
Korzanclair: He can attack the paint and create chances for his teammates

Korzanclair: He can attack the paint and create chances for his teammates

Live Bar Jan. 26 News Today's regular season, the Warriors took the Lone Ranger 130-92 lightly. After the game, head coach Kerr was interviewed by reporters.

Steve Kerr praised Klay after the game: "We all know he's a good shooter and everybody has to respect him from outside the three-point line. But he's also very strong, so he can attack the paint and pass the defenders, especially when the defenders are pushing him to defend. He uses space to attack the basket, finding teammates just to make the game easier. ”

In this game, Clay played 25 minutes, scored 15 points, 2 boards and 6 assists, connected the team, and contributed many wonderful passes.

in Levitan

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