
The all-star selection is stable! Morant: That's what I deserve, and I work hard for that

The all-star selection is stable! Morant: That's what I deserve, and I work hard for that

In the previously released All-Star third round vote statistics, Morant ranked second in the Western Conference backcourt, behind Curry.

Speaking about the high probability of going to the All-Star Game this year, Morant said, "I deserve it, I worked hard to earn this opportunity, I worked hard for it, that's how I want to get into the All-Star Game, I don't want to make up for the All-Star Game." ”

Lillard eventually withdrew due to injury during last year's All-Star Game, when Morant had a chance to make a comeback to become an All-Star, but eventually Booker replaced Lillard for the All-Star Game.

(Basket Zhao)

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