
To judge the extent of the impact of obesity on health, it is necessary to measure body shape, focusing on waist circumference

It is well known that being overweight or obese can affect health. However, the details may not be clear to everyone. Related studies have confirmed that central obesity, excessive accumulation of visceral adipose tissue, can lead to inflammation of blood vessels, causing atherosclerosis. Obviously, just by simply weighing the weight, it is difficult to understand the true fat distribution of the internal organs. Therefore, it has been proposed that it can be speculated by measuring the waist circumference WC and the waist-to-hip ratio WHR. So, is this method reliable? Are there simpler and more accurate indicators that can predict the potential health effects of obesity? We're going to give you the answer now.

To judge the extent of the impact of obesity on health, it is necessary to measure body shape, focusing on waist circumference

In the past, the medical community has widely used the body mass index BMI to measure the degree of obesity, the calculation method of BMI, is the weight divided by the square value of height, the normal range of this index is 18.5 to 24, if more than 24, it is overweight, more than 28 is obese. In addition, the waist circumference index is used to measure central obesity, with a waist circumference of more than 90 cm for men and more than 85 cm for women, which is abdominal obesity.

To judge the extent of the impact of obesity on health, it is necessary to measure body shape, focusing on waist circumference

It is not difficult to see that the BMI and waist circumference are relatively rough standards. As a result, scholars are always looking for more reliable and easy-to-implement indicators. The earlier adopted criterion was the waist-to-hip ratio WHR, calculated by dividing the waist circumference value by the hip circumference value, which ranges from 0.85 to 0.9 for men and 0.67 to 0.8 for women. However, scholars soon found that such measurements and calculations are still difficult to truly reflect the accumulation of visceral fat.

To judge the extent of the impact of obesity on health, it is necessary to measure body shape, focusing on waist circumference
To judge the extent of the impact of obesity on health, it is necessary to measure body shape, focusing on waist circumference

The Krakauer Index is a more effective predictor of the potential health effects of obesity. Using data from 2 health surveys at intervals of 7 years, the team analyzed that for every 1 stage of increase in ABSI values, the mortality rate increased by 1.13 times. People with large ABSI values had a 61% higher mortality rate than those with smaller ABSI values. Simply put, when predicting the health effects of obesity, you can't just look at the weight of 1 person, but you need to focus on how round that person is. ABSI is a reliable indicator of human roundness and visceral fat accumulation, and the roundness index focuses on the proportion of waist circumference.

To judge the extent of the impact of obesity on health, it is necessary to measure body shape, focusing on waist circumference

Recently, scholars have proposed a specific waist circumference ratio indicator, body roundness index BRI, a simple calculation method, is to divide the waist circumference by BMI. The study found that the important statistical inflection point of the body roundness index BRI is 3.6. If the ratio of waist circumference to BMI exceeds 3.6, the risk of MACE occurring in major cardiovascular adverse events increases significantly. In other words, if it is only overweight, it may affect the metabolic state of the body, resulting in the occurrence of a variety of chronic diseases, but if the degree of obesity has reached a very round state of the body, it may induce a fatal disease risk at any time.

To judge the extent of the impact of obesity on health, it is necessary to measure body shape, focusing on waist circumference

Body roundness index, once again highlighting the health hazards of central obesity. In July 2019, American scholars published a paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Studies have shown that women who weigh normally but have a build-up of visceral fat have a 30% increased risk of all-cause death. It has also been found that subcutaneous fat in the upper body is a unique fat reservoir separate from the subcutaneous fat in the abdomen, while the neck circumference is an indirect indicator of the accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the upper body and is associated with cardiometabolic risk factors. These research results remind you that do not equate weight loss with weight loss, healthy weight loss goals, can not look at weight, more important indicators are fat distribution, obesity is a problem, but the core problem is the body roundness index that represents the accumulation of visceral fat. Understand the reasoning, just grasp the measurement, accurate calculation, conduct a test of your own health risk, and launch a general attack on visceral fat.

Whoever loves, pass on health to whom.

Your health, my concern. Professionals observe health from a scientific and humanistic perspective, including a series of express reports, details, reminders, doubts, observations, opinions, historical stories, etc., with the content of the original works of the author Wei Hongling and the team. All forms of misappropriation and reproduction without permission will be refused, otherwise they will be prosecuted in accordance with relevant laws.

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