
The unfortunate man heals childhood all his life, but there are still people who pour salt on his wounds

The unfortunate man heals childhood all his life, but there are still people who pour salt on his wounds

Mu Ying reads and raises children

0-12 years old

Children's books are recommended | the major languages | family education

Text | Mu Ying

This article was written at one o'clock in the morning, insomnia. Because of a strange child who has been paying attention lately.

On the morning of the 24th, I opened my mobile phone, and the first news I saw was "giggling": the 15-year-old family-seeking teenager Liu Xuezhou died. Suicide by taking medication! Because after searching for relatives on the Internet, he was blocked by his biological mother, and then encountered An Internet violence.

The unfortunate man heals childhood all his life, but there are still people who pour salt on his wounds

In recent times, I have often brushed up on the news about him, and the impression is that this child has always been smiling, even if he has an indelible scar in his childhood, even if he has been abandoned for a second time after finding his birth mother, he has always faced the world with a smile.

But after his death, his family and friends said he had suffered from depression and had taken antidepressant medication for a year.

As a person who has been in close contact with people with depression, I understand the kind of pain that is displayed to others in the sun, hidden in a thousand holes.

Depression is a person's internal attack, attacking himself, but not tolerating hurting others, not wanting to die...

It was all too sudden, and suddenly the teenager left a long message to say goodbye to the world.

Ma Tianyu's Weibo made me read empathy and resentment, yes, who can be sober at the age of 15? Not to mention a child full of childhood trauma!

The words of the individual psychologist Adler must have been heard by everyone: "Happy people are cured by childhood all their lives, and unfortunate people are curing childhood all their lives." ”

If a person should have the ability to resist the trivial and invisible pressures from the outside world, at least this person should have a childhood that is enough to heal him!

I don't know if you have ever come into contact with such people, they are like a small sun from the heart full of strength, no matter what kind of hardships and blows, will face it calmly and openly.

A child who has been loved by his parents since childhood is strong and solid in his heart, like growing a thick tree, even if he encounters injustice and twists and turns in his future life, he will have a firm dependence in his heart.

The unfortunate man heals childhood all his life, but there are still people who pour salt on his wounds

On the contrary, the example of the lack of love in childhood, such as Liu Xuezhou's short life experience of more than ten years, let me see the sadness of the lack of love of parents, and all efforts to heal childhood will be defeated in an instant.

But the fault of all this is definitely not in Liu Xuezhou! He has done a great job, but it is my sadness to let him punish himself for the fault of his biological parents and the fault of the Internet thugs.

So far, I have also seen a lot of voices from a legal point of view, hoping that the prosecution can prosecute Liu Xuezhou's parents' abandonment and abduction as soon as possible.

Whether those who have spoken ill of Liu Xuezhou constitute the crime of defamation, they should also collect evidence and be severely punished by the law!

However, the reality is so embarrassing, those people locked their accounts, deleted their own messages, and the road to proof is difficult. Even who will sue, with the child's death, it is difficult to find a suitable subject in the legal sense.

To borrow a quote from The Paper:

The door of the law was too narrow to accommodate Liu Xuezhou's suffering; the door of heaven was too wide to let this unfortunate child step in early.

Taking this as a warning, I also want to give a few words to different people:

Tell my child:

A good word is warm in three winters, and a bad word hurts people in June. Language can be a weapon, and weapons are directed at the enemy. Language can become strength, strength to warm strangers who need help. Language can reflect a person's cultivation, and we must all be cultivated and tutored people.

The unfortunate man heals childhood all his life, but there are still people who pour salt on his wounds

Gifts to Parents:

Please be kind to the man you give life to, who is an independent person, not a commodity, not a vassal. Love is the foundation of education and is the whole of it.

Gifted to Liu Xuezhou:

If there is an afterlife, I wish you to be born in a loving family with a thick tree growing in your heart, which is the strength given to you by your parents and accompanies you in a new life of happiness and peace!

The unfortunate man heals childhood all his life, but there are still people who pour salt on his wounds
The unfortunate man heals childhood all his life, but there are still people who pour salt on his wounds

I'm Pooh's mom Mu Ying

Family education instructor, children's book promoter, love big language

Published work "How to Cultivate Independent, Kind, Powerful Girls"

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