
【He inspection】 Human body express drug transport "horse boy" was arrested

author:Hezhang County People's Procuratorate

Recently, the Hezhang County People's Procuratorate approved the arrest of criminal suspect Zhang Mou on suspicion of transporting drugs.

Case review: Zhang mou published job search information in Tieba, and then the drug dealer invited Zhang to Yunnan to bring "goods" to him through WeChat, and it was agreed that the drug dealer who transported drugs once gave Zhang a remuneration of 20,000 yuan. The high remuneration finally broke through Zhang's bottom line. Zhang mou prepared to bring drugs from Xishuangbanna to Hezhang in the form of internal drug transportation, and was eventually arrested by the police in a hotel in Jinghong City. After weighing and sending for identification, Zhang transported a total of 48 poisons, with a net weight of 255.61 grams and a content of 76.7% of methamphetamine components.

After review, the Hezhang County People's Procuratorate found that Zhang X violated the state drug management regulations, transported drugs that belonged to the state prohibited sales, the quantity was large, and his behavior had violated the provisions of Article 347 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, suspected of the crime of transporting drugs, and the Hezhang County People's Procuratorate approved the arrest of Zhang X in accordance with law.

At present, the case is being further handled.

Prosecutors remind: desperate to transport drugs inside the body not only to face legal sanctions, because the outer packaging of drugs in a variety of digestive juices and gastrointestinal movements under the action of easy to be corroded and ruptured, drug retention in the body will lead to respiratory center inhibition and failure, a little careless will be killed. For the sake of the long-term peace and stability of the country and the happiness and harmony of the family, let us resolutely say "no" to drugs.

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