
Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

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The loneliness of the long-distance runners

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

1962 — The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner

Loneliness of a Long-Distance Runner

Smith, a juvenile offender living in a British juvenile correctional home, is imprisoned for theft. However, his talent in long-distance running made him highly valued and he received an award plate. However, during the long and lonely training, he often recalled the misfortunes he had encountered before his imprisonment. Living in this contradiction, he became more and more dissatisfied with society and full of resistance.

Heavenly Prison Warriors

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

1979 — Prison Warriors

The Jericho Mile

It's the story of a prisoner sentenced to life in prison for killing his father. Although he was far away from the crowds, he was eager to participate in the Olympic Games. He practiced running hard every day in prison for the competition, but in the end his dreams were stifled by the reality of his prison life.

Chariot of Fire

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

1981 — Chariot of Fire

Chariots of Fire

In 1919, the opening ceremony of Case College, Cambridge, welcomed a Jewish student named Abraham. He excelled at running and became famous after participating in the Tour des Schools Challenge in Cambridge. However, his Jewish identity made him suffer from racial prejudice, so he was bent on winning the gold medal in the Olympic 100 meters as a way to fight racial prejudice. Another sprinter is Eleklide from the Sogra Heights, who is extremely talented in running, while he himself is a devout Christian who believes that his talent comes from God, that he is running for God. At the 1923 National Games, the two youths met in a narrow strip, and Elicrid eventually won the championship. Abraham hired a professional coach to guide him and prepare for the Olympics.

When the 1924 Olympics in Paris approached, Elekind learned that the 100-meter qualification was held on Sunday, and as a Christian, he strictly adhered to the doctrine that "you must not work on the Sabbath", and finally decided to withdraw from the 100-meter race. On the other hand, Abraham had to face not only the mighty American star, but also his own heart.

Go ahead

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

1983 – Moving forward

Running Brave

Set against the backdrop of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, this is the story of Indian track and field athletes winning gold medals. The film is based on a true story. Billy Mills, an American Indian from South Dakota, overcame many difficulties at the urging of his coach to defeat his opponent Ron Clark on the Tokyo Olympics to win the 10,000-meter run. Unlike other adaptations full of plots, this legend of Billy Mills seems more realistic, basically restoring his victory over prejudice, pain, and victory over himself.

Heroic Mission

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

1985 — Heroic Mission

On the Edge

The film is a sports film about a cross-country runner, about a forty-four-year-old long-distance runner who, after twenty years of making a comeback, practiced hard to participate in the Silohai cross-country race, known as "America's hardest race", and won the final glory.

Forrest Gump

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

1993 — Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump

Born shortly after the end of World War II in a small town in the southern U.S. state of Alabama, Forrest Gump was born mentally handicapped and had an IQ of only 75, yet his mother was a strong woman who often encouraged Forrest Gump to "be a fool and a fool" and asked him to be self-reliant. Forrest Gump goes to school like a normal child and meets jenny (Robin Wright Pan), a lifelong friend and beloved, and under the love of Jenny and her mother, Forrest Gump begins a lifelong non-stop running with the "scud legs" given by God.

Apu is on the heels

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

1997 — Apu canonical biography


Born in Oregon, USA, although he was snubbed in many sports competitions due to his short stature, he found self-confidence in running, and was later appreciated and trained by the famous coach Bill Bowman (one of the founders of "Negi"), and repeatedly set a number of American long-distance running records, becoming a household hero. In 1972, at the age of 21, Arp represented the United States at the Munich Olympics, but for some reason missed the opportunity to win gold. The strong Arp was strong enough to face the eyes of the crowd and started again, ready to face the 1976 Montreal Olympics.


Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

1998 – Never Ending

Without Limits

Steve has a great talent in running, and many coaches want to include him but have been rejected, because, in the arrogant steve's heart, only the legendary track and field coach Bill is qualified to be his "master", and after some twists and turns, Steve finally became Bill's right-hand man.

After Bill's unique and rigorous training, Steve has made great progress. Later, he met a beautiful girl named Marie on campus, and the two fell in love. In a competitive competition, the fledgling Steve finished in fourth place, and just when Bill and Marie were happy for him, Steve announced that he was going to end his career because his fragile self-esteem could not bear the blow of not being able to get the first place.


Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

1998 — Patience


The film follows the life of one of the greatest athletes in athletics history to date, Gebresilasier.

Gebresirasiyer was born in Arsi, a poor province in central Ethiopia, but is also the cradle of the world's famous middle-distance runners. Inspired by the brilliant achievements of his predecessors, Gebresillasier quickly grew into a star in the middle and long distance running, winning the gold medals in the 5,000 meters and 10,000 meters of the World Youth Championships in 1992.

Gebresilathe has been breaking world records in his career.

He has won the World Championships in the 10,000 meters four times since 1993 and remains unbeaten. Between 1994 and 2000, 15 times set 10,000 meters indoor and outdoor world records. He is the first player since 1978 to hold both the 5,000m and 10,000m world records. He was also the first runner to score 13 points in the 5,000 meters and 27 points in the 10,000 meters. After the 2000 Sydney Olympics, Gebresillasier moved to the marathon. On September 30, 2007, he set a world record for a men's marathon of 2 hours, 4 minutes and 26 seconds. On September 28, 2008, Gebrysilasier broke the marathon world record again with 2 hours, 3 minutes and 59 seconds, and achieved the berlin marathon triple crown.

Small shoes

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

1999 — Little Shoes

Children of Heaven

Ali, a boy from a poor family, accidentally lost his shoes when he helped his sister Zahra get repaired shoes, and in order not to be punished by his parents, he begged Zahra to keep it a secret for the time being, saying that the two could replace him and wear his shoes to school, and promised to buy her a new pair of shoes.

Ali had hoped to use the money he and his father earned to work in the city to help Zahra buy a new pair of shoes, but his father's accidental injury dispelled his dream. When he saw that the prize for the third place in the city-wide run was a pair of sneakers, Ali decided to participate in the race, but he missed the registration date. After several pleadings, the teacher made an exception and let ali, who was highly skilled, participate in the competition. On the field, Ali kept reminding himself that he must finish third!

Towards the top

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2000 – Towards the pinnacle

The Long Run

Marathon coach Berry, because he could not win the race many years ago, so Berry pinned all his hopes on a very talented female runner Christine, Christine was tired of Berry's life without other goals than racing, and wanted to leave Berry several times. After several twists and turns, Christine finally participated in the Peer Marathon, defeating the previous champion as a dark horse and winning the first black female marathon championship.

St. Ralph

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2005 — St. Ralph

Saint Ralph

It's the story of a 14-year-old boy who believes he can do wonders. The boy's father died and his mother was in a coma in the hospital, and it seemed that only a miracle could revive him. He longed for miracles. A long-distance running punishment made him fall in love with the sport and was convinced that if he could complete an impossible task, such as winning the Boston Marathon, he would be able to wake up his mother. Although in the end he was only one step away from the championship, he won the respect of his teacher and classmates, won the hot kiss of the girl he loved, and won the miraculous awakening of his mother. Miracles happen every day.

My marathon

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2005 — My Marathon


From the outside, Chu Yuan, who likes zebras and chocolates, is no different from children of the same age, the same lively and cute, and attractive. But he was diagnosed with autism, and his mother Kyung-sook fainted in despair when she heard the news.

After that, in order to reduce the impact of the disease on the child, the mother invested a lot of effort and asked the coach to train her son to run, hoping that he could run and play the whole marathon.

With the passage of time, Chu Yuan grew into a 20-year-old boy, but his intelligence was still at the level of a 5-year-old child. He would respect his brother as a teacher, and when he heard the music, he danced without distinction as to the occasion or place, but all this did not affect his goal, and with the support and encouragement of his mother and mentor, he continued to run towards the champion of the marathon.

Barefoot Kifon

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2006 — Barefoot Kifon

Barefoot Gi Bong

Ki-fung and his mother live side by side in a beautiful and peaceful small village in the south, the village is right by the sea, and the road in the village is the trajectory of Ki-fung's daily life. Ki-fung is forty years old and helps out with some work in the back kitchen of a small restaurant in the village. After a day's work, after the boss gave him this meager reward, Ji Feng always ran home along the village road to deliver the dishes to his mother. Ji Feng felt very satisfied with this life, he ran like this every day, barefoot, and people could see him running around there every day. The villagers called him "Kifon barefoot".

Ji Feng is very filial, and his mother is almost his whole world. Mom's teeth are almost gone, it is very inconvenient to eat, and her health is not good. In order to let her mother put on a pair of dentures, Ji Feng participated in the national long-distance running competition. His training was almost life-for-life, just because his elderly mother was at home waiting for his triumphant return. This eldest boy whose intelligence remained forever at the age of eight became his mother's only reliance.

Marathon spirit

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2007 — The Spirit of The Marathon

Spirit of the Marathon

From New York to Illinois, director Jon Dunham used footage to document the journeys of five 2005 Chicago Marathon runners. Elite runner Deena Kastor, who has returned from injury, and Daniel Njenga, a Kenyan runner who is determined to win the championship, share their own long-distance running path with three amateur runners in the film, presenting a 42-kilometer journey of hope, trepidation, sweat and tears. This first fully illustrated documentary on the history and spirit of marathons takes us into the world of runners and understands the true meaning behind marathons, a sport with "life-changing" power.


Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2007 — Marathon


The little boy with autism, Shotaro, is innocent and cute, very cute, no different from other children of the same age. Until one day, her mother, Qingjiang, discovered this news that seemed like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. The mother, who is difficult to face reality, has a heart that never gives up, and she does not admit defeat. Slowly, Haruo discovers Shotaro's unusual talent, and his son performs beyond ordinary people when running. Harue took his son and began the daily practice.

For many years, Qingjiang accompanied his son and never gave up. Finally, Shotaro grew into a handsome boy who was pure and frank. Harue met the famous marathon runner Yoji Noguchi through the introduction of Aanae, a magazine reporter who came to cover the autism facility. At Harue's pleas, Yoji agrees to be Shotaro's marathon coach. From not understanding or accepting, to the tacit understanding and trust that gradually developed, the two began to practice continuously to participate in the marathon.

Run for life

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2008 — Running for Life

run for your life

See how Fred Lebow, a crazy and pompous first-generation Jewish immigrant, realized the crazy idea of rallying people to jog in the crisis-ridden Bronx district of New York, and how he slowly pushed such a small event onto the world stage and became today's "New York Marathon". The documentary features long-distance runners Alberto Salazar and Grete Waitz to recount the fascinating history of New York road running and how a small person used imagination, determination and passion for running to create the world's most popular road running event, the New York Marathon.

One-man Olympics

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2008 — One Man Olympics

The One Man Olympics

On the eve of the "918" incident, Liu Changchun was a student at Northeastern University, practicing sprinting under the guidance of a German coach, and after the incident, he returned to his hometown of Dalian. Liu Changchun witnessed the current situation of the motherland where mountains and rivers were broken, and he never gave up training, determined to one day win glory for the country, and his approach was supported by his wife Jiang Xiuzhen. Puppet Manchuria under the control of the Japanese Kou wanted him to represent "Manchukuo" in the Olympic Games, and Liu Changchun, who had sworn to die as a traitor, escaped from pursuit and fled to Beiping, where he wanted to represent China in the Olympic Games. However, the Nationalist government refused his request on the grounds of "insufficient funds", and in desperation, he asked for help from Zhang Xueliang, the former president of Northeastern University, who funded him with 8,000 oceans to encourage Liu Changchun, who had the dream of a strong country, to go to the United States to participate in the tenth Summer Olympic Games. At the entrance ceremony, Liu Changchun, who represented 40,000 compatriots on the expedition, came...

Strong wind blowing

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2009 — Strong winds blow

The wind is blowing hard.

Shofu Kurahara, who had just been admitted to Kuansho University, arrived in Kyoto and met the extremely enthusiastic senior Kiyose Ashiko. Introduced by Ash Ii, Fujiwara moved into a cheap student dormitory, Takeruso. However, he seems to have fallen into the trap set by Gray II. It turned out that Takeo Wassho was also the headquarters of the Land Athletics Department of Kuansho University, and Kurahara unknowingly became a member of the Athletics Department. Ash suffered a right leg injury more than two years ago, and he has always been eager to enter the Hakone Marathon. To this end, he looked around for alumni with outstanding qualifications, in addition to Fujiwara, there were also the funny brothers Taro and Jiro, the repeating king Nick, the senior student of the Faculty of Law, Yukihiko, the manga otaku prince, the guess king, the African student Musa, and the prodigy. These 10 young people with different personalities twisted into a rope and ran at full speed for the common goal in their hearts...

Soul Runner

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2013 — Soul Runner

Bhaag Milkha Bhaag

In 1960, in the athletics field of the Rome Olympic Games, Miha Singh, the world record holder of the 400-meter race, stood on the starting line, shouldering the responsibility of winning the first gold medal in the event for his native India. And while people cheer and shout, few people can thoroughly look back at the ups and downs of Miha's life that has grown up along the way. In 1954, Miha enlisted in the army and was first exposed to 400-meter athletics. Ignorant of the world, he ran towards the sacred national team uniform. And with the fire, love and affection, this athletic man will carry more things that cannot be thrown away when running on the field of major events. A legend of a man, a record of an era...


Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2015 — McFarland


Based on a true story from 1987, the film tells the story of a white coach who comes to an agricultural town with mostly Hispanic residents, overcomes social pressures and his own psychological obstacles in order to make progress in sports in the high school where he works, and finally sends the track and field team to the championship throne

Four minutes

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2005 — four minutes

Four Minutes

Roger Bannister, a former outstanding student majoring in medicine at Oxford University, ran a four-minute run in a one-mile race at a national collegiate athletic meeting. After discovering his talent in this area, he also found a good coach, combined with his hard training, and achieved good results in the major competitions that followed. Later, in a national games competition, Roger played well, running into four minutes, breaking the British national record with 3 minutes 59 seconds 4/10 of the time, but also breaking the world record.


Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2011 — Frontrunner

<h1 class = "ql-align-center" > face maker</h1>

"Front Runners" focuses on the special group of runners in the marathon race, who have the same physical fitness and technical essentials as the athletes, but their existence is not to create good results, let alone to reach the podium, but to use their own sweat to inspire the participating athletes to complete the 42.195km long schedule. The front runner symbolizes silent dedication, helping others to achieve honor, but keeping the bitter sweat to themselves. The film no longer uses the contestants themselves as the object of portrayal, but focuses on the often overlooked frontrunners, showing the bitter and ironic fate of these special athletes who are doomed to be unable to participate in the whole process.

The loneliest long-distance runner

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > 1976 — the loneliest long-distance runner


<h1 class="ql-align-center">The Loneliest Runner</h1>

This film has a long history, many people have seen it, many people may not have seen it, it is a very educational film! In 1976, the documentary produced in the United States has a certain era and history, and the picture quality picture is not so clear, which can be said to be an old film series!

In this way, the protagonist of the film became a long-distance runner, standing out in the marathon competition of the Olympic Games, far away from the second place to win the championship! In the anticipation of all, won a precious gold medal for the country!

Sarah would rather run

Recommend 25 classic running movies, from documentary romance to feature film McFarland페이스 메이커1976 – The Loneliest Runner

2013 — Sarah would rather run

Sarah prefers running

Sarah (Sophie DesMalay) is a young middle-distance runner. She was given the opportunity to leave her hometown in Quebec and join the best university athletes club in the province of Montreal, and her life took a turn for the worse. Sarah's mother did not have the financial means to finance her daughter's opportunity, and she was particularly concerned that her daughter's health and life would be affected. Determined, Sarah, accompanied by her friend Antoine (Jean-Sébanstein Kurchen), leaves her hometown. The two naively tried to use marriage to apply for larger bank loans and government subsidies. However, at the age of 20, they cannot afford the weight of marriage... Although Sarah didn't want to hurt anyone because of her decision, she chose to exercise.

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