
Thursday, February 3Rd, the third day of the first lunar month, pay attention to the genus and adjustment points

February 3rd, Thursday, the third day of the first lunar month, the dry branch is the Year of Xin Ugly, The Month of Xin Ugly, Ding Hai Day. Ding Hai Ri Dry Branch attributes are yin, Day Dry Ding Fire, such as the fire of the lamp, there is the image of civilization, born on the eve of the alternation of the solar terms, it is advisable to be open-minded and calm, to remain stable, and it is not appropriate to take up major events. It is easy to have barriers, it is advisable to cultivate rationality, maintain harmony, and consider everything thoroughly. In this environment, which genera should be cautious on February 3? And how to adjust it?

Thursday, February 3Rd, the third day of the first lunar month, pay attention to the genus and adjustment points


The five elements of the snake belong to fire, born in the winter of the ugly moon, and are in a poor state. Ding Hai Ri, than the robbery is thoroughly dry, the fire and the Sun Zhi Hai water are flushed, it is easy to have a barrier between right and wrong, so those who belong to the snake should be stable and quiet, strive to ensure peace, and it is not appropriate to take a big event. We must seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, be rational and prudent, and do not be reckless and impulsive. It is not advisable to cooperate and network, negotiate transactions, etc. Beware of contradictions and conflicts, financial ruin and disasters.

Adjustment points: the earth branches and the sea are in conflict, and the northwest is easy to bring harm to the zodiac snake, and the important things should be avoided as much as possible. If necessary, seek the help of the Zodiac Ugly Bull. Dark blue or black clothing is unfavorable, be careful to avoid; green or red-green matching clothing can help the auspicious.

Thursday, February 3Rd, the third day of the first lunar month, pay attention to the genus and adjustment points

Shen Monkey:

Shen Monkey Five Elements belong to gold, born in the ugly winter moon, in good condition, But Ding Hai Ri, the official star is thoroughly dried, Shen Jin and Ri Zhi Hai water harm, easy to have right and wrong entanglement, so the genus is Shen Monkey's should be restrained and patient, keep steady, and it is not appropriate to take big things. We must distinguish between good and evil, think twice before acting, and do not be willful and arbitrary. It is not appropriate to cooperate in friendship, seek wealth and expand, etc., and beware of losses and losses, verbal battles, etc.

Adjustment points: the local branch Shenhai harms each other, the northwest is easy to bring damage to the zodiac Shen monkey, and important things try to avoid this side. The north is conducive to resolving contradictions and releasing pressure. Dark blue or black clothing is not auspicious, try to avoid it, yellow or yellow-white with clothing helps.

Thursday, February 3Rd, the third day of the first lunar month, pay attention to the genus and adjustment points

Hai Pig:

The five elements of the hai pig belong to the water, born in the winter ugly month, the state is acceptable, Ding Hai Ri, the wealth star is thoroughly dried, the hai water and the sun branch hai water are self-punishing, easy to have contradictions and disputes, therefore, the genus of the hai pig should be open-minded and peaceful, passive and quiet, and it is not appropriate to take big things. We must be objective and rational, keep the overall situation in mind, do not be paranoid and willful, it is not appropriate to gather and network, cooperate and expand, and other matters, and beware of contradictions and disputes, and criminal injuries and ruins.

Adjustment points: The ground branch haihai self-punishment, the northwest is easy to bring harm to the zodiac sea pig, important things as far as possible to avoid this side. It is necessary to ask for help from the zodiac for Yinhu. Dark blue or black clothing is unfavorable, pay attention to avoidance; green and light blue clothing can help Ji.

Note: This article is published one day in advance.

Thursday, February 3Rd, the third day of the first lunar month, pay attention to the genus and adjustment points

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