
In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

On September 7, 2019, the British "Daily Mail" reported that alexis, who was nine years old at the time of Dingwall in Ross County Chinese New Year's Eve. Brett gave birth to a baby girl.

At first, when they saw this news, many people were confused.

You know, hundreds of babies are born almost every day in the UK, and why should the Daily Mail, as a national newspaper, report such news?

Yet in fact, Alexis. Brett's fertility this time was absolutely unusual.

Because before that, she had given birth to nine boys, and if this newborn little daughter was added, she would be the mother who had the most children in the whole of The UK.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

For fifteen consecutive years, ten children were born

Alexis. Brett was born in 1980 and married her husband in 2001.

She was just twenty-one years old, and Alexis and her husband met during college.

Both of them found very good jobs after graduation, so after starting a family, the conditions were still quite good.

Alexis and her husband were very fond of children, especially husbands, and wanted a daughter.

Alexis also agrees with this idea.

Since then, the two have been working on this.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

Alexis' first child was born in 2002, when she was only twenty-two years old and less than a year into her marriage.

The speed of this childbirth can be said to be very fast, but after giving birth, it turns out to be a boy.

Seeing this result, Alexis and her husband were not disappointed.

After all, as a parent, who has a child who hates himself?

The two named the child Campbell, a name derived from the Previous British National Professional Footballer "Saul. Campbell".

And the reason is simple, because his father is an authentic fan, but also an avid fan of Sol Campbell.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

Despite having a son, the idea of the two wanting a daughter has not been dispelled.

They decided to continue to have children until they gave birth to a girl, and what the two did not expect was that they waited for fifteen years.

It is well known that the time between a woman's pregnancy and childbirth is to be kept at a certain interval.

From the official pregnancy to the pregnancy in August to the end of the lactation period, the body recovers, there is a process during this period.

At present, medicine recommends that the interval between two pregnancies should be about two years, and the fastest should not be less than one and a half years.

But perhaps too desperate for a daughter, Alexis and her husband are tightly scheduled.

By the time his eldest son, Campbell, was just half a year old, his younger brother Harrison was already pregnant with his mother.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

Alexis almost stepped on the doctor's recommended red line and became pregnant with Harrison.

It's just been a year and a half since she first became pregnant.

For her approach, even the doctor who received her said that this move was dangerous.

But fortunately, Alexis himself pays attention to health and has experience with pregnancy.

After the pregnancy test, the child is normal, but because he is still young, he cannot distinguish the gender.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

During her pregnancy, Alexis and her husband rejoiced.

After all, according to probability, neither child can give birth to a daughter, which is still quite difficult.

Relatives and friends around them also congratulated each other, and even friends gave them a pink stroller as a birth gift for the little girl in the future.

However, Harrisne's birth shattered this beautiful illusion, and Alexis and her husband's second child was still a boy.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

Logically, normal people should give up on this part.

But Alexis and her husband apparently had no intention of giving up, and they decided to continue giving birth until they had a girl.

In this way, the same script was played out again, and less than half a year after she became pregnant with Halisn, Alexis became pregnant again.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

After hearing this news, colleagues and friends around him advised him to be cautious.

Colleagues, in particular, hadn't seen Alexis come to work in years since she was pregnant.

Many people do not understand Alexis's move, why do you insist on having a girl?

If you can understand if you have two pregnancies once or twice, then it is simply incomprehensible to be pregnant three times in a row in such a short period of time, if this time it is still a boy, will they continue to give birth?

A friend even seriously asked Alexis, "What if this time it is still a boy?" Are you going to be pregnant until you're fifty? ”

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

Alexis did not answer this question head-on.

But she and her husband are well aware of a truth, that is, life is their own, do not care about the eyes of others, but as for how long to be born, when to be born, she herself is not accurate.

In this way, over a period of 15 years, he gave birth to nine boys: the eldest son Campbell, the second son Harrisne, the third son Coria, the fourth son Lakren, the fifth son Brody, the sixth son Brandon, and the youngest Hunter, Mike and Rothgard.

A large number of people can be described as overcrowded.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

Finally get a daughter, the arrival of a new life

On September 7, 2019, when the little girl landed on the ground, the husband and the other nine children who were guarding the door of the ward burst into cheers.

Their dream came true, and after two hours of busy work with doctors and nurses, their little sister was finally born.

The little girl weighed 7 pounds and 2 ounces, everything was healthy, and the mother and child were safe.

When interviewed by reporters, Alexis hugged her young daughter and said to reporters: "We are ecstatic to learn of the birth of little Cameron, which is a wonderful feeling. Shocked and delighted, it cannot be described in words. ”

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

Alexis also said that after doing business with her husband, the two decided to use cameron Cameron, the actress of "Stranger in Disguise". Diaz named the little girl.

Especially when it comes to his son's reaction, Alexis is even more pleased.

With such a little sister, several boys grew up almost overnight.

They were not as lively and active as ever, and they were always quiet in the ward, when they were around their little sister, afraid to wake up their sister.

Although the little sister had just been born and her eyes were not open, the brothers still loved her very much and wanted to take care of her.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

Talking about his future, Alexis says he won't continue to have children.

On the one hand, your goals have been achieved, there is no need to continue, and on the other hand, you must also think about the future.

Although her husband, David, has a good job, it is still difficult to raise nine sons and a daughter. Due to David's higher income, in the UK, they are not eligible for full child benefits and even bear high tax rates.

This makes the already poor family worse, and in the future, when the younger daughter is a little older, she will also consider working.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

But what kind of work kao wants to do, she is also a little overwhelmed now.

In the past 18 years, she has been pregnant for more than nine years alone, and almost half of her time has been pregnant with children, almost out of touch with society as a whole.

It's almost impossible to find a previous job.

Alexis himself did not expect that he would become pregnant ten times a year before having a young daughter, and the probability of having nine boys in a row was about 1 in 1024.

Thinking of this, Alexis sighed "incredible."

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

In the face of reporters' inquiries, Alexis also said that he and her husband are only children, and they have lacked a big family since childhood, and when this big family finally comes, no matter how difficult life is, it is also a kind of happiness for them to act.

Especially when they bought pink clothes and life utensils for their youngest daughter for the first time, the happiness was full, "Even if I give the whole world to me, I don't want to exchange it." ”

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

Alexis' home is a common detached villa in the UK, with three floors and five bedrooms.

Raising ten children is a bit too crowded, and the younger children can still huddle together to sleep together, while the older children can only sleep on the sofa.

Life as a family is busy and happy, and Alexis gets up at 4 a.m. almost every day to prepare breakfast for her family.

For breakfast alone, the family eats a large box of cereal and two large pieces of bread, and there is only half an hour of "free time" every day.

During this time, she would have a cup of coffee, relax briefly, and then do busy housework.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

Due to the large number of family members, Alexis and David also bought two cars.

One is a seven-seater SUV and the other is a five-seatEr Land Rover sedan that just happens to carry 12 family members, and on weekends, the family occasionally goes out on vacation to relax.

Overall, the family's life is still quite good.

But one thing that has always disturbed Alexis is her husband's physical condition.

Eight years ago, husband David was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson's disease.

"I have no other choice."

"My medication relieves these symptoms, and thankfully, they're mild," he said. I always try to give each of our children time. It was difficult for us to go on holiday as a large group and haven't travelled for many years. ”

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

Busy and warm, life is getting better

As her younger daughter grew older, Alexis now began to consider re-engaging herself in the business of working to earn money and support her family.

Although their family itself is not short of money, the poor and poor, the rich and the rich, want to provide the same educational conditions for ten children at the same time, is still a considerable expense, and it is difficult to maintain the husband's income alone.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

You know, ten children are in their teenage years, and the cost is very large.

For clothing alone, the family spends nearly two thousand yuan almost every month.

On their shoe cabinet are nearly forty pairs of shoes for the family, and on average, they add one pair of shoes every week, and their expenses can be imagined.

Therefore, Alexis occasionally did some odd jobs to subsidize the family.

But thankfully, the burden on them is not too heavy.

Since each of Alexis's children is born at a staggered time, almost every year the eldest children grow up and help share the household chores.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

Alexis's first three sons have all been admitted to fairly good universities in the UK.

Perhaps knowing his family's plight, several of his sons had excellent grades.

The eldest son also found an internship job in a British company, which can subsidize the family to some extent.

As the children grow up, each needs a separate room, and the children who start a family can also give up their own room for their younger siblings to use.

Because of this, even though Alexis is having a tough life at the moment, they still have full confidence in the future.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

For this little sister, several brothers are very caring, often discussing the future of the little sister.

What kind of work will she do? What kind of boy do you want to marry?

In the discussion of related topics of knowledge of a few not too big brothers, are very serious, like a small adult look.

The existence of this little sister gave them a sense of responsibility at a very young age.

On weekdays, they also help their mothers to share the housework as much as possible.

Although boys are more lively and active, they often make a mess of the family.

But the seventh and sixth of them always actively cleaned up, and even learned to change their sister's diaper.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

However, just when everyone thought Alexis would really stop having children, on April 12, 2021, Alexis announced on Instagram that he only found out that he was pregnant again in November.

On May 4, 2021, due to experiencing heavy bleeding, doctors believed that it was necessary to give birth as soon as possible.

So Alexis gave birth to the family's 11th boy by caesarean section, named Oran.

Everyone also sent blessings.

However, because little Oran was born prematurely, he was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit at birth, and after several months of meticulous care, he was able to move out of the intensive care unit.

In September, after a lot of hardships, little Oran finally came home from the hospital, and all the boys and Cameron showed that they liked the younger brother.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

In November 2021, Alexis' husband announced his retirement after 25 years of service.

Although David's early-onset Parkinson's disease has also had a tendency to alleviate in recent years, doctors say that as long as the medication is taken on time, it can effectively delay the onset of symptoms.

But he felt that he was no longer up to the job he was doing.

In order to have a daughter to give birth to 10 children in a row, the Recent Situation: After wishing, they gave birth to a son

This year, according to the family's Twitter account, two of their sons have found girlfriends and have taken them home for dinner.

Although the conditions are still crowded, the family is happy and full of hope.

Alexis and her husband's actions may not be very rational, but they are brave.

Luckily, they survived the toughest times and hoped that the family would get better and better in the future.

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