
Sprouts – Is something missing?

author:Woodcutters talk


Come to think of it, it's been more than twenty years since this happened.

It was still dark and I was awakened by a rapid knock at the door. Teacher, do you care? Opening the door, Ju's mother asked with a split head. What happened to Biao? I was stunned.

Ju, sixteen years old, the secretary of the regiment branch, has excellent grades, and a bright smile like a peach blossom in March.

Biao, the squad leader, sixteen years old, an individual of one meter and seventy, not only learns baseball, but also a fierce player on the basketball court. His name is Biao, in fact, he can also be called Biao (Peugeot), and his figure always attracts the attention of girls. I heard that a few girls were secretly writing letters to him, but he was indifferent. Good boy, not bad.

In late spring, the sun shines on the rape flowers, the warm wind blows, the layers of gold are spread, and the butterflies dance among the flowers. Ju and Biao came to my office and suddenly noticed that there was something strange about their eyes, and they didn't pay much attention at the time. Looking at the back of their departure, I even wondered, should a seed have a suitable environment and soil? Without thinking too much, let's observe again, or go with the flow.

At ten o'clock in the evening, after checking the bed, I went to the classroom as usual to urge some of the students who were still reading to rest. Didn't see Kiku and Biao. The students told me they had been walking for about ten minutes and mysteriously asked me to go to the river to have a look.

What's going on? I walked out of the school gate toward the river that ran around the campus. A bright moon hung in the sky, and the silver moonlight sprinkled the ground. The croaking of frogs in the paddy fields. The mountains in the distance are gray, and the river beneath your feet is flowing quietly. Suddenly, I noticed two backs sitting on the embankment facing the flowing water, a bit like Ju and Biao. Without alarming them, I crouched under the roots of the wall. After a few minutes, they got up and left one after the other. I followed them until they each walked into the bedroom and seemed to play a very disgraceful role. At this time, the students in the class all fell asleep. Look at the time: 10:40.

Soon, the story of Ju and Biao also rippled like a spring breeze in the class. Ju's mother also knew about this. After communicating with Ju's mother, I held a theme class meeting in the class: What are the conditions needed to improve learning? Encouraging students to speak freely and emphasizing unity and harmonious classmate relations is an environment conducive to everyone's learning and progress. This matter has passed like this, the negative impact in the class is not great, and Ju and Biao's academic performance has not collapsed.

So, why did Kiku's mother come here? Ju's mother told me that Biao was not allowed to associate with Ju again, and there was no lack of indignation after talking about the original end of the matter. It turned out that another female classmate in the class, Mei, was in the same village as Ju, and due to family difficulties, her father was ill at home, and she had the idea of dropping out of school and went home. Because I was busy, I asked Biao to ask two classmates to invite Mei back to school.

I see. The "curse" arose because of me, and if I hadn't asked Biao to call Mei back to school, it wouldn't have happened. She defines what she has heard about Ju and Biao as falling in love, and her logic is that since she is in love, she must be single-minded, so she is not allowed to interact with Ju, so she asks the teacher to manage Guan Biao.

Next, I will communicate with her about what the child's task is at this stage, how parents and teachers can grasp the interaction between male and female classmates, and so on. It's okay. After graduation, Ju and Biao were admitted to the ideal secondary school respectively, and then joined the work, at that time it was a unified enrollment and recruitment, and then they did walk together, came to the school, and told me that that moon night, on the river embankment, they were talking about what school to take after graduation. I believe.

It's a true story, and it should be nearly thirty years. Writing this story is not in this true story itself. Stepping into the threshold of youth, the inner stirring of those young boys and girls is perfectly normal, as parents as teachers pay attention to and care for them, is there something missing? We can't avoid this kind of excitement, we can't escape, what we should do is to face the problem: neither can we simply and rudely treat it, cast a shadow on a pure and beautiful relationship, nor can it be easily defined as a label. What is necessary is to guide and grasp the degree well.

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