
Congratulations to Li Xiaopeng! Luo Guofu apologized to the Chinese Football Association, and Jiang Guangtai said that he would keep a clean sheet on Japan

As we all know, the national football team has all flown to Japan and is currently training outside the Saitama Stadium, and the three naturalized players Jiang Guangtai, Alan and Luo Guofu have also officially returned to the team to participate in training. According to the plan, the national football team will challenge Japan away on January 27. And this game is a crucial game for the national football team, winning Japan, the national football team will continue to maintain the hope of play-offs, and if it loses to Japan, the national football team will completely lose the opportunity to qualify. The great war is imminent, but the national football team has sent out a discordant message.

Congratulations to Li Xiaopeng! Luo Guofu apologized to the Chinese Football Association, and Jiang Guangtai said that he would keep a clean sheet on Japan

Previously, naturalized players Luo Guofu, Alain and Ferrando suffered flight delays in the process of returning to the team, so they could only stay at amsterdam airport in the Netherlands for nearly 1 day, and Luo Guofu, who was eager to return to the team, sent out photos of several people resting in the airport waiting hall on his personal social platform, pointing the spearhead directly at the Chinese Football Association, angrily spraying the football association's organizational ability and disrespect for naturalized players. And some fans who do not know the truth have also criticized the Football Association. At present, the truth of this incident has been revealed, not because there is a problem with the ARRANGEMENT OF the Football Association, but because the flight was temporarily cancelled, which caused the naturalized players to stay at the airport. After learning the truth of the matter, Luo Guofu also deleted the Weibo at the first time and apologized. Luo Guofu said that he was very anxious at that time, did not fully understand the truth of the facts and accused the FOOTBALL Association, which was very unfair to the Football Association, and he solemnly apologized to the Football Association.

Congratulations to Li Xiaopeng! Luo Guofu apologized to the Chinese Football Association, and Jiang Guangtai said that he would keep a clean sheet on Japan

Luo Guofu's apology has finally calmed down a storm in the national football team, and now all the international footballers can devote themselves wholeheartedly to the game. On the afternoon of January 25, before the start of the national football training, the naturalized players also accepted an interview with the media, Jiang Guangtai said that he had been training in Dubai before and was in good shape, and when it came to the goal of playing against the Japanese team, Jiang Guangtai was full of confidence, he said that the goal was very simple, hoping that this game could be a clean sheet for Japan. Earlier, li Xiaopeng, the head coach of the national football team, also said in an interview that he would give an explanation to the fans across the country.

Congratulations to Li Xiaopeng! Luo Guofu apologized to the Chinese Football Association, and Jiang Guangtai said that he would keep a clean sheet on Japan

According to the report of Beijing Youth Daily, in the second battle between the national football team and Japan, Li Xiaopeng will not blindly shrink the defense like When Li Tie first played against Japan, and it is likely that he will adopt a three-center-back system to cope with the battle. In addition, the 46-year-old Li Xiaopeng is more calm and his emotional intelligence is higher. In terms of attitude towards naturalized players, Li Xiaopeng is also different from Li Tie, Li Xiaopeng has great trust in the ability of naturalized players, and naturalized players may be reused by Li Xiaopeng. It is a pity that Luo Guofu has accumulated two yellow cards in previous matches and has no chance to play in Japan. In the second battle between the national football team and Japan, only jiang Guangtai and Alan two naturalized players can play, and it is very difficult for the national football team to defeat or draw with Japan. In any case, I hope that the national football team can go all out to play this game.

Congratulations to Li Xiaopeng! Luo Guofu apologized to the Chinese Football Association, and Jiang Guangtai said that he would keep a clean sheet on Japan

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