun auspicious star, this Tianyi nobleman can not fail to pay attention, because this Tianyi nobleman's role is also very large, mainly such as favorable work, career, such as the help of many noble people in case of trouble, such as easy promotion, promotion and so on. And in this 2022, this Tianyi noble star is to this 卯宫和巳宫, because the year of nongyin, this nongyi rabbit hidden snake, this free snake is noble, the corresponding is 卯和巳, therefore, the zodiac rabbit and snake people in the year of the tiger is the heaven and the moon in the year of the tiger is the heaven and the night of the noble star, this is very auspicious, the most conducive to work, career luck, easy promotion, or can get the strong support of the nobles.

The most auspicious directions of the day:

(1) Fortuna Side

This day is Ding Hai Day, this Ding is fire, and fire is gold as the wealth star, so this god of wealth is in the western position.

(2) Your party

According to the recipe of the propylene pig chicken position, because it is Ding Day, it is inferred that the nobles of this day are in unitary and hai, corresponding to the west and northwest directions.

(3) Happy God Fang

According to the Fact that the God of Joy is due south, it can be inferred that the God of Joy on this day is in the south.

Today Yoshitomi:

(1) Noon

At noon, it is the time of the day of luism, which is the most favorable fortune.

(2) Not yet

From time to time, this day is not said to be in conjunction with the three branches of the day, which is an auspicious time.

(3) Unitary time

In the unitary time, this unitary time is both the time of the nobles and the time of the fortune stars in this day, and even more the time of entering the gods.

(4) The hour of the hour

Hai shi, this hai shi is the time of the nobles.

The above is for my personal analysis, please refer to it.

The real perseverance of today's essay is not moving inside and out, and the longer it goes, the more firm it becomes.

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