
The latest data is out! There is a car for every 3 people in Foshan, and this district has the most!

The latest data is out! There is a car for every 3 people in Foshan, and this district has the most!

By the end of 2021, Foshan's car ownership will reach 3.164 million, ranking third in the province, second only to Shenzhen and Dongguan.

The latest data is out! There is a car for every 3 people in Foshan, and this district has the most!

1. There is a car for every 3 people in Foshan

According to statistics, by the end of 2021, the number of cars in Foshan was 3.164 million, an increase of 8.7% year-on-year, and 338,000 new cars were licensed in 2021, an increase of 25.2% year-on-year.

Based on Foshan's permanent population of about 9.5 million, it is equivalent to one car for every 3 people.

The latest data is out! There is a car for every 3 people in Foshan, and this district has the most!
The latest data is out! There is a car for every 3 people in Foshan, and this district has the most!

New energy vehicles: 60,000 vehicles, 40,000 new vehicles in 2021, an increase of 122% year-on-year, showing a high-speed growth trend.

The latest data is out! There is a car for every 3 people in Foshan, and this district has the most!

Motorcycles: 432,000 units were owned, and 29,000 new vehicles were licensed in 2021, down 5.4% year-on-year, showing a decreasing trend year by year.

The area with the largest number of cars: Nanhai District and Shunde District have more than 1 million cars, 1.25 million and 1.001 million respectively.

The second-hand car trading market is active: in 2021, a total of 275,000 motor vehicle transfer registrations (transfers) were handled in the city, an increase of 18% year-on-year, and the number of motor vehicle transfer registrations (transfers) continued to grow.

2. There is one car driver for every 3 people in Foshan

According to statistics, by the end of 2021, the number of motor vehicle drivers in Foshan will reach 4.086 million. Among them, 3.756 million people were driven by cars.

According to the permanent population of Foshan of about 9.5 million, it is equivalent to one car driver for every 3 people!

The latest data is out! There is a car for every 3 people in Foshan, and this district has the most!

More citizens have driver's licenses: In 2021, the number of newly licensed drivers (driving age less than 1 year) in the city reached 225,000, accounting for 5.5% of the total number of motor vehicle drivers in the city, an increase of 40,000 over 2020, an increase of 20.3% year-on-year.

3. Continue to improve convenience services

With the increase in the number of motor vehicles and drivers year by year, in order to improve the efficiency of work and improve the service level, the city's traffic police vehicle management department continues to implement convenient service measures such as "online office", "self-service office" and "door-to-door office" of vehicle driving management business, and strives to create convenient vehicle management services and comprehensively improve service levels.

The latest data is out! There is a car for every 3 people in Foshan, and this district has the most!

New and replacement driver's licenses: In 2021, 685,000 electronic driver's licenses will be issued online, 204,000 driver's licenses will be replaced, and 825,000 physical condition certificates will be submitted online.

Online education: 377,000 online driver examination education was carried out, and 1.95 million driver test appointments were completed.

License plates and vehicle inspection business: 105,000 pairs of online motor vehicle number selection, 32,000 replacement license plates, 112,000 temporary number plates, and 349,000 exemption marks.

Door-to-door service: Innovatively launched 25 door-to-door services for vehicle driving management business, completing 37,000 transactions.

Self-service: Vigorously promote 24-hour self-service of driver's license business, and complete 43,000 self-service medical examination and renewal business.

The increase in the number of cars in Foshan means the further development of traffic, and at the same time, we must pay more attention to traffic safety, remember to abide by traffic rules, and travel in a civilized manner.

The material source | Traffic police detachment

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