
Why are the three Zhuge Liang brothers, who were born in the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu, but why are they called "Dragon Tiger Dogs"?

author:Foresee history

At different times in history, due to different eras and different ideas, even brothers may go to two completely different paths, such examples abound, like the famous Zhuge Three Brothers in the Three Kingdoms period, they parted ways and were born in the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu.

The eldest brother Zhuge Jin served as a general in Eastern Wu, the second brother Zhuge Liang served as a chancellor in Shu Han, and the youngest Zhuge Sheng served as a general in Cao Wei. Here it needs to be said that the first two are brothers, the latter Zhuge Shi is their clan brother, at that time some people said "Shu de its dragon, Wu de its tiger, Wei de its dog", what does this mean?

Why are the three Zhuge Liang brothers, who were born in the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu, but why are they called "Dragon Tiger Dogs"?

1. Dragon and Tiger Brothers

1. "Tiger Brother" Zhuge Jin

Zhuge Jin was born in 174 AD, in his early years he once went to Luoyang to study, and later when the world was in chaos, in order to avoid disasters, he arrived in Jiangdong with his family, when a relative of Sun Quan called Hongzhi met Zhuge Jin by chance, found that this person was very talented, so he recommended him to be an official, in the early stage he and Lu Su served as guests, and later became Sun Quan's Changshi, Sima Zhong, and other positions, becoming one of the staff.

In 215, Sun Quan sent him as an envoy to Liu Bei, and met with his younger brother Zhuge Liang in Liu Bei's military camp, and neither of them even talked about family affairs, but only talked about official affairs, which was greatly admired, after which Zhuge Jin took the initiative to draw a clear line with Zhuge Liang and was loyal to Sun Wu.

Zhuge Jin's own personality is graceful and generous, grand and slow, even the lord Gongsun Quan also respects him very much, basically any big and small state affairs will ask his opinion, Zhuge Jin also lived up to expectations, every time whether it is to give advice, or plan, it is just right, not much to say and not to do much.

At that time, Sun Quan wanted to punish Yin Mo, who was a lieutenant, for one thing, and many people interceded, which made Sun Quan even more irritable and angry, he looked around, only Zhuge Jin was present and did not speak, Sun Quan was more curious, so he asked why.

Zhuge Jin said: "I have the same background as Yin Mo, both fled from other places to Jiangdong, relying on the master's perfection to get today, now we can not supervise each other, serve the lord, but let Yin Mo make mistakes, live up to the favor of the lord, in my opinion I am also guilty, I can not speak."

Sun Quan felt very emotional after hearing this, so he pardoned Yin Mo, which is probably Zhuge Jin's style, everything gives people the feeling of spring breeze, and later he was a very popular subject in Eastern Wu, and he achieved the position of Taifu and Great General, saying that it was the tiger of Zhuge Family, which was not excessive.

Why are the three Zhuge Liang brothers, who were born in the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu, but why are they called "Dragon Tiger Dogs"?

2. "Wolong" Zhuge Liang

Whether it is the title of "Wolong" or the name of Zhuge Liang himself, it must be very familiar to every friend, Zhuge Liang was born in 181 AD, 7 years younger than his brother Zhuge Jin.

About Zhuge Liang's life experience, in fact, there is no need to say too much, here we talk about Zhuge Liang is little known, or is not very much mentioned, Zhuge Liang recognized as an outstanding politician, military expert, in fact, his achievements in calligraphy, painting, music and other aspects are also very high.

Zhuge Liang was very good at painting and writing, although it was not a rare level in the world, but the calligraphy works were also very valuable for collection, and it is said that Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty privately collected Zhuge Liang's cursive "Far-Reaching Thesis".

In the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Yanyuan mentioned in the "Records of Famous Paintings of Past Dynasties": "Zhuge Wuhou's father and son are good at painting", which is not low, and zhuge liang and Cai Yong, Yang Xiu, Huan Fan, Xu Mi and others are also called the model of calligraphy and painting in the Han and Wei dynasties.

In terms of music, Zhuge Liang was particularly proficient in the seven-stringed qin and the stone qin, not only playing, but also building the qin, and later generations of music theory "Qin Jing" were passed down.

Why are the three Zhuge Liang brothers, who were born in the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu, but why are they called "Dragon Tiger Dogs"?

Second, the reason for The "dog" of Zhuge Zhiwei

1. Justify the name of the "dog"

Looking at the classics, we will find that Zhuge Liang out of Shi Shu Han, Zhuge Jin out of Shi Dong Wu, Zhuge Birth out of Shi Cao Wei, the three of them are called Zhuge family's "dragon and tiger dog", the earliest source of this statement is in the "World Speaks New Language", dragon and tiger needless to say, whether it is now or in ancient times, as long as it is used in people, it must be a positive word.

But everyone will be curious, saying that Zhuge Birthday is a "dog", is this not clear whether it is a curse? In fact, this is a misunderstanding in the understanding of many friends, and the word "dog" used in Zhuge Birthday is also a positive word itself.

According to the ancient book "Erya Shi Beast", "Bear, tiger ugly." His son, the dog, is absolutely powerful", what does it mean? "Ugly" is the meaning of the class, let's talk about the fierce animals such as bears and tigers, which are called "dogs" when they are young, which is equivalent to the meaning of "cubs" in our modern Chinese.

In addition, Guo Pu once said, "The law is known: catch a tiger, buy three thousand, and half of its dog." What does this mean? It is a tiger can be exchanged for 3000 yuan, if it is the tiger's "dog", then the price can only give 1500 yuan, the "dog" here is also the meaning of the little tiger.

Therefore, to sum up, to say that Zhuge Shi is a "dog", this is definitely not to scold him, but to praise him as a young and powerful figure, and it is true that Zhuge Shi is one of the "four wisdoms and eight masters" called xiahou Xuan, and his style is not bad and fascinating.

Why are the three Zhuge Liang brothers, who were born in the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu, but why are they called "Dragon Tiger Dogs"?

2. I have my own feelings of justice in my heart, and I do not lose the consistent style of the Zhuge family

In the middle and late period of Cao Wei, when the Sima family rose and gradually overshadowed the emperor, Jia Chong was ordered to explore Zhuge Shi's attitude, Jia Chong said: "Now most of the sages and scholars are looking forward to being able to make the monarch, what do you think? ”

Zhuge Shi said very seriously, "Are you a member of the Jia clan in Yuzhou?" Your family has been favored by Wei for generations, but now they are plotting against you, is this still human? If there is such a day, I will definitely repay the country with death, and I will never steal my life. Jia Chong couldn't say anything after listening to it.

Later, after Sima Zhao learned of this, he ordered Zhuge Zhao to enter the palace to see him, and Zhuge Zhao knew that Sima Zhao did not have any good intentions, and if he went like this, he designated that there was no good fruit to eat, so he resolutely rebelled against the Sima family in the Huainan region.

In this way, the two sides stopped and stopped, and in the end, Zhuge Shi failed, but his spirit and temperament influenced future generations for hundreds of years. From this point of view, it is fully proved that Zhuge Shi is a person with family and country feelings and a full sense of justice, so he is called "young tiger" and "young bear", which Dahui believes is not excessive, and can even be said to be very appropriate, what do you think of this?

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