
Huawei maverick, second-hand phones continue to be new, netizens: value determines the price!

Huawei has always been a maverick manufacturer, in the past few years, when domestic mobile phone manufacturers are frantically stacking materials, Huawei has opened a self-research road, and actively support domestic accessories, especially the screen is used very much.

Although the quality of the domestic screen at the beginning is not particularly strong, thanks to excellent optimization and huawei and other aspects of the support, but also let its development speed accelerate, and the quality is getting better and better, but also let the user experience become very good.

But unfortunately, today's Huawei mobile phones have been restricted, not only there are problems in the supply, but there is no way to release 5G new machines and meet with everyone, it is almost two years from now, is there really no way?

Huawei maverick, second-hand phones continue to be new, netizens: value determines the price!

Huawei's second-hand phones are online and continuously updated

Last year, in order to make its own products sell better and allow users to experience Huawei products, Huawei directly launched Huawei's second-hand mobile phones, not only launched a lot of new 5G machines, but also brought a lot of models that are not particularly outdated.

You know, Huawei's officially certified second-hand mobile phones are not the same as distributors, in addition to the very high price, they have also been strictly controlled, and each official second-hand mobile phone is equipped with a new battery, equipped with a new HarmonyOS 2 system, providing a one-year warranty.

It looks very attractive, and at the same time, Huawei's second-hand mobile phone is still in a new stage, and in the recent period, it has been on the Huawei P40, Huawei P40 Pro and Huawei Nova7 Pro three second-hand models.

Huawei maverick, second-hand phones continue to be new, netizens: value determines the price!

What needs to be understood is that these three mobile phone products have been officially removed from the shelves before, that is to say, at present, it is impossible to buy a new machine, and if you want to choose, there may only be a second-hand phone type, which is also a problem left over by the development of the times.

And these three new machines are equipped with Kirin 990 5G chips, Kirin 985 5G chips, priced at 2799 yuan, and then the price of Huawei P40 came to the price of 3999 yuan, almost very close to the starting price.

It is precisely because of the price problem that it has caused a very large complaint in the market, and it can even be said that this time the new one has indeed caused heated discussion, and it feels that in this regard of the second mobile phone, it is really not easy to do.

Huawei maverick, second-hand phones continue to be new, netizens: value determines the price!

Netizens have their own opinions

After this new, some netizens said that the value determines the price of the product itself, because the current Huawei mobile phone is indeed very rare, not to mention that the 5G version of the model is almost non-existent, which also leads to the price of its second mobile phone is very high.

What's more, until now, the Hongmeng OS system has not been accepted by other manufacturers, and only Huawei mobile phones can be used, which is also the key to the improvement of the competitive value of second-hand mobile phones, after all, the Hongmeng system can be used.

However, some netizens said that the price is very expensive, and it is really difficult to show real strength compared with the models near the same price point, and it is difficult to compete with it.

Huawei maverick, second-hand phones continue to be new, netizens: value determines the price!

Take the Kirin 990 5G processor equipped with Huawei's P40 series, if compared with the Snapdragon 778G processor, then in the CPU part because of the A78 architecture used by the Snapdragon 778G, compared with the A76 architecture of the Kirin 990, the IPC performance is increased by more than 20%, so the CPU performance of the Snapdragon 778G will be stronger.

However, in the GPU part, the Kirin 990 is leading the Snapdragon 778G with LPPR4X memory at about 10%, even in the face of the Snapdragon 778G with LPDDR5 memory, the Kirin 990 can lead about 5%.

However, the Snapdragon 778G processor is currently being delegated to the thousand-yuan market, not to mention the news that the Kirin 990 5G has been delegated to the flagship market, and this gap is still quite large.

Huawei maverick, second-hand phones continue to be new, netizens: value determines the price!

There was still a rush to buy it

But no matter how netizens question and how to complain, the purchase of the product itself can not lie, it can be said that the rush to buy the situation should be the best proof.

In this regard, some netizens said that the price was expensive, but when the user wanted to choose, he found that he was already in a state of no goods, which showed that the attractiveness of Huawei mobile phones was indeed very strong.

Otherwise, from the core configuration of the product itself, it is really difficult to produce a particularly strong attraction, after all, the new machines are very strong now, just for the brand and system to choose the model, it is indeed more difficult.

Huawei maverick, second-hand phones continue to be new, netizens: value determines the price!

Write at the end

There may be many users who feel that buying such models is to pay IQ tax, but due to well-known reasons, Huawei at this stage has actually lost the ability to iterate on chips, coupled with the blessing of the Hongmeng OS system, the attractiveness of the product itself has become very powerful. So, what do you think about this matter, welcome to leave a message, like, share.

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