
April 4 Monday The fourth day of March, caution is required for the zodiac sign and adjustment points

April 4th, Monday, the fourth day of the third month of the lunar calendar, the dry branch is the year of Nongyin, the month of 癸卯, Ding Hai Day. Ding Hai Ri Dry Branch attributes are yin, The Sun Dry Ding is like the fire of a lamp, there is an image of civilization, born in the spring and the moon, the official star is dry, it is advisable to be bright and frank, it is necessary to remain steady, and it is not appropriate to rush into things. It is not conducive to harmony, so we must be cautious in our words and deeds, and stay away from right and wrong. In this environment, which genera should be cautious on April 4? And how to adjust it?

April 4 Monday The fourth day of March, caution is required for the zodiac sign and adjustment points


The five elements of the snake belong to the fire, occupy the Xun Palace, born in the spring and moon of the year of Nongyin, in good condition, the day is Ding Hai, than the robbery is thoroughly dried, the fire and the Water of the Sun Branch are clashed, and the Nian Zhi Yin Wood is punished, and there are easy contradictions and disputes, so those who belong to the Snake should strive for stability and should not take big things. We must bear in mind the overall situation, control risks, do not be reckless and impulsive, and it is not appropriate to cooperate with others, networking parties, negotiating transactions, etc. Beware of contradictions and conflicts, financial ruin and disasters.

Adjustment points: the earth branch Yin Mi punishment, the sea is in conflict, the northeast and northwest are easy to bring harm to the zodiac snake, so do things as much as possible to avoid these two directions. Blue and black clothing is unfavorable, try to avoid it, and the combination of red-green and red-yellow clothing can relieve the pressure of contradictions.

April 4 Monday The fourth day of March, caution is required for the zodiac sign and adjustment points

Shen Monkey:

Shen Monkey Five Elements is a gold, located in Kun Palace, born in the spring moon of The Decay, in poor condition. Ding Hai Ri, the official star is thoroughly dried, Shen Jin and Ri Zhi Hai Shui are harmful, and the Nian Zhi Yin Wood is in conflict, which is easy to bring contradictions and barriers to the Zodiac Shen Monkey, so it is appropriate for the Shen Monkey to be stable and quiet, and it is not appropriate to take up major events. It is necessary to distinguish between right and wrong, reasonable progress and retreat, and do not be willful and arbitrary. It is not appropriate to cooperate and friendship, seek wealth and open up, and beware of losses and losses, contradictions and struggles, and so on.

Adjustment points: Dizhi Yin Shen Xiang Chong, Shen Hai harm, the northeast and northwest are easy to bring damage to the zodiac Shen Monkey, so it is necessary to avoid these two directions as much as possible. Blue-black and green clothing is unfavorable, pay attention to avoidance; yellow or yellow-white matching clothing is conducive to releasing contradictory pressure.

April 4 Monday The fourth day of March, caution is required for the zodiac sign and adjustment points

Hai Pig:

The five elements of the pig belong to the water, born in the spring decay month, the energy state is not good. The sun is in Dinghai, the wealth star is dry, and the water and the water of the sun are punished, and there are obstacles to right and wrong, so it is advisable to be open-minded and peaceful for the pigs of the sea, waiting for the opportunity, and it is not appropriate to rush into things. We must be objective and rational, have a long-term concern, do not be paranoid and excessive, it is not appropriate to gather and network, cooperate and expand, and other things, and beware of contradictions and disputes, and criminal injuries and ruins.

Adjustment points: The ground branch haihai self-punishment, the northwest side is easy to bring harm to the zodiac sea pig, so do things as far as possible to avoid this side. Green or light blue clothing is conducive to alleviating the pressure of contradictions.

Note: This article is published one day in advance.

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