
Dong Qing's copywriting: The sober fairy sentence in the world

author:Sher'er Copywriting Museum

[Rabbit] no one can judge the value of waiting unless it reaches the end, and the meaning of life is: because of hope, so wait; more importantly, because of waiting, so see hope.

The original intention of the [rabbit] is often simple and simple at the beginning, but it will grow slowly, just like a seed can grow into a towering tree, and it seems to stand at the starting point of zero, slowly stretching into a long, long road.

[Rabbit] People's hearts should be like a vast sea, and only by constantly accepting the hundred rivers of hope, courage, and strength can they survive forever. Brave people are not people who do not shed tears, but people who are willing to run with tears.

[Rabbit] courage is sometimes a flash of thought, sometimes a lifetime of obsession, courage is to see the true thoughts of life, still love life.

[Rabbit] Your temperament comes from the roads you have traveled, the books you have read, and the verses are created by genius, but poetry can belong to every soul that pursues truth, goodness, and beauty.

[Rabbit] I always believe that all the books I have read will not be read in vain, and it will always help me become better on some occasion in the future.

[Rabbit] love when he was young was bright and colorful, and love in old age was simple and unpretentious, but no matter what kind of love, the essence of love is not abandoned.

Why should the [rabbit] weep for the fragment of life, our whole life is tear-jerking, and all the wisdom of life comes from the love of it.

Dong Qing's copywriting: The sober fairy sentence in the world

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