
The latest announcement of Jingjin Electric: 2021 annual pre-loss of 380 million yuan - 420 million yuan

Jingjin Electric announced the 2021 annual performance pre-loss announcement, the net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company will be a loss compared with the same period last year, and the net loss attributable to the owners of the parent company will be 380 million yuan to 420 million yuan; the net loss attributable to the owners of the parent company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses will be 430 million yuan to 460 million yuan.

The latest announcement of Jingjin Electric: 2021 annual pre-loss of 380 million yuan - 420 million yuan

The chairman of the company is Yu Ping. Yu Ping, male, born in May 1971, Chinese nationality, no right of permanent residence abroad, holds a bachelor's degree in automotive engineering from Tsinghua University, a master's degree in automotive engineering from the University of Michigan, and an MBA degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, and a professor-level senior engineer. From 1995 to 1999, he was an engineer at General Motors Corporation (China) in the United States; Senior Engineer, General Motors Corporation (Detroit), USA from 2000 to 2001; Manager of General Motors Corporation (Detroit) from 2003 to 2007; On February 25, 2008, he founded Jingjin Electric and has served as the chairman, general manager and chief engineer of Jingjin Electric.

The above content is compiled by Securities Star based on public information, if you have any questions, please contact us.

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