
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

The New Year of Yinhu is gradually approaching

The taste of the year is getting stronger, and the festive season is coming

Nature is indispensable to Foshan to wake up the lion to help

From small cute cultural and creative lollipops

To the mighty awakening lion performance

The streets of Foshan appeared

More and more awakening lion elements

Foshan people for waking lions

The unique memory of "Nian Wei" is also awakened

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

Liang Bin/Photo

Lion dance is an excellent folk art in China. The lion dance is divided into northern and southern factions, of which the southern lion, also known as the awakening lion, originated and flourished in the Lingnan region, and was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.

Foshan as the birthplace of the awakening lion, Foshan awakening lion shape pays attention to the god-like, the lion dance is swift and difficult, powerful and fierce, full of masculinity. Mainly rely on the dancers' movements to show the mighty lion form, generally only two people dance one head.

The lion's head is based on the opera mask, the colors are bright, the manufacturing is exquisite, the eyes and mouth can be moved. Strictly speaking, the lion's head is less like a lion's head, and some people even think that it is closer to the year beast.

The awakening lion is considered to be an auspicious object that drives away evil spirits and avoids harm

Local in Foshan

Festivals or major events

There will be a lion awakening to help

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

As a fusion of martial arts, dance, music

etc. as one cultural activity

Waking lion has become Foshan

An important activity of folk traditional sports entertainment

Waking lion culture is even more so

The cultural identity and spiritual totem shared by Foshan people

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

Trick line/shoot

Lingnan Tiandi in Foshan

There is a Dragon and Lion Cultural and Creative Museum

The awakening lion culture is here to innovate

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

On the first floor of the Cultural and Creative Museum, follow the guidance to the exhibition area of the traditional Foshan lion head, which has the aesthetic characteristics of high cheeks, straight cheeks, large eyebrows, apricot nose and bright teeth, and a big mouth with a smile, which are commonly yellow lions, red lions and black lions. In the traditional culture of ancient China, the awakening lion also created some lion dances based on the characters of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Foshan Lion Head is based on the opening faces of historical figures of the Three Kingdoms in Cantonese opera (traditional Cantonese operas call faces "open faces") as the modeling basis, including Liu Beishi, Guan Gongshi, Zhang Feishi, Zhao Yunshi, Ma Chaoshi, Huang Zhongshi and so on.

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

Lion heads are mainly divided into two categories: Wen Lion and Wu Lion, whose Chinese lion uses Liu Bei and other heroes as faces to show a pure and docile demeanor; Wu Lion uses Zhang Fei and other heroes as faces, reflecting the aggressive and courageous character.

As the C position in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the lion's head with the face of Liu Guanzhang's three brothers is placed at the entrance of the exhibition area, and it is difficult for visitors entering the cultural and creative museum not to be attracted by this majestic "three brothers".

Dancing Liu Bei lion, rich and noble everyone knows. "Liu Bei lion" coat color is white, white hair means the elderly status, the background color is yellow, symbolizing Liu Bei's royal blood, the livery is embellished with red and green, colorful, so it is also called "colored flower lion", mainly used in the welcome celebration and other noble occasions.

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

The white-bearded "Liu Bei Lion" dance method is calm and strong, majestic and powerful

"Guan Gong Lion" has a black pattern on a red background, a solemn and mighty shape, and awe-inspiring righteousness. The Guan Gong Lion is a symbol of unity, chivalry and heroism. In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Guan Yu is the money official, so the store opens and asks Guan Gongshi.

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

The black-bearded and red-faced "Guan Gong Lion" dances bravely and majestically

The color scheme of "Zhang Feishi" is mainly black and green, and the image is strong and brave, which is also known as "lion fighting". "Zhang Feishi" is a symbol of wisdom and bravery, and is a representative of the martial lion.

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

Gray-bearded "Zhang Feishi", rough and belligerent action

Except for the "three brothers"

On the other side of the exhibition area

The other three of the Five Tiger Generals of the Shu Han Dynasty

It is also on display

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

Zhao Yunshi, Huang Zhongshi, Ma Chaoshi

The background color of "Zhao Yun Lion" is light green, dotted with red, white, orange and other patterns, which is a symbol of good war and heroism.

"Huang Zhongshi" is more difficult to see, the background color is dark yellow, dotted with black and white patterns, the image is old and strong, representing the old qualifications, high generations. Teachers who had previously contributed to the local area were elected to give Huang Zhongshi to him in recognition of the model of high morality and respect.

The "Ma Chao Lion" has a white background color and white hair, dotted with gray, blue or red patterns. Ma Chaoshi is also a filial lion, from the allusion of Ma Chao's filial piety to Cao Cao. Traditionally, only the funerals of people of great social status are honored with a lion dance.

Except for the traditional lion head based on cantonese opera

There are also many similar classical masterpieces

Traditional architectural culture

Blending makeup awakens the lion's head

It's eye-opening

Xiaobian introduces it for everyone

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

The little lion's head is painted with the content of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

The little lion's head painted with 49 times of "Journey to the West".

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

Painted with the rivers and mountains of the motherland and the Great Wall

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

The carved fence pavilion of the lion's head is small and exquisite

In addition to these unique lion heads

There are also many exquisite little lion head galleries

Walk inside the Cultural and Creative Museum

Everywhere people admire the charm of waking lions

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

In addition to various lion heads, on the second floor of the Dragon and Lion Cultural and Creative Museum (Foshan Lingnan Tiandi), you can also happen to encounter the exhibition "Foshan Chisel Paper Intangible Cultural Heritage Reproduction" that combines Foshan copper chisel paper cutting and waking lion culture. Foshan copper chisel paper-cutting craft shows the creative combination of waking lion culture and various cultures, making waking lion culture more lively and youthful.

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

Through the Foshan copper chisel paper-cutting craft, the creative image of combining the culture of waking lions with the local cultures of various provinces and cities is displayed. Can you guess which three provinces and cities are above? The answer is: Foshan, Chongqing, Hainan

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

Harbin section

Dunhuang section

Chengdu model

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!
Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

Beijing, Henan

In addition to combining with the characteristics of the city

There are also solar terms and zodiac styles

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

Heavy snow and ugly cows

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

Not only in the Dragon lion cultural and creative museum (Foshan Lingnan Tiandi)

The culture of waking lions has long blossomed everywhere in Foshan

Wake up lion basketball park from South Sea Dali

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

Dali Sports Park Basketball Court

Go to the Zen City Ancestral Temple for the awakening lion lollipop

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

The culture of waking lions has long been established

The culture that Foshan citizens love to hear

During the Spring Festival

Foshan Nanfeng Ancient Stove, Ancestral Temple Museum and other places

Both feature a Spring Festival Lion Awakening Show

The Dragon Lion Cultural and Creative Museum (Foshan Lingnan Tiandi) is also open as usual

The general public who love the culture of waking lions

Don't miss it

Produced by Foshan News Network

Coordinator: Huang Chucheng

Reporter: Li Jizhan

Reviewers: Huang Chucheng, Chen Wanping

Foshan Spring Festival "top stream", cute and trendy!

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