
NetEase Wang Yuan: From "selling products" to "paying equal attention to services and products" | Exploration 2022

NetEase Wang Yuan: From "selling products" to "paying equal attention to services and products" | Exploration 2022

Wang Yuan, Vice President of NetEase, Executive President of NetEase Hangzhou Research Institute, and General Manager of NetEase Digital Sail

Titanium Media Note: "Exploring the Way 2022" is a year-end planning topic of Titanium Media, inviting TOP entrepreneurial leaders in various industries to review the industry changes and corporate growth in the past year, while talking about new logic and looking forward to 2022. This article is the vice president of NetEase, the executive director of NetEase Hangzhou Research Institute, and the general manager of NetEase Shufan Wang Yuan's dialogue with the titanium media App "Exploration 2022" column, the following is Wang Yuan's outlook for the future of the industry.

One of the key words is "autonomous and controllable":

Autonomous controllability, as a long-standing trend, has more voices in 2021. 2021 is the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the 14th Five-Year Plan proposes to adhere to innovation-driven development, comprehensively shape new advantages in development, accelerate digital development, and build a digital China. All localities are actively laying out the xinchuang industry and formulating relevant industrial policies and development plans for xinchuang.

Keyword 2 "Urgent need for digital transformation":

I believe that the demand for digital transformation of domestic enterprises is entering a new stage, and the needs of enterprises are more diverse and the scenarios are more extensive. From the common marketing, user operation and other typical digital scenarios, it has also gradually deepened into all aspects of production. The need for digital transformation has also expanded from one of the links in the business chain to multi-link; enterprises have also realized that the data islands formed by the information systems they have developed need to be further opened up to achieve digital transformation in the true sense.

Keyword no. 3 "data regulatory strengthening":

For example, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has repeatedly exposed some non-compliant APP and ordered it to be removed for rectification, including the privacy policy of the state-owned bank APP is also strengthening the norms, and the state has also issued the "Internet Information Service Algorithm Recommendation Management Regulations", which stipulates that algorithms based on big data cannot count users, so data-driven companies need to learn to operate in a standardized manner in the new environment.

Both the state and the group are strengthening the data control of the subsidiary.

Looking back on 2021, there are two points that are very important to me, one is that this year we have focused more on important industries, concentrated more capabilities and advantages in the financial, retail, and manufacturing industries, and went deeper into the industry and understood the industry, and achieved a lot of results in this year.

For example, in the financial field, our financial industry solutions are mainly in the three fields of distribution, middleware and real-time computing, and the current customers have served dozens of leading enterprises or institutions such as a state-owned bank, Industrial Bank, Zheshang Bank, Huatai Securities, etc.

On the other hand, a big change we have made in 2021 is to change from the product-oriented thinking of "selling products" to "paying equal attention to services and products", and our positioning of ourselves as "digital transformation technology and service providers" is also reflected here. In past practice, we have found that in the process of promoting digital transformation, governments and enterprises need not only technical support, but also involve a lot of soft power. Therefore, we hope to combine the practice precipitation of the past 20 years to output more diversified digital transformation process support.

Therefore, last year, we upgraded our service organization, strengthened our services in terms of consulting and planning, implementation and knowledge transfer, and planned to serve 100 VIP customers in 3 years for five major areas: finance, retail, manufacturing, government and operators.

At the same time, we have integrated the competence center formed by the incubation of new business accumulation for the group over the years, launched the digital transformation strategy consulting and quality assurance center, the scene innovation center, the user experience design center and the agile project management center, and adhered to these principles to operate, one is the solution to achieve product level, such as in the service retail industry, we have developed more than 20 product demos, which can directly show the solution to users; second, the customer service-oriented personnel to reach the expert level, Such as user experience, project management and other fields of experts; the third is the whole process of services, NetEase Digital Sail will be from the early consultation to the project landing, and continue to provide users with operation and maintenance and other services. Together, these will form the capability center of NetEase Digital Sail and provide richer and more comprehensive services for digital transformation.

From my observations, there are three trends that continue to emerge in the upcoming 2022 and beyond.

First, the influence of Xinchuang will continue to expand, and in the future, the influence of Xinchuang will expand from office software and databases to a wider level, such as covering digital fan-related products and services such as big data platforms. Last year, our two core products, the Qingzhou micro-service platform and the digital big data development and management platform, have both passed the test of the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center Evaluation laboratory, and also verified the compatibility of NetEase Digital Sail in the localization technology route. I believe that 2022 will be a year of strategic opportunities for carrying forward the past and the future, and the importance that the country and other localities attach to Xinchuang is undoubtedly our new opportunity.

Second, in the field of digital transformation, industry standardization is gradually strengthening. In the past, when enterprises made technical architecture, they were easily constrained by the standards of individual manufacturers, and each insisted on their own words, and for the selection of enterprises, they often needed to go through a complex selection process, inconsistent screening criteria and opportunity costs that were difficult to change after being bound.

With the gradual clarification of industry standards, there will be more clear standards for each module, that is to say, there will be more standardized enterprise needs in the future, and it will be less difficult to be bound when choosing manufacturers. NetEase Digital Sail has always hoped to build an open digital ecological capability system, unbind software and hardware, help enterprises achieve neutral, unbound basic software, and realize unified management of hybrid cloud and multi-cloud. Therefore, we are pleased to see that the gradual clarification of industry standards will be more conducive to creating an industry form in which enterprises choose independently and manufacturers openly coexist.

Third, the larger scope of enterprise digital transformation is shifting from the industry's head enterprises to mid-waist enterprises. We have found this from many aspects, one of the more interesting phenomena is that last year, many of our customers and opportunities were brought by the customers of the original head enterprise to the middle waist, and the word-of-mouth communication effect between customers was increasing.

Such a direction of talent flow can also show that the digital transformation of governments and enterprises is sinking and penetrating deeper into the industry. When the digital transformation path has not yet been mass-formed, the middle-waist enterprises are rational and calm in the choice of roads, and will not pursue the "big gift package" in one brain, but are more concerned about learning from and referring to the past experience of the industry's leading enterprises. (This article was first published on the Titanium Media App, the content is the first-person expression of the interviewee, editor / Zhang Shuai)

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