
2 ways to renovate old lamps, quick refurbishment and permanent refurbishment, which one will you choose?

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Refurbish the headlights to illuminate the way home

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First, you need to prepare (recyclable) tools in advance:


· Spray kettle

Second, the material that will be consumed:

· WD-40 Multipurpose Product

· WD-40 High Efficiency Silicone Lubricant

Paper tape

Rubber gloves

Clean sponge

Sandpaper (600 mesh, 1500 mesh, 2000 mesh, 3000 mesh, 5000 mesh)

Third, the process: (do not be impulsive before starting, please move to the fourth article to see the precautions first);

1. Adhesive tape;

2 ways to renovate old lamps, quick refurbishment and permanent refurbishment, which one will you choose?

First use paper tape to glue the paint parts on the edge of the headlights, at least 2 to 3 layers, to prevent accidental injury to the paint when grinding.

2. Polishing the headlights;

2 ways to renovate old lamps, quick refurbishment and permanent refurbishment, which one will you choose?

Spray water on the headlights with a spray kettle, and then sand the first time with 600 mesh sandpaper.

2 ways to renovate old lamps, quick refurbishment and permanent refurbishment, which one will you choose?

Be sure to make sure that the entire lampshade is polished in place, and it is right that the headlights will turn white after polishing.

2 ways to renovate old lamps, quick refurbishment and permanent refurbishment, which one will you choose?

Then use 1500 mesh, 2000 mesh, 3000 mesh, 5000 mesh sandpaper in turn, while spraying water while polishing the surface of the headlight, until the surface of the headlight becomes bright and smooth.

2 ways to renovate old lamps, quick refurbishment and permanent refurbishment, which one will you choose?

It should be noted here that the inside of the headlights will also be aging, we can only polish the surface of the headlights, so it is normal to feel that the headlights are still a little blurry after sanding, as long as you ensure that the headlight surface is polished perfectly.

3. Prevent aging;

2 ways to renovate old lamps, quick refurbishment and permanent refurbishment, which one will you choose?

Spray WD-40 silicone lubricant on the polished headlights and wipe it evenly with a towel.

2 ways to renovate old lamps, quick refurbishment and permanent refurbishment, which one will you choose?

Because WD-40 silicon lubricant contains components that protect rubber plastics, it can form a protective layer on the surface of the polished lamps, reduce the aging effect of ultraviolet rays on plastic rubber, and effectively slow down the speed of aging and yellowing of plastic lampshades.

2 ways to renovate old lamps, quick refurbishment and permanent refurbishment, which one will you choose?

In total, all the material costs are only about 120 yuan, and you can do it in 10 minutes by yourself, which is much more cost-effective than going to the repair shop!

If the headlights are only slightly aging and the yellowing is not very serious, you do not have to follow the above steps.

2 ways to renovate old lamps, quick refurbishment and permanent refurbishment, which one will you choose?

Spray the WD-40 multi-purpose product directly on the surface of the headlights, and then wipe it repeatedly with a cleaning sponge until the lights become bright.

2 ways to renovate old lamps, quick refurbishment and permanent refurbishment, which one will you choose?

Because WD-40 multi-purpose products can effectively soften the oxide layer on the surface of plastic lampshades, it is very suitable for dealing with the slight yellowing of headlights, and the repair effect can be maintained for at least 3 to 6 months.

2 ways to renovate old lamps, quick refurbishment and permanent refurbishment, which one will you choose?

The important thing is that the total cost of materials is less than 65 yuan, simple and convenient, and it is worth the money! Perfect for our average car owners to do it themselves.

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IV. Precautions:

1. The blue font in the text can be clicked;

2, if the lamp disassembly is very simple, it is recommended to directly remove the lamp down to polish, if the figure is convenient and do not want to remove the lamp, then be sure to use paper tape to glue the paint around the lamp to prevent sandpaper from accidentally sanding to the paint.

3, when using sandpaper to polish the headlights, do not be anxious, be sure to use coarse sandpaper to slowly grind to fine sandpaper, so that the surface of the lampshade will be smoother and the repair effect will be better.

4, spray WD-40 scrub headlights, you can repeatedly wipe several times, the effect will be better!

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