
The Austro-Hungarian Empire of the Habsburgs, which until the end remained glorious: "The Merry Widow's Round Dance"

author:Seven thousand years of the earth

Without the outbreak of a world war, the European powers would continue to develop at their peak. Before world war I, the top five in Europe actually developed very well, and Britain, France, Germany, Austria, and Italy were thriving.

The second-rate kingdoms of Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and other countries also performed strongly.

The European periphery is lagging behind. Russia on the periphery of Europe, serfdom, the most backward, had to find a bargain in Asia; the other country on the periphery of Europe, the Ottoman Empire, was completely reduced to a sick man.

Austria-Hungary, in 1908, seized the provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the Ottoman Empire, making the territory even wider.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire of the Habsburgs, which until the end remained glorious: "The Merry Widow's Round Dance"


There was progress in martial arts, and culture was the specialty of the Habsburgs, and in 1905, the Viennese operetta "The Merry Widow", which was staged at the Vienna Grand Theater, caused a sensation.

The theme song of "Merry Widow" is "Merry Widow Round Dance", which is even more enduring, and this famous waltz round dance song is widely circulated around the world.

The author of this operetta was the Slovak Franz Réhall, who lived from 1870 to 1948, at the age of seventy-eight, and who was born in Slovakia in the Kingdom of Hungary in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Kingdom of Hungary in the Austro-Hungarian Empire was at that time a major European power, including Pannonia (around Budapest), Slovakia, Trastavonia, Croatia, Dalmatia and other parts, and was widely populated.

Rehall received an excellent musical education from an early age and graduated from the Prague Conservatory of Music. At the age of thirty-five, he composed the world-famous "Merry Widow Round Dance", which became famous and famed, and he was the first person in the world to become a multi-millionaire because of his composition.

Franz Rehall is another superstar in the Viennese music scene after The father and son of Johann Strauss I and Johann Strauss II.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire of the Habsburgs, which until the end remained glorious: "The Merry Widow's Round Dance"

Franz Rehall

The plot of the operetta "The Merry Widow" is that in a European principality, the rich duke died, leaving the widow Hana, who inherited a huge inheritance, and the princes and nobles of the European countries looked at her and coveted her, if the nobles of any country married her, the huge wealth would belong to that country, but if so, the principality's finances would be bankrupt, so the heroic knight of the principality, Danilo, did everything in his power to launch an offensive against Hana, and finally won the return of the beauty and also preserved the huge wealth of the principality.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire of the Habsburgs, which until the end remained glorious: "The Merry Widow's Round Dance"

Merry widow Hana

Since its inception, the operetta The Merry Widow has been staged 250,000 times around the world, and its round dances have been played countless times.

Other art forms are also frequently cited. During World War II, although the United States sent troops to Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, but the local horse still ran and danced, in 1943, Hitchcock filmed the famous thriller "Hot Hand Destroying Flowers", telling the story of a gangster, killing three widows in a row and seizing their inheritance, the background music of the film, is this famous "Merry Widow Round Dance", at key moments, repeatedly sounded.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire of the Habsburgs, which until the end remained glorious: "The Merry Widow's Round Dance"

Flower destroyer Charlie

In the years after World War II, American Hollywood movies became popular in China, and "The Merry Widow's Round Dance" also became popular. In the underground work film "Changhong Uprising" filmed after liberation, the reactionary Cui Yutian, after becoming the captain of the ship, was overwhelmed, drinking wine while humming this "Merry Widow Round Dance", although it is the plot of the movie, it can also be seen that this waltz dance song was widely circulated in the late 1940s.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire of the Habsburgs, which until the end remained glorious: "The Merry Widow's Round Dance"

On the left is Captain Cui Yutian (played by Cheng Zhi), and on the right is Zou Renshi (played by Fu Botang), a staff member of the KMT Party Department.

Interestingly, in 1948, the composer Rehall was still alive. However, the Austro-Hungarian Empire had already collapsed, and Czechoslovakia had become independent. Rehall lived for a long time in Vienna, the capital of Austria, and died in Austria.

The Habsburgs, in the last moments of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918, left all their navy to Croatia, including all their ships, in return for their long-loyal little brother.

The cause of the First World War was the veteran imperialist Britain, as the leader at that time, out of jealousy, must defeat the challenger Germany, which was rising very strongly, so it deliberately provoked the young German Emperor Wehrhahn II, thus breaking out a war of no positive significance, in history, its negative effect is obvious, the upward momentum of European countries was interrupted, and the First World War also triggered the Second World War, and the European countries completely fell.

After the end of world war I, the Habsburgs were once expelled from their homeland of Austria, but fortunately things changed, and now most of the Habsburgs live in Austria and prosper.

However, the Habsburg family is always a bit ill-fated, the latest news from the British "Daily Mail" said that the elderly Habsburg patriarch of the Habsburg family, The Austrian Archduke Karl von Habsburg was diagnosed with the coronavirus, and he also became the first royal member in the world to be infected with the coronavirus.

Karl was the grandson of Karl I, the last Emperor of austria-Hungary, and in 2007 succeeded his father Otto as patriarch of the Habsburg family.

The Habsburgs were regarded as the most prominent first families of the feudal era in Europe, while the Habsburg-Lorraine branch led by Karl was the main ruler of the late Holy Roman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. As a result, Karl is currently nominally "The Grand Duke of Austria, the Prince of Hungary, Bohemia and Croatia, and the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne".

The British "Daily Mail" reported that When Carr confirmed his condition to Austrian television, he said he felt good and said that the coronavirus was "very annoying, but not the Black Death".

Karl said he had been "alone at home" after becoming ill, isolated from his wife and three children, and "had friends who kept their supplies at his door every two days." As for how he was infected, Karl said he had traveled to Switzerland ten days earlier for an event where "there were a lot of Italians."

Switzerland and Italy are currently the hardest hit areas of the coronavirus outbreak in Europe.

The Daily Mail said Carl became "the first royal family in the world to be diagnosed with the coronavirus". Previously, members of Spain's Bourbon royal family collectively underwent coronavirus tests and all showed negative.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire of the Habsburgs, which until the end remained glorious: "The Merry Widow's Round Dance"

On the left is Carl, the current patriarch of the Habsburg family, and on the right is some other members of the family

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