
With high blood pressure, can I go to Tibet? Doctor: Stop going blindly

According to epidemiological surveys, the prevalence of hypertension in people over 14 years old in mainland China reached about 25% in 2012.

Nowadays, the number of hypertensive patients in the mainland has reached nearly 300 million, but with the change of diet and living habits and other aspects, the incidence rate of hypertension is still rising year by year, and it has shown a trend of rejuvenation, which is the most high-incidence chronic disease in the mainland!

With high blood pressure, can I go to Tibet? Doctor: Stop going blindly

As we all know, the real scary part of high blood pressure is not the increase in arterial blood pressure itself, but the various target organ injuries caused by the development of hypertension, including the heart, brain and kidneys.

Long-term hypertensive diseases, the future occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, kidney damage will be greatly increased, the more improper control, the future prevalence will be higher.

With high blood pressure, can I go to Tibet? Doctor: Stop going blindly

Therefore, patients with high blood pressure have many considerations in their daily lives. Affected by the economic growth of residents in recent years, the explosion of short video platforms, and the increasing number of tourism publicity, Tibet has become a comparative scenic spot.

Many hypertensive patients are also eager to try and want to realize their Tibetan dreams, but can hypertensive patients really enter Tibet without any worries?

With high blood pressure, can I go to Tibet? Doctor: Stop going blindly

First of all, Tibet belongs to the typical plateau area, it has a special natural environment, its main characteristics are low pressure and low oxygen, dry and cold climate, and large wind speed. Relevant research and surveys have shown that the incidence of hypertension among Tibetan young adults at higher altitudes has increased significantly, and the higher the altitude, the higher the incidence of hypertension.

With high blood pressure, can I go to Tibet? Doctor: Stop going blindly

And related surveys have shown that the higher the altitude, the higher the partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere. In the environment of high altitude and low oxygen, it is easy to cause cardiomyocyte ischemia and hypoxia, and the function of soothing is significantly reduced. This change may cause peripheral vasoconstriction, increased energy metabolism, and increased compensatory red blood cells in the blood.

Affected by these factors, the viscosity of the blood will also increase, and the blood flow rate will gradually slow down, which will increase the heart's pumping burden and further increase blood pressure.

With high blood pressure, can I go to Tibet? Doctor: Stop going blindly

For healthy adults, nearly 50 to 75% of people who enter the plateau may have altitude sickness, such as dizziness and headaches, loss of appetite, insomnia and difficulty breathing.

After an adaptation period of about 3-10 days, the symptoms will gradually disappear. However, for patients with high blood pressure, entering the plateau from the plain area often causes a sudden increase in blood pressure. On the basis of atherosclerotic lesions, there will even be sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

With high blood pressure, can I go to Tibet? Doctor: Stop going blindly

It should be known that Tibet is different from cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, if the patient suddenly has a cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accident when traveling, it is difficult to rush to the hospital in time for the first time rescue, and the medical technology in Tibet is relatively backward, it is easy to delay the patient's condition, and even increase the accidental risk of sudden death, a trip may cause serious consequences that are difficult to recover.

Therefore, from this point of view alone, patients with hypertension, especially those with hypertension in the plains, are indeed not suitable for Tibet!

With high blood pressure, can I go to Tibet? Doctor: Stop going blindly

You know, the scenery of Tibet is indeed very beautiful, but there is no need for us to gamble with the danger of life, after all, human life is only once.

Hypertensive patients have appeared diseases, especially blood pressure improper control, there is a potential risk of cardiovascular disease population, what to do is to actively cooperate with doctors for treatment, regular review, avoid all high-risk factors, only in this way can be away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease injuries.

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