
Zhuge Liang's glory collection of skin official announcements, do not play also have to buy, mainly too handsome, broken money, broken money

Almost a week ago, we had already discussed that this year's Glory Collection skin had been given to the hero, from the original Houyi to Zhuge Liang.

At that time, there were still many players with a skeptical attitude, comparing Zhuge Liang's glory collection skin, there was no news before, that is, there was no news flowing out in the last week.

Zhuge Liang's glory collection of skin official announcements, do not play also have to buy, mainly too handsome, broken money, broken money

So until now, everyone no longer has to question this news, because this skin, the official has been officially announced.

Although the official is only in a warm-up stage now, you must know that once the official release of the animation, then this skin on the shelves is only a matter of time, it is obvious that the listing date of this skin is definitely the Spring Festival, and there are no days to count full.

Zhuge Liang's glory collection of skin official announcements, do not play also have to buy, mainly too handsome, broken money, broken money

According to the official previous law, after the animation is updated one day, the skin effect of this skin will be updated at most two days, so we can definitely see the skin effect of this skin after two days.

Now that this skin is only officially announced, his animation has made many players eager to buy it.

You can take a look at the picture above, like Zhuge Liang's Rainy Day Division when the year of the ox is limited to the skin, this is a picture of us watching the animation, and then with the passage of the lens, the style of painting changes.

Zhuge Liang's glory collection of skin official announcements, do not play also have to buy, mainly too handsome, broken money, broken money

So let's take another look at this picture, like Zhuge Liang's other limited skin Wuling Xianjun?

The official name of this skin is "Star Domain Divine Revelation", this skin is also similar to Wu Zetian's Glory Collection skin, and the official also emphasizes the word dimension when introducing this animation.

I think it's also an explanation of the graphics in the animation.

Zhuge Liang's glory collection of skin official announcements, do not play also have to buy, mainly too handsome, broken money, broken money

At the end of the anime, there is a poster where we can almost see the final appearance of this skin.

In the game, everyone recognizes that the male heroes with relatively high appearance are Li Bai, Han Xin, Zhao Yun, and Zhuge Liang, all of which are veteran heroes.

When I saw this poster, I knew that the sales of this skin would certainly not be very low, although there were not many players played by Zhuge Liang, a hero, but his skin was really purchased by many players, after all, its appearance was very high.

Many players buy skins based on their appearance, especially female players.

Zhuge Liang's glory collection of skin official announcements, do not play also have to buy, mainly too handsome, broken money, broken money

Now that Zhuge Liang's glory collection skin is on the shelves, many players are doomed to break the bank.

Even I, a player who usually does not charge much money in the game, has the desire to buy this skin, and I think this is the main reason why the original Glory Collection skin said to Houyi to become Zhuge Liang, perhaps taking into account the sales problem.

Zhuge Liang's glory collection of skin official announcements, do not play also have to buy, mainly too handsome, broken money, broken money

This skin isn't available yet, but I'll make sure you want to emphasize that if you want to buy it, you're now going to be part of the daily recharge in-game.

Because the Glory Collection Skin, its way to get it is to get points to grab the treasure, and you can now participate in the daily recharge activity to get a lot of Glory points.

It can save you a lot of money, and now the official has also officially announced that during the Spring Festival, the points for winning treasures will also be discounted.

From the beginning of Han Xin's skin, to the end of the Valentine's Day skin, we can calculate how many skins will be on the shelves in this month, before I said that there will be about 20 skins on the shelves, there are still many players who do not believe, now what do you think?

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