
The Story of Huaxian 603: Lao Jing's "Tribute, Our 1218"

author:The story of Yimen Village

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"Tribute, Our 1218"

Old well

early morning

A ray of sunlight shines through the narrow windows

Shot in the face

Before I could wake up, I heard the loud noise of wheels hitting the rails

The moment of '69

We are still young people

I put on a canvas uniform

Board the stuffy wagon and rush to the battlefield of national defense research

Mount Hua

For our arrival

Dressed in a rainbow costume

It's like greeting a group of grooms from Beijing

From Mount Shaohua

Go to Ximatang

We sweat and tears

Meet the collision of souls

Raise that childish face

Break into the big classroom of life

From the Sichuan Basin

To the Gobi Desert

We use the time of youth

Running on all sides and fighting hard

Against the wind and rain, the waves cover the sand

Build the steel backbone of the motherland


It was as if I saw a ray of light

Guide us forward

Whether it's off-site or hometown

Remember this solemn moment

There's our fanghua there

There are our dreams there

There are times we lost

Let's stretch out our right hand and raise it to the white frost-stained sideburns

Hats off, my 1218 our 1218

The Story of Huaxian 603: Lao Jing's "Tribute, Our 1218"

Huaxian Guo Ziyi Arch

The Story of Huaxian 603: Lao Jing's "Tribute, Our 1218"

A Place of Dreams (1)

The Story of Huaxian 603: Lao Jing's "Tribute, Our 1218"

A Place of Dreams (2)

Original source: 6032 comrades-in-arms WeChat group and WeChat public account "The Story of Yimen Village"

Editorial: The Story of Yimen Village

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