
When the countryside embraces digital life, getting rich governance is more "smart"

When the countryside embraces digital life, getting rich governance is more "smart"

Chemen village party secretary Li Zhigang's "village affairs live broadcast room". Photo by Fu Jingyi

(New Year to go to the grassroots) When the countryside embraces digital life, it is more "smart" to get rich and governance

Yiyang, China, January 28 (Fu Jingyi) "I also want to hold a live broadcast of village affairs to release the epidemic prevention and control notice during the Spring Festival, and then discuss with the villagers how to arrange the two dragon dance teams in the village." As the year drew to a close, seeing that the wanderers who worked and lived in other places were returning to their hometowns one after another, Li Zhigang, the village secretary of Chemen village in Taojiang County, Hunan Province, calculated with his colleagues to open a special "village affairs live broadcast room" again.

With the help of the network platform to open a live broadcast room, in the village 13 WeChat grid groups at the same time to start broadcasting, the village affairs in an all-round way to move the Internet, breaking through the limitations of time and space to let villagers exercise the "ownership" rights, is a new model of rural governance explored by Chemen village in 2021. In last year's five live broadcasts, nearly 3,000 of the more than 3,600 people in Chemenyuan Village participated.

When the countryside embraces digital life, getting rich governance is more "smart"

"Digital Village" Cloud Information Center of Nanjing Bay Village, Qibu Hui Nationality Township. Photo by Guo Yong

"Villagers outside the country have a wide range of knowledge and have a lot of new ideas, so it is generally very rewarding for them to give advice and suggestions for their hometown." Previously, we had more than 200 comments per live broadcast. Li Zhigang said that in the past, when village affairs were posted on the bulletin board, the villagers' active participation was not high, and they gradually stopped paying attention. Inspired by the "live broadcast with goods", the village tried to start the live broadcast of village affairs, but did not expect the initiative and enthusiasm of the villagers to rise.

At present, a new generation of information and digital technologies is being transformed into new factors of production and governance tools. In China's vast countryside, as the construction of digital infrastructure continues to accelerate, more and more people have begun to use the Internet to innovate grassroots social governance and develop rural e-commerce, making the countryside more "smart".

When the countryside embraces digital life, getting rich governance is more "smart"

Dahua Village built the first village-level live broadcast hall in Hunan Province. Photo by Fu Jingyi

"Through this smart screen, you can clearly see the real-time situation in front of and behind each house in the village, the main intersection, and you can also shout and communicate in time through the cloud speakers in the villagers' homes." In Nanjingwan Village, Qibu Hui Nationality Township, Taojiang County, Guo Yong, deputy township chief, talked about the "Digital Village" cloud information center built on a pilot basis in cooperation with telecommunications, and praised it one after another.

This platform is set up with four sections such as village affairs and government affairs, Tianyi cloud broadcasting, and safe village, and the village can not only view the high-definition screen of the monitoring point in real time, realize intelligent management without dead ends, and quickly transmit information such as habitat ecology, epidemic prevention and control, and natural disasters. Villagers can learn about the village-level dynamics without leaving their homes through the work guides, notices and announcements on tv.

Use digital technology to create intelligent application scenarios to improve the level of rural governance and the quality of life of farmers. Guo Yong said that the township is actively exploring a new model of rural digital transformation and development, creating smart townships and civilized townships to help rural revitalization. In Yiyang City alone, Telecom has established a similar smart information platform for more than 200 villages and towns.

In the construction of digital villages, the Internet is becoming a "super-conventional weapon" connecting emotions, information and wealth. In Dahua Village, Taojiang County, a former poverty-stricken village in Hunan Province, the 700-square-meter village-level live broadcast hall is "manufacturing" its own net red products - bamboo shoots, running chickens, Chinese medicinal materials and so on produced in 19,000 acres of bamboo mountains.

When the countryside embraces digital life, getting rich governance is more "smart"

Zhou Feng brought goods to his hometown specialties in the village-level live broadcast hall "Live Dahua". Photo by Fu Jingyi

"The Spring Festival is the peak season for the production and marketing of winter shoots, and the old and young 'village broadcasters' in the village are bringing goods for their hometown specialties every day." Zhou Feng, the person in charge of the village-level live broadcast hall "Live Dahua", the earliest full-time anchor in Dahua Village, said that since the village committee built the live broadcast hall last year, more than 20 villagers have engaged in short video live broadcasting and selling goods, and considerable economic benefits have been achieved.

Experts said that the construction of live broadcast halls in rural China is not accidental, but the result of various comprehensive factors. From the traditional Taobao village to the emergence of new e-commerce such as live video and online goods, China's agricultural products e-commerce has continued to maintain a double-digit growth rate in recent years. Among China's 10.1 million people who returned to the countryside to start a business and innovate, 55% used new models such as "Internet +".

The 48th Statistical Report on the Development of China's Internet Network also shows that as of June 2021, the scale of rural Internet users in China is 297 million, the Internet penetration rate in rural areas is 59.2%, the proportion of optical fiber and 4G in administrative villages is more than 99%, and the rural and urban areas are "the same network and the same speed", and the urban-rural digital gap has narrowed significantly.

Today, the "Digital Rural Construction Guide 1.0" jointly formulated by Multiple Departments in China has been officially released, drawing an overall "construction drawing" for promoting the construction of digital villages. Chinese rural areas have begun to explore the development path of smart villages with local characteristics, effectively combined with rural revitalization, and are creating their own personalized business cards. (End)

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